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Miss Pack, Miss Demeanor, Miss Terious...Who's Next?

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First, neverborn really don't need that.

Second, the "miss" models are unique resculpts of existing models. So which model is this you are resculpting?


Anyway. Miss Taken, alt Witch Hunter that looks like Liam Neeson.

Miss Direction, alt Cassandra (I can't think of another option for a "magician's assistant" mini?)

Miss Management, alt Governor's Proxy

Miss Trial, Single Female Lawyer in World's Shortiest Skirt (aka alt Myranda)

Miss Sing, alt Performer

That's all I can think of....

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Given the current alts floating around, I would say it's time for either Arcanists or Neverborn to get some alt-action.

In terms of Arcanist models to riff off: December Acolyte, Gunsmith, Performer, Mannequin, Silent One, and Union Miners.

Of those I'd agitate for a Miss-Silent-One, because they're rare 2 with only one sculpt, or Mannequins, because everyone needs Joss-in-a-tutu for when they replace the enemy master.

In terms of Neverborn: Black Blood Shaman, Waldgeist, Silurids, ...

The selection here is quite weak.

The Miss-* I can come up with are:
















I'm particularly fond of Misprint and Misbehave. However, I think I'm going to call "Mis Cast, the Mannequin" or "Misspell the Silent One".

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  • 5 weeks later...
Idle curiosity regarding the next alt model with the Miss designation. Which model do you think it will be? What name do you think she'll have?

I'm in favor of Miss Informed, possibly as an Arcanist, maybe as an alt Librarian.

Miss Chevious

Miss Take

Miss Isle

Miss Ion

Miss Trial, female Lawyer

Miss Fortune

On that note (thanks to the musical stylings of Voltaire), I'd also be in favor of new Sir models. Male variants of typically female characters. Examples:

Sir Prize

Sir Pent

[I think there has been a similar thread in the past.]

+1 Miss Trial but I'd also like to see Miss Tique

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Knew a guy who was going to make his whole showgirls crew be drag queens, with 5 o'clock shadow, but he wussed out of it when painting time came around.

Thanks - I finally know what to do when I get myself a showgirls crew. ;)

I'm betting/hoping the next Miss will be Arcanist, mainly because we haven't yet seen a limited edition model for that faction. So maybe a showgirl or December Acolyte?

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