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Hit and run gameplay?


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Hello, new player here, trying to find a faction/master to pick, and I need some help.

I've played a lot of wargames/skirmish games, and the only gameplay that I like is the "hit and run" style : fast, agile, movement tricks, ranged attacks, engage/disengage, infiltrators, etc...if you know what I mean.

Aesthetically, there are so many models that I like that I'm open to any Faction/Master suggestions. So , is there a faction/master who can be played with the hit and run gameplay?

Thanks !


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While the models are beautiful, I'm not a fan of the asian theme, but thanks !

 I was just looking at the minis, and I really like the Parker barrows crew aesthetically, could it be played with the hit and run style? Really like the gunslinger vibe.


EDIT : Also really like the Von Schtook crew with the necropunks etc, nut I'm not sure it can be played with a hit and run style...or does it?

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Parker and his bandits fits the description best. They get to use their ranged attacks when they charge, so they get a move and a shoot for 1 action. Several other keywords in faction can do parts of it as well, Mercenaries can do the fast and agile, but typically use melee rather than guns, Zipp does lots of mobility tricks, and Friekorps have access to leap, Oblivion can teleport around the table (sort of).

There are other "hit and run" keywords, but most of them are less gun based and more melee based (Nephlim, Chimera, Transmortis to name a few).

But Parker seems like the best starting point for you to get an idea. 

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I know you said that you werent a fan of the Asian theme, but you may want to give the Foundry a look. They arent really "Asian," thematically they are actually one of the most diverse keywords, uniquely evenly split across 3 factions. Thanks to Ride the Rails they are very good at Hit and Run, and although they tend to be mele oriented, I like taking Kang and 3 Survivors to create a surprisingly effective gunline. 

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Von Schtook is kind of hit and run, but his models are so tanky the 'run' part is semi-optional. Also they don't have much ranged.

Wastrel (McCabe) springs to mind as hit and run. The master especially can do some massive damage just by riding over things.

If you like Ressers, Molly has some hit and run aspects to her (but she is my answer to everything ;p). But ressers thoroughly lack ranged damage, so wouldn't necessarily recommend them.

Nekima might be another option, but I'm not sure? She is a bit bad this season though.

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If you don't want Ten Thunders, then perhaps the Viktorias may fit the bill.  They have an ability to teleport to each other, which is hit-and-run'ish.  Tara may be another choice in the Outcast faction, since she has the bury mechanic.

Otherwise, perhaps Marcus in either Arcanist or Neverborn.  You can give butterfly jump to some already pretty mobile models, and if you're neverborn you can also have Scamper from upgrades.

No crew truly has hit-and-run as a dedicated mechanic in Malifaux, and that's partially because there's asymmetrical play (I may not be able to fight, but I can complete my goals and make your actions inefficient), and partially because there's a "rich gets richer" dynamic in a lot of games, where once a player acquires an advantage, it's often the best course to press relentlessly.

There are some abilities which sort of map hit-and-run, or provide similar capabilities.  And you can search for these in the app, which can let you find models (or upgrades, if you search upgrades) to find models you may like.  

Butterfly Jump


Sisters in Spirit

Seize Pray

Lair to Lair

And plenty others.  I'm too lazy to list them all.

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If you want multiple hit and run crews, I do think Outcasts is the best option. In addition to what's mentioned, you can play Levi with Scavengers teleporting and taking shots and Necropunks leaping in and out.

But as another option, in Bayou you have Kin, and especially LaCroix Raiders, plus they also have Zipp. So that's an option too.

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13 minutes ago, Regelridderen said:

Ressurs offer great mobility via Molly, Von Schmuck and Seamus - you’ll love an insane serialkilling haberdasher teleporting around with a .50 gun.

Oh, true, Seamus is the epitome of hit and run!

He can one shot over half the models in the game, but leaving him out of position for even one activation can kill him xD

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Yep that scream Seamus to me... but his keyword doesn't follow this game style. 

As already mentioned, outcast seem the way to go. You'll even have access to Necropunk if you play Levi! 

Maybe the new Syndicate Keyword in ES can embody this playstyle but I only see them in action once so I don't really know.

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Syndicate is the closest you'll find to hit and run in that faction, but it's just the Master & Totem.

Levi is very hit.... not so much on the run.


Definitely Bandit is the hittiest runniest crew in the game.

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