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Lord Cooper (Apex Keyword) Discussion


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Seemed only fair. We talked about him plenty in the Gencon thread, but compiled here we can discuss the Keyword going forward as new models, synergies, and faction upgrades are revealed.



Lord Justin Cooper

Lord Cooper, Huntmaster


Model 9



Malisaurus Rex



Crypsis Corps x2

Empyrean Eagle x2

Harpooner x2

Runaway x3

Vatagi Huntsman x3



Keyword Review by Whut



Core Box: Lord Cooper, 3 Runaways, Model 9, Artemis, and Ullr

"On The Hunt" Box: 2 Crypsis Corps and 3 Vatagi Huntsmen

"Malisaurus Rex" Box: Malisaurus Rex

"Turning Tides" Box: 2 Harpooners

???: Cooper (Beastmaster) and 3 Empyrean Eagles

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've just noticed that Model 9 has the execute trigger on :crow on his melee attack.
Combined with the Malisaurus Rex's bonus action that gives + :crow to friendly attack actions targetting ennemies within range, the stat 6 on Model 9
's melee action, and the predatory instinct ability to get a :+flip on attack for a :-flip on damage, this can be a decent combo to force a few stone/card discard to avoid the trigger's immediate death.


PS : the Ullr link above does not contain the back of this card, you can see it there : 116908315_10158700049273707_424287178761

His hold down trigger on :crow is pretty nice too btw (especially since Lord Cooper shooting action is once per activation, not per turn)

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They'll need lore, cause I doubt we'll know who they are by name and picture.  We bearly know anything about English Ivan and he's got a whole story about him already.

The other books have 3-4 stories each, and all the masters make an "appearance".  This is going to be a whole other ball of wax as we have to get the narrative feel of about 6 new people at once (maybe 5.5 with what we know about English Ivan, maybe 7-8 because we might get more Basse and/or McCabe info.... it's gonna be a mess).

I'm wicked excited either way, though.

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  • 1 month later...
On 9/17/2020 at 2:40 PM, Jesy Blue said:

They'll need lore, cause I doubt we'll know who they are by name and picture.  We bearly know anything about English Ivan and he's got a whole story about him already.

The other books have 3-4 stories each, and all the masters make an "appearance".  This is going to be a whole other ball of wax as we have to get the narrative feel of about 6 new people at once (maybe 5.5 with what we know about English Ivan, maybe 7-8 because we might get more Basse and/or McCabe info.... it's gonna be a mess).

I'm wicked excited either way, though.

Oh, I wouldn't bet on all the masters making an appearance. Jakob Lynch is only mentioned in a few sentences in the Ten Thunders book stories, and he's not even a dual master. So since McCabe plays protagonist in one of the TT stories I could imagine him being far less prominent in the Society book.

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54 minutes ago, Plaag said:

another broken master+keyword

I unterstand that you are an experienced and suscessful tournament player, but whenever I read your comments they are either about models being too weak (e.g. Foundry) or too broken (all the Explorers). Are there models that you really enjoy playing and consider balanced for casual and tournament play?

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1 hour ago, Maogrim said:


I unterstand that you are an experienced and suscessful tournament player, but whenever I read your comments they are either about models being too weak (e.g. Foundry) or too broken (all the Explorers). Are there models that you really enjoy playing and consider balanced for casual and tournament play?

yes, but i play only for victory, so need to take best models; and just look at the master-3/5/7 ignoring demise and htk as i remember with 2 posirives on dmg, also u can shoot double; by your side on ullr-ability that most of players are talking abt in molly and von schtook crew, and talking abt nerf; hold down trigger, again 3/5/7 dmg track; malifausaurus with so many wounds, his aura, htw, terrifying; model with 2 armour, so many move possibilities and a lot of atacks; just find analog in other factions

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Putting the WAAC into malifaux... must be a pure joy (for you and hopefully your meta, I get there are all types out there. I'd just hate to play that way...). Just be aware that not everyone subscribes to that way of thinking/playing


1 hour ago, Plaag said:

yes, but i play only for victory, so need to take best models;

Looks like Wyrd'll be making a pretty penny off Explorers then... maybe that was their plan all along Mwahahahahahahaha!

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8 hours ago, Maogrim said:

Oh, I wouldn't bet on all the masters making an appearance. Jakob Lynch is only mentioned in a few sentences in the Ten Thunders book stories, and he's not even a dual master. So since McCabe plays protagonist in one of the TT stories I could imagine him being far less prominent in the Society book.

For what it's worth, Lynch was over in the Neverborn book co-starring in a story explaining why he's not dual-faction anymore.

I agree not to set expectations too high, but with "only" six Masters for the book to try and cram into stories I think we'll get a good sample of the major personalities. Euripides was only there for a few pages in Neverborn but you still got a good taste of his characterization.

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I will admit to being pleasantly surprised. The Apex keyword has a cool aesthetic but I wasn't expecting too much lorewise. But Wyrd really gave them some good flavor, depth, or whatever you'd like to call it. Cooper being a jerk who loves his dogs is expected, but things like Model 9's personality or the Crypsis Corps actually being just two people (nameless named characters!) are pretty cool.

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6 minutes ago, HomelessOne said:

I will admit to being pleasantly surprised. The Apex keyword has a cool aesthetic but I wasn't expecting too much lorewise. But Wyrd really gave them some good flavor, depth, or whatever you'd like to call it. Cooper being a jerk who loves his dogs is expected, but things like Model 9's personality or the Crypsis Corps actually being just two people (nameless named characters!) are pretty cool.

Yeah, even the "logic" of getting a Malisaurus Rex as pet is funny. And i like the history behind Model 9. It's original and has lot of sense.

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17 minutes ago, HomelessOne said:

So - Harpooners. Have they changed much for people, theoretical or otherwise? Reeling in Pit Trap markers seems funny, if gimmicky.

Not only that, you can set up a crypsis corps with patient strike and have the harpooners move an ennemy to trigger a shot from the crypsis
Or pull an ennemy into model 9 or malisaurus rex range
Or stop an ennemy from engaging Cooper (especially if Cooper got staggered and you can't move him with your other models)

I'm not sure if the harpooners will be super great hires, but I can see some play with them

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On 12/10/2020 at 4:44 PM, HomelessOne said:

So - Harpooners. Have they changed much for people, theoretical or otherwise? Reeling in Pit Trap markers seems funny, if gimmicky.

I don't value them as hires. They're not fast enough to make scheme plays and Crypsis do much better damage, unique utility, and have stealth. Although they can push enemy models, we already have Malisaurus bonus action and Artemis for that.

However, I can definitely see them as replacements for Hopeful Prospects (which Cooper should ALWAYS be taking) if you either need the pushes to get/deny VP later in the game, or if you're already within stealth range of the enemy and value the Df6 to try to stay alive.

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41 minutes ago, HomelessOne said:

What are you sacrificing to fit in the Hopeful Prospect(s)? Cooper definitely seems like a Master that runs out of stones before cool tech, haha.

Cooper's Core Crew IMO is

Runaways x3
Malisaurus Rex
Hopeful Prospect
Crypsis Corps

This gives you 17 stones to work with


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8 minutes ago, Maniacal_cackle said:

What are the hopeful prospects for? Card draw?

EDIT: although with focus they can deal 5 damage at range against non-ressers. I always forget that severe damage matters xD

Most importantly they give Cooper Focused+1 when he kills a model so he can reload his rifle without taking the Concentrate action.

They also remove conditions, can do a little healing, give a little card draw, have H2K, and sit there Concentrating until they fire off a 5 damage shot and turn into a Harpooner or Crypsis

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1 minute ago, Whut said:

Most importantly they give Cooper Focused+1 when he kills a model so he can reload his rifle without taking the Concentrate action.

They also remove conditions, give a little card draw, have H2K, and sit there Concentrating until they fire off a 5 damage shot and turn into a Harpooner or Crypsis

Seems good!

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