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The Malifaux vassal world cup


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Hi all, please see info dump on vassal world cup here
This is currently 16 teams in 4 groups of 4 with a maximum of 4 teams per nation (I'll make sure each group only contains one of each nation) with more of a push towards elite level play rather than this being open to everyone. I'm going to run more open to everyone events in the future but I want this more to show off the skills of the better players rather than a mass brawl of teams. The two per nation might be relaxed depending on interest.
Idealy all players should be from same nation, though I understand if smaller nations want to confedate to make up numbers. You don't have to be born in that country to play for it, just be resident within it. 
Each player in the team will have to play a separate faction which will be fixed. It will also be single masters (e.g no second master purchased outside of the vicks being able to hire both vicks as their rules)
Teams can sign up using the following form 
Team name
Team nation(s) 
Team captain name
Team captain faction
Player two name
Player two faction
Player three name
Player three faction
A league will then be set up with each fixture being given two weeks to be played. All players will play the same strategy for each week. If a player can't play a game that week then another member of their team may play multiple fixtures. However please try to minimise this as much as possible. If a player has to drop from a team they may be replaced by another player from same nation who may play a different faction but can't duplicate any of the current factions nor be a member of a current team. 
I'll leave it up to team captains to arrange who plays who within the teams (to minimise scheduling conflicts) 
As this will be mostly an English speaking event I do ask that all players have a decent level of spoken English and that all players have access to voice chat facilities for the game
I currently have one person offering to cover games but am on the look out for others 
Sign ups are now open and I'll be looking go start the event in July all though this may be extended depending on when the vassal league finishes. Please feel free to ask any further questions and please do share this with your malifaux groups in order to have a spread of interest 
Stay safe
Teams so far 
Team Scotland (UK) 
Too Much Infaux (UK) 
Emma OP? (UK)
The Flipping Wyrds (UK) 
Team Savoies (France) 
The American Tyrants (USA)
The Grand Cabal (USA) 
Texas Triumvirate (USA) 
Team Russia #1 (Russia) 
Team Russia #2 (Russia) 
Team Poland (Poland) 
Northern Moose Cavalry (Sweden) 
Northern Moose infantry (Sweden) 
The Mali-hosers (Canada) 
Rod frod med flode (Denmark) 
Team Insomnia (New Zealand) 
to give you guys something to practice on here is the scheme pools for the vassal world cup, note there will be a new module with the maps coming in the near future so dont worry if the maps don't line up with the current module 

Round 1 Monday 6th July – Sunday 19th July : Desolate Wasteland  

Flank, public enemies, leave your mark, breakthrough, vendetta, runic binding, assassinate  



Round 2 Monday 20th July – Sunday 2nd August: Crumbled Temple  

Standard, corrupted leylines, sabotage, take prisoner, hidden martyrs, spread them out claim jump  



Round 3 Monday 3rd August—Sunday 16th August: Welcome to the jungle

Wedge, symbols, catch and release, let them bleed, research mission, leave your mark, sabotage.  



Round 4 Monday 17th August – Sunday 30th August: Water Works 

Corner, recover evidence, breakthrough, claim jump, catch and release, spread them out, leave your mark.  


Round 5 Monday 31st August-Sunday 13th September : Lava Lakes 

Rocks ht various, blocking impassable, climbable 
Lava is Hazadous burning 1

Fogbanks are Dense concealing

Standard, public enemies, assassinate, runic binding, take prisoner, research mission, let them bleed  



Round 6 Monday 14th September-Sunday 27th September : Misty hills 

Flank, corrupted leylines, breakthrough, vendetta, assassinate, claim jump, hidden martyrs


to arrange pairings, the team higher up the table will be team A, the team lower down the table will be turn b 


1. Team a will secretly assign each player a letter a,b or c and fill out their respective schedules in columns B-0 in GMT in to a copy of the the linked spreadsheet found here . each player and their respective letter will be pmed to me

2. once completed this will be then sent to team b captain, who in agreement with their players will fill in column P and returned to team B 

3. team a will then reveal their players and then matches can be played. if needed team B can confirm with the TO that the players haven't changed  

4. Players can then arrange matches as they see fit 


hope this all makes sense, please ask if it doesn't


battle reports 

Round 1




Round 2







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22 minutes ago, Tumling said:

@dannydb do you mean 8 teams all in all, so lets say 2 teams from US, 2 teams from UK etc or do you mean 8 nations with a max of 2 two teams each.
I guess you mean the first?

8 teams total with a maximum of two teams from each nation 


Eg potentially 4 nations with 2 teams each

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Time for some Swedish showing as well!


Team: Northern Moose Cavalry

Country: Sweden


Captain: Erik Lifbom

Faction: Outcasts


Player: Viktor Forsberg

Faction: Arcanists


Player: Joakim Abrahamsson

Faction: Ten thunders

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