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GG2017 for Guild


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Field Reporters make Claim Jump super easy. Get them in position for the markers, push away enemies, score three turns in a row. Austringers will also get a lot of work done here, as always. It remains to be seen if this scheme is too easy or if it just looks like it on paper. Its definitely harder to do this and Setup or Hidden Trap in the same pool, so your efforts will have to be more focused on your other scheme since all scheme markers are removed from 2" of the center line at the end of the turn.

McCabe will give up a point for Eliminate the Leadership probably every game - only need to do four wounds to him - but unless he dies that's it so it shouldn't be so bad. Otherwise that one's the same for us as last year. Justice would wink if she could.

Nellie and Phiona with Transparency should make Dig Their Graves laughably easy. Phiona can do it herself but risks getting taken out before getting 3VP. Fast Franc/Strongarm/Bishop/etc will help out with that.

Accusation! looks really cool but I think if both opponents take it it will become a 3-3 scheme. Having to target unactivated models means Arcanists/Dopplegangers/Trixi will have an edge for Initiative early but it shouldn't be too hard to tag multiple things and hug them to get the points. I can imagine a Peacekeeper pointing at two models a turn, judging them.

Tail'em doesn't sound difficult but I think this one will be mostly board dependent. If there's a huge amount of LoS blocking stuff, probably not. Watchers and Field Reporters will be stars here.

Last Stand looks made for an elite Hoffman crew. Add in Curfew, maybe, for extra fun. Perdita's Enforcer family could be a good contender as well, dependent on what other schemes are in the pool.


That's my initial thoughts. I have a game this evening with @7thSquirrel so we will see if any of this holds up.

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Phiona with Transparency is going to be my go-to for a lot of things. Sadly, she can't get Dig Their Graves with one AP, but she's still great.

My only complaint about these is that Frame for Murder is going to be a lot more common. My go-to is the Guild Pathfinder. He's quite frustrating for some opponents and usually wreaks havoc before earning 2-3 VP off of Frame.

Last Stand is going to be quite fun with the Ortegas. I don't know about Hoffman, because I usually only run 2 Henchmen/Enforcers with him.

McCabe getting a bit shafted needing to just take 4 wounds is sad, but it's revenge for being able to Deliver the Message on Turn 1 while Sidir made you all but immune to it.


I tried a game out last night against Brewmaster (I was Hoffman) with Tail'em. Brewie tied up a Peacekeeper that would just try to flurry, then I'd save a high card to (0) to spot him.  Eliminate the Leadership is quite frustrating with both Brewie and Wesley though.

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I think only thing that changed for McCabe (comparing GG16 to GG17)  is that the scheme is on doubles and not numbers and that its harder to score 3 VP versus him than in GG16 because now you need 4 Wds for 1 VP, 7 for 2 VP and 13 for 3 VP. Previously you needed 4 Wds for 1 VP and 7 Wds for 3 VP

I think the most versatile master will be Nellie. She has acces to conditions. She can make people fall to their deaths/die from hazardous or she can Propaganda someone to get hit by a Peacekeeper to slow down FFM points. Dig Their Graves will be easy with Phiona and Nellie (as she also gets the Transparency Trigger to Propaganda if she gets a tome).

She`s also farily fast and midrange so she has chances of stopping the Tail`em condition. She is also ok with Last Stand as she usually has an elite crew and has activation passing.

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Frame for murder being more common is going to hurt since I feel we have more damage tied to henchmen than some factions. Death Marshals may see a swing in popularity though :P 

Accusation should be great with our unparalelled ability to chain-activate. The Ortegas and our emmissary should be able to deny this and Lucius should be able to cheat initiative and smack the condition on a bunch of enemies (although they will get to put it on your models in return). The ridiculously expensive guardsman upgrade may be worth it with this in the pool (doubtful but it's something).

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Dismounted McCabe becomes the leader before horse McCabe leaves play so we always played it as you need to do 4 wounds for 1VP then another 9 for the other 2VP. The new assassinate scheme means you do 4 wounds for 1VP then another 3 for 1VP then 6 for the last one. As for the rest of the new schemes I'm ok with them for now. There aren't any where I thought 'how the hell am I going to do that?'

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27 minutes ago, Lord J said:

Headhunters seems difficult for ranged crews (Perdita/Sonnia), due to the wording of the Strat seems to allow the enemy to collect the Head Markers from their own departed comrades(?).

That`s the reason why you either don`t take them for the strat, or play accordingly (Perdita for example can also shoot in Ml without difficulty)

Perdita for example can shut the enemy completely down if Nino has found a sweet spot for himself^^

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56 minutes ago, Tris said:

That`s the reason why you either don`t take them for the strat, or play accordingly (Perdita for example can also shoot in Ml without difficulty)

Perdita for example can shut the enemy completely down if Nino has found a sweet spot for himself^^

My strategy for playing Sonnia in HH is "Dead enemies don't pick up heads" :D

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2 hours ago, Lord J said:

Headhunters seems difficult for ranged crews (Perdita/Sonnia), due to the wording of the Strat seems to allow the enemy to collect the Head Markers from their own departed comrades(?).

Those who burn to death don't drop heads either so Sonnia can decimate the enemy if you're careful about how much damage you do and then mop up the last models to get some heads for yourself. I usually go with Lucius for it, interacting in engagements is pretty good in that strat.

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For Perdita in headhunter, I like to take Abuela and the Neph and obey dudes to pick up heads. Yes it's AP that could be spend removing the enemy but if it scores me a point I'll do it. I find Queeg is also good for it as is Grimwell. Nellie making loads of your dudes fast will help. McCabe is good at everything. Lucius can let your guys pick heads up in combat or be a real man and boss them to do it. For Sonnia, I'll echo the comments above. I like blowing someone up, placing the head and then putting up Flame Walls to stop the enemy getting it. Just let them get close and then give them what for.

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I guess I could ask her as well:



One other thing - regarding Tail `em and the Spotted condition:


Spotted says:

This condition is removed if this model is outside of Line of Sight of all enemy models at the end of its Activation.




At the end of every turn after the first, this Crew may end the Spotted condition on one enemy model in play to gain 1 vp.


What about models which bury during their activation?


I get that a buried model is not in play and therefore you can`t remove the Spotted to score.


But what if, for example, a Perdita obeys a Death Marshal to bury her during her activation?

Does she remove the spotted, as she is ends her activation (by getting buried) and I guess she`s considered to be out of LoS if buried? (Same question for Leve. Actually, these two are the only ones I can think of at the moment^^)


Don`t know if thats actually the right place to ask, but I guess I´ll try :)

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3 minutes ago, solkan said:

Are Buried models outside of line of sight of other models?  Yes.  That's specified in the second paragraph of Buried:



And do I end my activation if I get buried? (regarding the written rules, do all `end of activation` effects resolve?)

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22 minutes ago, Tris said:


And do I end my activation if I get buried? (regarding the written rules, do all `end of activation` effects resolve?)

Paragraph four of Buried:


If a model becomes buried during its Activation, end its Activation (it loses all AP and moves to the End Activation Step.)

In other words, if a model buries itself during its own Activation, that will remove Spotted.

On the other hand, if a model gets buried during a different model's activation, that won't remove Spotted.  (Buried models cannot Activate, the Bandersnatch is the only exception and can activate while Buried.)  So you might get a situation where you Pine Box a model and then Unbury it in a position where it's out of line of sight already.  But that's more work.

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1 minute ago, solkan said:


In other words, if a model buries itself during its own Activation, that will remove Spotted.

On the other hand, if a model gets buried during a different model's activation, that won't remove Spotted.  (Buried models cannot Activate, the Bandersnatch is the only exception and can activate while Buried.)  So you might get a situation where you Pine Box a model and then Unbury it in a position where it's out of line of sight already.  But that's more work.

I´m very glad to hear that :)

Perfect, so I might try a Deathmarshall as sort of bodyguard if tail `em is in the pool, so maybe people will use him despite the papa box cuddle^^


Yeah, burying out of Activation won`t remove it, but they stil can`t score it, because the condition needs to be removed from a model `in play`, so that`s still ok for me (although it might force my activation order and I don´t know how I like that :/ ) 

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11 minutes ago, trikk said:

Take Nino and laugh at their puny attempts to interact with Perdita from within 6"

Sure, Nino/Perdita, Sonnia with flame walls, Numb for our henchmen, and now the marshalls - I don`t see super huge problems for us regarding this scheme :)

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