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Favorite Henchmen


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Neverborn - Widow Weaver at the moment, because her model is so... clever. Spider in a fancy dress carrying a parasol that from back looks just like a regular lady. It makes me sad that she would look so out of place in Zoraida crew and that the most common way she is played with her is the Doll Factory strategy. But I kind of feel that as soon as I will see the Spawn Mother render or proxy and play her, she will be the number one Neverborn Henchman for me.

Gremlins - Oh, god, how to choose between Francois LaCroix, Mancha Roja, McTavish and Sammy LaCroix? I will go with Sammy LaCroix because I dote on her picture (sadly, the picture is distorted). But, again, fellow Malifaux player has just yesterday lent me his McTavish and from what I have been reading about him and Swampfiend heavy crews... Sammy might be enjoying her last days on the throne.

I do not play any other faction besides Neverborn and Gremlins, but there are two Henchmen that I like aesthetic vise - Fuhatsu (Ten Thunders) and Ama No Zako (Outcasts/Ten Thunders).

I am not familiar with Wave 3 Henchmen, though.


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I like the Judge from Guild - he's always been my nemesis in every game I face against him, but he's very well rounded for both melee and ranged combat.  He's a "do-it-yourself" kind of henchman, but he does have some supportive abilities.

I love the Widow Weaver art, even though I don't play Neverborn (beyond the starter set).  I also happen to like spiders a lot. =)

Edited by twilightmikasa
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I mostly play outcasts, and Hannah always seems to find her way in every crew. The extra card is really nice, she is fairly resilient/disruptive, can hit like a truck (I tend to always give her I pay better to ensure those blasts when needed) and being able to copy Ca-actions as a 0 has saved me a lot of times. Need to heal a bit more? Copy healing energies. Need to remove conditions? Copy rebel yell. Need to make an opponent extra sad? Copy Whispers from Beyond (when playing Jack Daw). She rarely wins the game alone, but the utility is awesome. :)

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Mine is Rusty Alyce. With Leveticus, she often feels like the Master while the former is just a hitter. Her summoning, ability to drop scrap for Ashes and Dust to fly around, and giving things Reactivate are all outstanding abilities. In her native crew, she often gets the role of balancing the attack. Keeping back first, in order to secure the Waifs. Then, if needed, she can either shoot or charge an important target; often obliterating it, no matter what model it is.

In other Outcast crews, I run her with Oath keeper and Scout the Field. That set up makes her incredibly fast, and a constant threat to the enemy. Even though she is a good gun fighter, she shines in melee. It's so easy to drop a whooping 16 damage in a charge.

She is a beast.

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Sybelle: Beautiful and deadly.

Ryle: My new favourite Guild Henchman. He just takes a lot of points to shoehorn in every list I play. :D 

Joss: He just always does something, be it tank like hell or kill stuff dead. 

Trixiebelle: Amazing model game and model wise.

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The Captain.  Thematically, I love the idea of an air magic steampunk captain with a Relic Hammer.  Mechanically, I think he may be an Arcanist's best Henchman choice.  Being able to move any model 5" can be game winning.  He has an 11" threat with a Relic Hammer statline.  He can dish out lots of burning.  He has Cojo's amazing enemy push pulse effect.  He can lay down severe/soft terrain.  He can get casting expert, as well as any of Arcanist's other great upgrades (including M&SU exclusive ones).  The only glaring weak point I see compared to say Joss or Cassandra is his defensive stats (no armor, below average wounds, no Southern Charm, etc), but even then he has an amazing Df trigger that can get him out of a lot of sticky situations.  He's very slippery and hard to pin down, even if he can't take a punch as well.


Hannah and Cassandra are close second choices, for theme/fluff reasons as well as mechanical.

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Has to be Francois Lacroix. Throwing him at the board removes all the toughest stains.

Said about a 7ss model. Balance! :P

A 7ss model with a crumbly Df value that eats up his wounds to do his main trick! So yes. Balanced!

From what I've been told/reading - there are many interesting ways around that, though.


There are so many henchmen that I like - more because of the way they look than function. So Judge, Captain, Phillip, Cassandra, Sidir.

Toshiro, Alyce and Frank are great models but I think they don't look that good.

My absolute favorite henchman overall is Trixiebelle, by far - she looks great and is amazing. You best believe that, although I'm no gremlin, I'd still be lured towards that purdy lady. :D

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Has to be Francois Lacroix. Throwing him at the board removes all the toughest stains.

Said about a 7ss model. Balance! :P

A 7ss model with a crumbly Df value that eats up his wounds to do his main trick! So yes. Balanced!

I know you know your gremlins well enough to know that's not entirely true. ;) 

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Has to be Francois Lacroix. Throwing him at the board removes all the toughest stains.

Said about a 7ss model. Balance! :P

A 7ss model with a crumbly Df value that eats up his wounds to do his main trick! So yes. Balanced!

I know you know your gremlins well enough to know that's not entirely true. ;) 

Come now, you're making me blush.

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Gremlins - Trixiebelle & Mancha Roja (they're actually fun together too with the I Never trigger giving Mancha additional attacks)

TT - I really like Sidir. I've been using him in upgrade heavy crews (2x samurai, Chiaki, Brewmaster) with promises and by your side. It helps make up for the samurai willpower and makes them fantastic in melee. He does well himself in melee & ranged and has a self heal to boot. 

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Neverborn: Candy. Throw on Fears Given Form and she's a 3" bubble of suck the opponent doesn't want to go near.


Outcast: Hannah. Extra cards, 3" engagement with blast potential, can copy casts, and rips away built in suits within 4". What's not to love?


Arcanist: Joss. Ignores defenses. Rock solid. With Bleeding Edge he can regen nearby constructs and gets a 0AP to screw nearby casters.

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It's no secret that Ototo and I have something special on the go. More than any other henchman I've used, his flair for making things a lot flatter than they once were brings a smile to my face.

We had a 4-player game over the weekend (as part of a campaign we're running) with Arcanists, Rezzers, Outcasts and 10T, and the absolute star of that game was Ototo for the 10T player. I genuinely think the only reason people don't rate him higher is the crew box he comes in.... use him with Shen Long and he's goddamn terrifying.....

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It's no secret that Ototo and I have something special on the go. More than any other henchman I've used, his flair for making things a lot flatter than they once were brings a smile to my face.

We had a 4-player game over the weekend (as part of a campaign we're running) with Arcanists, Rezzers, Outcasts and 10T, and the absolute star of that game was Ototo for the 10T player. I genuinely think the only reason people don't rate him higher is the crew box he comes in.... use him with Shen Long and he's goddamn terrifying.....

Ooh, possibility of a Ml9, you say? Don't mind if I do!

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