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Chronicles - August 2015

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Not to be rude, but you would have to do some serious mental gymnastics to read that first sentence as anything but sarcasm. 

I'm a little annoyed, and feel like it's another obstacle (and won't be immediately downloading the PDF since it isn't just clicking a button, but read that comment as a bit defensive, not sarcastic. I can easily see how it could be read that way, but hardly think it's the only way to read it.

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So I can't get the chronicles without making an account to DriveThruRPG? 


Yeah, I really don't like creating new accounts for things. I bail out on quite a bit when faced with that. I immediately bailed on the drive thru site when I saw that. I may manage to go back and get it, but it'll be an internal struggle. 

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I started putting :D or ;) at the end of certain paragraphs because I've had too many people accuse me as being aggressive. The internets suck when it comes to conversation because you can't interpret tone or body language - not everyone has difficulty in this regard - but once in a while certain people get misinterpreted. I think Aaron might be one of them - I've seen quite a few posts that seemed very sarcastic but it was so consistent post to post I figured its just his personality. Give him a break. ;)


I can't help but stare at the two metal sprue tags Omni left on his lamp post near the top. I might be wrong but I don't think they are supposed to be there... and I can't stop looking. ;) Great model overall - your base really sells the character and it didn't take much to make it look good. I was interested to see your actual method. I've always highlighted in half measures (just lightening up the base color by a couple tones) - I do this to achieve shading and a highlight but still keep it dark and natural overall. How do you make your models look so purdy with such a jump in colors (all the way up to white with your red)? Whenever people do this I always think its too much of a jump and too much highlight but most everyone else really likes that look. You seem to be able to make the shift look less pronounced when you highlight than most I've seen - despite layering with such different colors. Could just be the pics - I might have to see it irl to really see if its different than others who paint in a similar style. Thoughts?

Great issue overall, I'll check the fluff later - Another good article by Rathnard.


I set up an account with Drivethru without a second thought - its free content - get over yourselves guys. :D

The Chronicles are awesome and I hope they keep coming.

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Actually, knowing Aaron as I do and how he reacts, I can tell you outright that he wasn't using sarcasm or telling you to get screwed. If he wanted to, he would have found a more polite way in telling you to do so that would have likely left you questioning if he just told you to get bent or not.


I on the other hand am full of sarcasm and a touch of piss and vinegar and the fellas here usually try to keep things on track - I may or may not listen or care depending on the day or whim. While we understand that some folks may not have accounts there, nor wish to create them, it is the best move for us. It's free to create an account, no payment details are requested in the least, if you care to bother and have a Facebook account you can click right on in quickly and easily and to top it off, we're not asking anyone to pay for these (yet, I'll leave myself that opening). These are neither quick, nor free to put together.


So yes, please, if you are so inclined, go and enjoy and let us know your thoughts about this issues Wyrd Chronicles. If you choose not to partake because of where it is hosted, we're sorry for that, and I feel that you are missing out on something. Opinions vary of course.



Aaron is a big boy he can defend himself.


A better use of your time would be to lead the gang at Wyrd in designing that Dark Carnival set as it's own crew!!


I made my plea to you at Gen Con as I am sure many others did as well. I also descretly placed that envelope full of cash in your back pocket, Chicago style. 


Put your disdain for P e n g u i n s behind you and get to work!


If done correctly it will be the hottest selling crew in Wyrd history. 


Can you hear the music?..............Send in the P e n g u i n s......Where are the P e n g u i n s.......




no not the penguins Nathan :)

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Looking forward to hearing more on the Nythera event. 


The rail scenario looks like fun and feels very thematic! It will be interesting to see how doable it is with so many interacts. I'm not found of the "slaughter" strategy for the defender since the attacker will likely need to make a squishy crew to get all those interacts out and adding a killy strat for one player skewers the game even more into killing which really isn't needed since you will likely get a huge reward from killing the scheme runners anyway and preventing tons of points. The other defender strategies look really fun.


Not thrilled about that new download sollution but getting an account for drivethroughRPGwasn't as hard as I feared so I'll just have to keep password-resetting every two months.


Thank you and keep up the good work!

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Well, I guess getting 70+ pages of cool content for free is always a WIN, even if it means going through all the trouble (yeah, those few extra clicks were excruciating).

*sarcasm mode off *

Thanks for another great issue of Chronicles!  Now I just need to print it (I'm old school when it comes to reading, even though I like my Kindle)  


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Im' relatively new to the game and reading chronicles is real fun to me. High Stakes was really cool. I like the feeling of growing tension at the beggining of the story.

I have a liitle problem with malifaux battle report. I wont say anything about tactics, i've got not enough experience to do so, but raport would really benefit from better photos. Or maybe not photos but map where you show situation on battlefield from aerial view at the begginig of each turn. It would make whole raport a lot clearer

But anyway thanks for chronicles, it was fun to read :)

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I also enjoyed this issue of Chronicles after reading through most of it!

I found the latest tactica to be one of Rathnard's best articles (his stuff is always great) as it had both specific and creative solutions. His humour is also much appreciated. The notes on Ashes and Dust were especially helpful.:)

The battle report was exciting - I play Misaki and learned how she doesn't always have to play like a cruise missile. Will be sure to try her out with "On Wings of Wind" and "Untouchable," and to use her Thunder attack more often as I always go for the Bissento. The report also got me very excited about Molly! The writing style was nice and approachable, although like some other people said, I wish there were a few more photos and maybe some overhead photos and diagrams like they do in other publications (although I know this is harder to keep track of all movement with Malifaux's you-activate-I-activate rules). I also noticed that the article tended to dip into the strategy of the player who wrote it, but didn't highlight what the opponent was thinking. It would have been nice if both players could have co-authored the article to get snippets from both sides, but still, it was a nice read. Thanks for sharing!

The painting article was wonderful to - it had clear, step-by-step instructions. While I wish they was a little more detail in the techniques and mix-ratios, and that more photos of the WIP were integrated (although I will concede that there were quite a few already), it was stellar.

My favorite part about the Malifaux universe has always been the fluff, and Hi-stakes didn't disappoint. Hi-Stakes was a great read, not only for the quality of the writing, but also for the sheer creativity and craziness of the concept which was executed very well. I was a little bit disappointed by the very end, as the final dialogue seemed a little bit forced, but I was pretty much biting my nails as I read it through. Definitely one of my favorite Chronicles pieces published so far.

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I found the latest tactica to be one of Rathnard's best articles (his stuff is always great) as it had both specific and creative solutions. His humour is also much appreciated. The notes on Ashes and Dust were especially helpful.:)

I'm glad you enjoyed it. Ashes and Dust, and how much of a pain he is to deal with is pretty much why I wrote that article. ;)

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I had to stay for a few days at the hospital for a surgery so reading teh Chronicles was a really nice way to pass the time. I always begin by reading the foreword and tacticla articles. This month @Rathnard's text was particularly interesting and as always, there was a lot of very useful information in it. The stories were were nice too though I liked "High Stakes" a bit more - really great atmosphere, creepy and the tension was there. @Omnicarbivore's painting guide was great and I hope to see more from him in the future. I also really liked the battle report. Very well written and organized in a cohesive way, which made it easy to follow. I hope battle reports will become a regular feature in next issues.

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