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Is the executioner the answer to Mech Rider?


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In my mind it means the same. Too expensive = bad model. :P


True for list building. I just want to defuse the inevitable "but he has strong attacks, heals, and can discard Scheme markers"-argument. He can do all that, and they are good abilities. I just don't want to pay that much for them.

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True for list building. I just want to defuse the inevitable "but he has strong attacks, heals, and can discard Scheme markers"-argument. He can do all that, and they are good abilities. I just don't want to pay that much for them.

Fair enough.

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I personally quite like exorcist for rider hunting. Make them undead then switch the triggers off with placement


Stubborn makes this a much less practical approach.


Yeah, you'd need a good fire base to take advantage after the trigger is switched off.

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Surely that alone is a reason to select him.

Protect Territory seems to be considered one of the easiest schemes to get 3 VP from.


See, I think that's why there are so many people out there who just can't justify the cost. If you are taking a crew tailored to completing Protect Territory, you just have to make sure that the Executioner is dead by turn 5. He is df5 with 10 wounds and no defensive abilities aside from Terrifying(Living). If your crew has trouble killing or kiting something that tough, you need to reassess some of your choices. He pretty much the most delicate 9ss melee specialist out there. 


He is actually a badass in a scheme marker rich environment, but the enemy gets to choose their schemes after crews are revealed, making it really easy to deny the Executioner's best asset: Trail of Gore. If the Executioner could simply discard a 6+ of crows to gain 4 ap, everyone would be using him forever. The fact that I've never seen or heard of an Executioner hitting 4 AP is telling.

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9 SS is more or lessf 2 minions which have 4 AP per turn, have one more activation, are tougher together, cover more ground and probably can shoot.


What the executioniers needs IMO is another Characteristic. Give it construct (they will work great with Hoffman pushing them around), Guild Marshal (Lady J can move them with With Me! as Guild Marshals don`t really have CC-oriented models) or Guardsman and this would makea great start and wouldn`t be un-fluffy in general.


Right now if I ever considered them, then only with Lucius (for What Lackeys are for) and McMourning (For poison pushes)

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I think the characteristic idea is a good one, it would put him on par with the Drowned who are Tormented (Jack Daw) Horrors (Molly) and Spirits (Molly/Kirai) and the Drowned don't look out of place lore wise in any of these crews. I think those Characteristics would suit the Executioner well.

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I tried him several times and he was bad. Then when I started playing McCabe he was better.....but still not great.


I'm definitely of the opinion that he is over priced. I agree with others about his whole Scheme Marker schtick....if it was more in your control it would be better...like if it was simply 'discard target Scheme Marker' instead of 'enemy'.


I like the Guild Marshal idea....in fact, it would help Lady J as well, since I think With Me! is a waste right now since none of the models it works on need to be in melee anyway....and other than Judge, they just aren't scary enough to warrant Lady J charging ahead of the crew....if Lady J charges into my crew, I'll happily pounce on her....I don't fear what might be coming behind....but if there was an Executioner in charge range that might be another story.

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I like the Guild Marshal idea....in fact, it would help Lady J as well, since I think With Me! is a waste right now since none of the models it works on need to be in melee anyway....and other than Judge, they just aren't scary enough to warrant Lady J charging ahead of the crew....if Lady J charges into my crew, I'll happily pounce on her....I don't fear what might be coming behind....but if there was an Executioner in charge range that might be another story.


Moreover it would fit thematically (with justice, judge, executionner).

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