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So, Who Wants Alternative Plastic Models?

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Rhetorical question, of course.

I'm not silly enough to start asking for alternative master models before all the master boxes have been released (unless of course you run out of Gencon Miss ideas - right after Miss Understood - the emo teen ronin, naturally).

This is more "what does everyone want to see as an alt scult for their favorite models?"

Personally, I feel this game will never be complete without a von Schill who is in the middle of tearing his shirt off - perhaps in a post-shirt macho pugilism pose? orrrrrr some kind of Alex Armstrong (FMA) homage?

I'd settle for a Lady Justice tearing her shirt off, I guess.


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I think I'm happy with all the current master sculpts except for Kirai and Perdita. I much prefered 'moody Kirai' to skipping Kirai and I think the alternative Perdita sculpt is much better than the one that came in the box. If I were going to see re-sculpts I'd like to see the scale issue patched up and an alternative Francisco. He looks rediculous with his huge sombrero and fat sword.

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I don't think we need them, and I think they wouldn't be cost effective for Wyrd to create, barring putting all the faction masters on one Sprue, but even then, even if you liked the alt sculpt you'd still need to buy the regular box to get models only available in it.


From a purely wishful, not hampered by reality, standpoint, I would love a version of plastic Molly which isn't the Prancing Princess version we've seen the art for. And for a Colette that actually looks like Colette and not Random_goth_girl_3.0.

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As long as we're in the shirt-tearing theme, I would like an alt Sybelle, ripping open her bodice to reveal her sensuous bosom!Edit: No, wait, Botticelli's Birth of Venus, but featuring Sybelle and in a minis form.

Man, I wish there was a dislike button....

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The Coppellius-Lucius thing was a pretty funfan theory some time back, but you could actually always field both together, since Lucius used to be a henchman, and Coppellius had that weird rule that allowed Hoffman to field him, so there was never a "Bat Man and Bruce Wayne are never in the same room" scenario.


Also, great idea, Zfiend.

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Hmm...a crew box of choice completely gender-swapped could be entertaining, though probably doesn't count for straight alternates (Perdita, Colette, Lady Justice, Von Schill, and McCabe would all be fun options for it, though :P).


I like the idea of alternates of the dual faction masters, though some lend themselves better than others.  Zoraida and Lynch both seem to fit in regardless of faction, while Lucius and McMourning could stand for a more Neverborn or Guild model respectively. 


Honestly, though, I think a good idea would be to introduce alternate models of the masters...and then package them with alternate versions of their totems as well.  That gives an easier option for people who already have the core crew but no metal totem existed (Von Schill), allows for alternate totems that are actually the right size for their base (Brass Arachnid), and provides an outlet for masters who have boring crew box models (probably Colette) or oddly posed ones for the character (Prancing Kirai, I'm Cold Rasputina).

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Honestly, though, I think a good idea would be to introduce alternate models of the masters...and then package them with alternate versions of their totems as well.  That gives an easier option for people who already have the core crew but no metal totem existed (Von Schill), allows for alternate totems that are actually the right size for their base (Von Schill), and provides an outlet for masters who have boring crew box models (Von Schill) or oddly posed ones for the character (Von Schill).

Fixed those examples up for you. :P

Seriously though, that's an awesome idea. I really doubt it will happen (it goes against Wyrd's approach) but it would be super cool.

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Pretty sure he's definitely not now that the two can be fielded together.

Yeah, I know I just like the idea of it. :/ From what I understand, he's most likely just a generic, though highly diplomatic nephilim, right? What sucks is that really, the best thing to do is to never take his mask off in order to retain mystery indefinently and allow for identity teases and all that - without the mask, he's not lucius, sucky. :P An alternative "unmasking" Lucius is awesome though and a gender swap von Schill sounds grand as well.

Honestly, I still enjoy running mostly metal age alt masters - including avatar hamelin swap among others not to mention the alt nico and seamus - really like them. :) Could use a new sexy zoraida too. ;)

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Yeah, I know I just like the idea of it. :/ From what I understand, he's most likely just a generic, though highly diplomatic nephilim, right? What sucks is that really, the best thing to do is to never take his mask off in order to retain mystery indefinently and allow for identity teases and all that - without the mask, he's not lucius, sucky. :P An alternative "unmasking" Lucius is awesome though and a gender swap von Schill sounds grand as well.

Honestly, I still enjoy running mostly metal age alt masters - including avatar hamelin swap among others not to mention the alt nico and seamus - really like them. :) Could use a new sexy zoraida too. ;)


I really hope they never unmask Lucius. I am going to look around for a female alt VonSchill now, though. That's a fantastic idea.

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