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That One Model...


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So I've got a question for all the Malifolk out there. Has there ever been one model that made you want to build a crew just to field that model? That just looked so awesome (either the model or its stats, or both!) that meant you had to have it?


For me, it was the rail golem. I love steampunk robots, and it just looked able to bring the pain in a big way.


And now I want to pick up Pandora, just to use Candy. Evil little girls make me giggle. (Funny thing, I've got a blonde little girl of my own. Oooh, paint scheme for Candy...)



Anyway, what about the rest of you?

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Without a doubt I base my miniature purchases and crews based on the models I really like.

Like many Rotten Belles first caught my attention, and I thought Nicodem was the coolest looking master.

Gremlins caught my eye just because of the bayou theme rather than an individual model,

Neverborn was next starting with Teddy, then bat wings then puppets!

Arcanist was showgirls in general.

Guild because I love steam-punk robots, and like Lucius

I will make way for models I think are just ok if they fit the master or are included in a crew box.

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I got interested in Malifaux because I just really dug Leveticus' model.  There was something really cool yet creepy about him and bought his box set before I had the rules or even anyone to play against.  Sad thing is I still haven't played him.  Ended up buying Von Schill for the few games I managed to play in the last edition.  Hope to try him out in the new edition soon, though

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Break down and get the metal now, play with her and you may like her enough to get the plastics (which probably won't be next year anyway hehe)

Nightmare Teddy for me. I bought a Pandora crew because of it. Now I want The Dreamer and Collodi and Widow Weaver.

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There are plenty of malifaux models like this for me - but the one I'm going to go with is the one I didn't have any masters capable of hiring at the time - but it was far to pretty to not buy.

Alt bête noire

Innovative model design, totally dynamic and a joy to paint.

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LCB was without a doubt the model that got me interested in Malifaux (and miniatures gaming in general), he just looked so awesome. I started digging around to find out what this beast was all about.

As I started to learn the back story a bit and how the dreamer fits in, I picked up a Lilith plastic box to start playing Neverborn while I wait for plastic Dreamer.

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Well, Teddy brought me into this very game.


Recently I couldnt resist buying a Lady J Box simply due to the look of the models and now I have to get even more of Guild. Oh, and before I forget:


Hungering Darkness and Mr. Graves pulled me towards Jakob Lynch, as well as these little Terror Tots. In fact, the Jacob Lynch crew I am painting right now only consists of models I like the look of. Its just a famously looking crew!

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Nicodem and the Punks drew me into Malifaux faster than a Rotten Belle supported by Outta my way. Started with his box in 1,0, now some 60ss of Rezzers. ^^


Lynch and Collodi drew into NB. The Puppetmaster's just so awesome (not so much in 1,5, but in 2,0 too much goodness) and Lynch's so cool with the hat and pistol and gambling theme, also corruption and demons.

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I remember picking though the various pages back when it was just book 1 releases, swearing that one day I would own Seamus and his classy hat. I still don't, but the soul still burns. Eventually, after filling out Hamelin, Jack, and Tara's crews, I might as well buy into the faction.

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