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WHo is your Favorite Res Leader Poll and Why?

David Blank

Favorite Resurectionist Leader  

89 members have voted

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My favourite is Nicodem. 

Mostly for fluff reasons. Whereas many of the other ressers are certifiably insane and/or psychically unstable/unpredictable, Nicodem is cold, calculating and cynical. His scheming is deliberate and thought through, and quite literally on a grandiose scale. He is a true Gentleman Villain.

This is furthermore enhanced by a play style where he acts as an "overseer", controlling his minions and ensuring that everything goes according to his plan, never really interacting much with the opponent directly.

And the fact that losses taken are often inconsequential (both in-game and for Nico in the story) is also a bonus.

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Seamus, because of the whole Jack the ripper thing he has going on with the little exception that the girls get resurrected as zombies. He has a good vibe with him when you play with everything else basically being expendable and when Seamus hits the table he's the man of the show. His crew has great movement tricks in all ways possible, has good board control and if needed can bring on the pain. I also love his totem Copycat Killer who's just following him around and who shoots like crazy if he hits. 

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Too many clearly... I love Molly and how surprisingly chipper she is about her whole situation, McMourning since he is hillarious, Nicodem because of his overlord vibe, Yan Lo because wise old people get a soft spot on me and of course Kirai who was my first, but will stay on standby. Seamus I also like, but I prefer the cooky of McMourning over Seamus flavor.


As for Tara, sucks to be the new kid :P Haven't played her in a while and I sort of feel a disconect between her and the faction, though spare parts helps there. I like the whole time thing but need to put her more on the table and see her more on the fluff to endear myself to her.

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Seamus was my first rezzer master and I enjoyed playing him and I like the villian-protagonist quality of him. But I must admit to being drawn in by Nicodem's 'bigger bad in plain sight' setup, the fact he isn't as crazy as his fellows but certainly more ambitiious and evil in his intent. From a play perspective I feel a huge amount more freedom with him than I do with Seamus, or any of the others. I feel like I always have a lot of options with him (whether I make good use of those options is another matter sometimes!).

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Nico for me


He was the first Master I ever played during demo games and I found him immensely fun. Haven't gotten round top buying him yet though. I really enjoyed his summoner/support role. I also like that his crew can be so diverse and pretty much anything works with him. 


Close 2nd is Tara though, I've always been an Outcasts kinda guy

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Molly has a beautiful juxtaposition of motherly or sisterly support over a pervasive sense of anathema.  Her whispers and revelations are automatic - virtually without malice, and yet so wholly abominable to any living thing that they are shared with are shaken to their core.  Creating a Master like Molly takes a deft touch because it's all subtlety and taking a wrong step is almost too easy.  She's got sorrow and loss married to every word of support and comfort she offers to the violated and victimized who walk with her.

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I honestly love Tara.


When running her with Ressers I get access to my favorite Flesh Constructs to back up my Nothing Beast and Rotten Belles to lure opponents with their insanely high Cast stat and to turn my Nothing beast into a Yo-Yo of death and destruction.


She gets two activations a turn. one at the beginnining to buff her minions and one at the end to kill things and run schemes. Getting to do both of these every turn makes her insanely good.


Not to mention if you have a few crappy masks i your hand she is literally immune to shooting with her defensive trigger.


She does great against swarms with sympathetic echoes on her sword so Rats, Abominations, and 'anyone who takes more than one of something' everywhere beware.


She plays with Fast and Slow like nobody else. Fast Flesh Golems really hurt when they can be in perfect position or even charging turn one and a Fast Nothing Beast has 4AP per activation. Her 4 point minions can also hand out slow.


Along with time shennanigans she loves to play with the buried mechanic. Her totem and her 4 point minions are able to attack or heal buried enemies or friends respectively. This seems situational till you see that she and everything in her list can usually bury someone in some form or fashion. Masters like the dreamer who bury their own models really cant do anything without opening themselves up to disembodied attacks from every direction.


SHE GETS A + TO HER INITIATIVE!! in a game so heavily dependent on Order of activations, getting an advantage to her Initiative for a 2 SS upgrade cannot be overstated.


This may have been a fanboy speil but she has a ton of different tricks and I have never regretted putting Tara on the table. She is my pick for Favorite caster.

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The First henchman to appear on the stage, Mollys bacground story from the second Chronicles brought me to show interest for ressers. I have her and her supporting miniatures for half a year now and I haven't played her yet...
She's probably my favourite Malifaux character (her and the old hag).

I really started to like McMourning when I saw his new art and later I read his story with Marcus and decided to get him before I've seen his new rules. Also haven't played with or against yet.

There are only Kirai and Seamus players in my area and I know someone who wants to play Nicodem. Ressers seem like cool opponents.
Also it's weird how everyone thinks Leveticus is a Resser when I bring him for games...

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Kirai is undoubtedly my favourite!  She was my first master & what drew me to the game with the whole Japanese vibe. 

Game wise I really loved her mechanics, which were unfortunately overpowered which led to me stop using her (or starting the game with only 1-2 Seishin!).  Also in love with her M2E version & look forward to using her again!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Kirai's crew was the first Malifaux box set I ever purchased, and for much the same reasons that DA O&F Git said above. 

Her back story is great. I really love the whole "formerly trafficked woman gains power and a quest for revenge" thing. It doesn't hurt that she can really bring the pain as well, both in 1.5 and 2.0.


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