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Did I waste $40?


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Hello all and thanks for reading. A friend and I recently decided to get into a miniature game and we ended up choosing Malifaux. He purchased the M2E Guild box set and I purchased the M2E shadows of redchapel set. We still are working on our minis and have not tried to actually play the game yet but will within a week or so. Another friend is considering getting into it but did not want to risk the money. I decided to go ahead and purchase an older set of the Dreamer/Lord chompy bits. The problem is I do not see any stats for them in my new M2E book and do not see them listed on the new arsenal decks for wave 1. Is there somewhere I can download the stats or an idea of when the stats will be released? I really hope I didn't just waste 40 bucks on this set. Thanks for any info you can provide.

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No you did not. The Dreamer and crew are currently being under revision due to Malifaux going from 1.5 edition to 2.0 edition. The Dreamer is in Beta right now where you can download his beta stats and upgrades and you can play test him all you want. just check back each week as to his stats being changed, adjusted, or rewritten.

Here is the Link:


I hope you enjoy playing!

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dreamer is in wave 2: check the beta forum and download the stat cards. you should check again every week as they are not yet finished with the second wave models rules. when the open beta is finished the wave two neverborn arsenal boxes will include the official and final rules for this model and the crew.

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You did not technically waste it. The cards with it are obsolete. The Dreamer is currently in open beta testing......you can download the latest play-test files in that section of the forum.

Once the PT is complete, Faction decks will be released for each faction that will include all of the models and upgrades for everything in the current wave (wave 2). Faction decks have already been released for Wave 1 (which is everything in the new rulebook).

Edit: Holy Ninja'd.

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As has been said above, the most important thing to remember however is that this is play test, and we have 2ish months left in it, so nothing is currently stable. The rules you download won't be the official rules until the product releases in January.

The Rules will change. It might be broken one week, OP the next, stay unchanged for 3 more weeks, and then change radically the next.

That isn't to say this won't be a fun or contentious process, just that you and your friend should remember that the Dreamer is not finalized yet, and if something isn't working, or is working too well you can help insure he is more fun by positing feedback on your games.

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WOW!!! Thanks for all the help as it is much appreciated. I will hold off playing that set for as long as we can. I really don't want to learn or have my friend learn how to play the game on a set that may change every week. Maybe once we get a good grasp of the game we can go back to it. For now im ordering the dark debts Jacob lynch set for our 3rd set. Would I be able to play the Jacob lynch set vs my seamus set? Im not sure how that works since they can both be part of the same faction. Thanks again

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WOW!!! Thanks for all the help as it is much appreciated. I will hold off playing that set for as long as we can. I really don't want to learn or have my friend learn how to play the game on a set that may change every week. Maybe once we get a good grasp of the game we can go back to it. For now im ordering the dark debts Jacob lynch set for our 3rd set. Would I be able to play the Jacob lynch set vs my seamus set? Im not sure how that works since they can both be part of the same faction.

Thanks again

Lynch is a Ten Thunders/Neverborn master whereas Seamus is a dedicated Ressurecrionist so no same faction there. Having the same faction play against you is not a problem, game and storywise. As Seamus might as well square off against for instance Nicodem over a rare trinket or scrap of forbidden knowledge.

As to the part if they balance out, yes as said before they are quite in balance apart from some different playstyles. Lord Chompy's box certainly isnt a wasted investment as they will get new cards and by the looks of it cather to a whole new playstyle.

If theres anymore questions feel free, these boards and its members tend to be very helpfull, just dont mention Gremlins (lol).

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Good models to add to Seamus would be probobly Hanged or Better Noir if you want more hitty models. Necropunks are also good if you want objective runners. Crooked men would also be good.

You could also add maybe canine remains, nurses, or flesh contructs; however these may or may not be coming out in the new McMourning box (we don't have details yet), it's scheduled for release in january so hopefully we'll get box contents soon.

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Well the cauldron could have been empty and worn like a hat in which case it would really cause a bunch on consternation since Somer always wants the Biggest hat and Perdita's hat is rather big on Ophelia. Hat wise Wong has the tallest and Brewie actually has not hat just alcohol, the best alcohol ever. So I can see where the idea of who has what hat can be a tough one to solve especially when Brewie could cut off the supply of his own sweet nectar if he isn't taken seriously.

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Well the cauldron could have been empty and worn like a hat in which case it would really cause a bunch on consternation since Somer always wants the Biggest hat and Perdita's hat is rather big on Ophelia. Hat wise Wong has the tallest and Brewie actually has not hat just alcohol, the best alcohol ever. So I can see where the idea of who has what hat can be a tough one to solve especially when Brewie could cut off the supply of his own sweet nectar if he isn't taken seriously.

I'm hoping for a Carved Wooden Spoon of Power upgrade for Zoraida at some point (that will make her a potent melee threat, btw remember the Spoon from the Final Fantasy series?).

However back to the topic of Gremlin Leadership...

Wong of course cant be considered a proper "big" boss since even with his tall pointy hat he isn't as large as Som'er without his. Ophelia falls into the same category before you even considered that her hat isn't even tall but wide (and arguably still not as wide as Som'er'). Now Brewmaster could pose a problem as his hat could be said to completely cover him and he is Ht 2 as well. I figure the only one who could really usurp claim to the "Big" Boss title would be Lenny (as he is Ht 3 and wears a hat) though he is a bit to dull to realize it (plus we have him placated by all the piglets Som'er allows him to tend).

Of course this all assumes that Som'er isn't perched regally atop his lovely stead Peaches. Their combined stature and girth should make it obvious who is really in charge.

Now Zoraida might think she is the gremlin "Big" boss (with her nasty cauldron, creepy little dolls and "carved wooden spoon") but of course that can't be the case since she isn't a gremlin.

The whole thing is rather perplexing and why the league is in a bit of a fluxx.

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I'm hoping for a Carved Wooden Spoon of Power upgrade for Zoraida at some point (that will make her a potent melee threat, btw remember the Spoon from the Final Fantasy series?).

However back to the topic of Gremlin Leadership...

Wong of course cant be considered a proper "big" boss since even with his tall pointy hat he isn't as large as Som'er without his. Ophelia falls into the same category before you even considered that her hat isn't even tall but wide (and arguably still not as wide as Som'er'). Now Brewmaster could pose a problem as his hat could be said to completely cover him and he is Ht 2 as well. I figure the only one who could really usurp claim to the "Big" Boss title would be Lenny (as he is Ht 3 and wears a hat) though he is a bit to dull to realize it (plus we have him placated by all the piglets Som'er allows him to tend).

Of course this all assumes that Som'er isn't perched regally atop his lovely stead Peaches. Their combined stature and girth should make it obvious who is really in charge.

Now Zoraida might think she is the gremlin "Big" boss (with her nasty cauldron, creepy little dolls and "carved wooden spoon") but of course that can't be the case since she isn't a gremlin.

The whole thing is rather perplexing and why the league is in a bit of a fluxx.

Well that and some came through the breach and decided to take up residence in Washington D.C. *grin*

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So I bought bête noire, flesh construct, canine remains, and the hanged......My wallet is getting thinner lol. Watched a game at my local gaming store (thanks Wyatt!!) and now im totally hooked. Cant wait to play my first game next Thursday. Also made a gaming mat thanks to these forums. Just gotta get or make some markers and terrain pieces then ill be all set. Thanks everyone for the pointers

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