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Releases Sept-Jan


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Feel free to discuss anything about the releases though!

Personally, I'm waiting to see pandora's box (set) and the lone marshal. That price point says big fancy model to me...

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Marcus, Pandora, Sonnia, McMourning - all of them I've been looking forward to, but I wasn't expecting all four of those to be out so soon!

Also, I'm very glad Cojo is going to be a separate release - I still might just buy a new Marcus crew but it's nice to know I can get the Angry Ape on it's own if I wanted.

The only negative is the lack of Gremlins, especially Brewie. That's one of the other crews I've definitely been hanging out for.

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Back on topic yaay!

Man even while I have a Tara crew in the original package together with the new Seamus and Justice I am excited for more new kits! Especially since I am hooking a friend of mine into Malifaux. He's going to be spoiled by choices. The Lone Marshall is surely in for my Lady J. Crew. Dunno if theres anything really of note for Seamus thou.

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What I'm more intrigued about is the contect of the McMourning box. I mean, will it be the old flesh, sebsatian, nurses and doug plus chihuahua?. I mean, this boxset now works a billion times better then before, but I'm still curious if something won't get swapped for canine remains.

---------- Post added at 03:55 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:53 AM ----------

What I'm more intrigued about is the contect of the McMourning box. I mean, will it be the old flesh, sebsatian, nurses and doug plus chihuahua?. I mean, this boxset now works a billion times better then before, but I'm still curious if something won't get swapped for canine remains.

If it is like the old box, I'd probably buy it and have one of the McMourning's become Rafkin and the zombie chichuahua would replace my old one who gets changed to canine remains I'd suppose (I have no nurses, only one flesh construct and no sebastian, so pretty good for me).

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The only negative is the lack of Gremlins, especially Brewie. That's one of the other crews I've definitely been hanging out for.

This is the real head scratcher. I don't get why existing masters are being updated before we can even play some.

I still think Fuhatsu is overpriced, no matter how fancy the three dudes are, they aren't equal crew of 6 also fancy figs. If this is what its going to cost from now on, swap to resin for some pieces you don't expect to sell a lot of.

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I reckon the delay in the gremlins is just a simple matter of timing - Not many companies can work months/years in advance like GW are often said to do (no idea how true that is, but it seems likely). Takes way too much outlay to do that if you don't have giant reserves of cash I'd guess.

That said, casting slots do need booking up in advance so whatever's ready will get sent for casting as downtime is expensive I imagine.

It might be that the sculpts for them took a bit longer to get right, or something that simple. They weren't ready when they were booking slots that would be ready for january, so something else had to go instead.

Least, that's what I tell myself so the wait seems less difficult *grin*

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Even though I already own a Marcus crew box, I do like the new models that they created for the entire crew. (Minus Cerberus - looks too much like a bear/cat/dog in my opinion) I will probably pick the box up when it does come out and any models that I have extra such as the old Marcus, Myranda, and possibly the Razorspine I will attempt to convert them into different models such as the dawn serpent for the Razorspine.

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I reckon the delay in the gremlins is just a simple matter of timing - Not many companies can work months/years in advance like GW are often said to do (no idea how true that is, but it seems likely). Takes way too much outlay to do that if you don't have giant reserves of cash I'd guess.

That said, casting slots do need booking up in advance so whatever's ready will get sent for casting as downtime is expensive I imagine.

It might be that the sculpts for them took a bit longer to get right, or something that simple. They weren't ready when they were booking slots that would be ready for january, so something else had to go instead.

Least, that's what I tell myself so the wait seems less difficult *grin*

*pets Mako on the shoulder*. "There there now, they got their own faction now, wherever they may be".

On a serious note I am very much looking forward to a lot of things. Like will McMourning look like his art exactly? Will Fuhatsu fit horizontally or vertically on his base? Are we getting a steam augmented monkey?

Im excited for the range as a whole to be honest!

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I am really looking forwards to seeing all these new plastic kits. sadly the timing sucks for me so I probably wont get to buy any until second quarter 2014. I have a disgusting backlog of unpainted GW minis, unpainted wyrd minis bought during gencon, with kickstarter items set to arrive in nov and dec, plus funds for family holiday gifts, and a major GW release in jan of one of my oldest favorite armies that i'm sure i will have to throw money at.

so i'm hoping to just keep plugging away, make a dent in my painting backlog, and by april or so, i should have my wyrd stuff painted, seen a few demo games, and figured out which new plastic starter kit i want to buy.

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I never gave gremlins a second look before 2.0, but now I am really excited to play them.

I am really liking the new art for them and don't really have any interest in working on metals that I will replace. I am SOOOOOOOO bummed to see no Gremlins coming out of the swamps until (at least) Feb! At least they could have gotten Z out so gremlin players could start working on her.

I hope Wyrd is willing to make some of the future months grem-heavy to catch them up.

Edited by Iron Heel
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Pictures are up on the releases page! Brilliant models! Loving McMourning and M&SU boxes.

This is new, right, the artwork? It's not that I'm just clueless? How is this not announced in bright lights? These are awesome pics that will be awesome sculpts.

Side note: my friend and I are theorizing the release schedule is by hair color. Next few months is the red hair phase. McMourning, Sonnia, Pandora. I'm guessing Ramos was a redhead in his younger days.


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