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Malifaux Sweet Spot.


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So when I started the game like everyone else I started at 25ss which is about what most of the box's are. I then moved to 35 and have played most games since then at 35, but have had 2 tournaments at 30 a tourney at 25 also. I have not gotten many games at 40 in it just doesn't come up much at our stores.

My question to everyone out there is where do you think the best point level to play at is. My opinion at the moment is 30ss its small enough that you get quick games and really have to chose what your want to bring to complete what you need and not to big that you can just bring stuff to cover every need. I like playing at every level though I don't think I would want to go 45ss or higher I have played a 50ss scrap and it was painful.

Edit: Please post why.

So I was stupid and put as only me, admins and mods on the poll and I don't know how to switch it so I will keep it up to date on this post now.


Edited by Mentat_Canis
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35ss seems about right to me. Mainly because this is where some of the big models like Nekima, A&D etc become viable for their cost. Smaller then this and I find my choices to heavily restricted. Also at 35ss I still can definitly not have every model I want, I can at least build the more complex and diverse lists.

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I think for a true challenge 30 stones is a lot tougher. Makes you really think about what models you are going to take to achieve your strategies.


but then, I'm definitely a "small skirmish" player.... where more than 10 models on each side is a concern...

when you have enough resources to take "something for everything" the strategery starts to fall apart... mainly because you have a response to what the opponent is doing, now you just have to get it into position...

i prefer when both players are going into the battle unsure if they'll be able to compensate for the other's jiggery-pokery..

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Why keep the poll results hidden?

Sorry didn't realise I did that I am trying to figure out how to show now. Current results are


Ok I do not know how to change viewing options on the poll if an admin could that would be great or if someone could tell me how that would be great

Edited by Mentat_Canis
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Even though I haven't gotten to that level (most games in the 25-30 range), I've got a feeling 35-40 is going to be the sweet spot.

Playing anything less than 30 just limits the options on Schemes, I feel. Trying to accomplish Perdita's Family Justice, or Rasputina's Reflections on December, just seem near impossible if your opponent only has 4-5 minions (+ master).

Also, it seems* that summoner lists seem stronger at a lower points value, because anything summoned represents a larger increase in perceived value.

* Not much experience with summoner lists, so not sure if the math on that pans out in reality.

Morgan Vening

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Oh wow, the results are hidden even when you vote.

I'm kinda surprised that's even an option.

Wonder if the mods would mind if a duplicate thread was made but with an improved poll (no diss on the thread maker, I know it was an accident)

Meh I have heard worse I was just thinking that option would hide until posted. I am just happy I can see the poll thats why I am trying to keep everyone updated.

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35ss honestly. I think, like others, that it gives you the most variety of crew selection while keeping things like game time into the equation. It also helps everyone pretty equally.

At lower or higher ss limits I tend to see the game's balance (what balance there is) begin to bend. Certain crews and factions can still take their core powerhouse models at 30 and sometimes even at 25 whereas others cannot. The same is true of games played over 40ss, though I have less experience at 40+ so ill have to test it, but I see no reason for the curve not to go the other way, where certain crews will be able to take too many of their awesome models and then it just turns into a "who's cheezier"-fest.

Edited by Necromorph
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I tend to play at 35 stones. I think its really where you have a good mix of options for all masters the game is relatively quick to finish and you can take what you want. I also have played a lot at 25 stones and I think some factions have an easier time at lower stones then other once you cross the 30 stone barrier the game tends to feel more balanced to me. But that is only my perception. 25 stone I love cause you can be done with a full game in under an hour without really rushing.

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with the encounter sequence being choosing strategies before you play it doesn't matter on the game size... however 35 makes for the nice straight forward competitive play, where you can't have everything you want... I like 40ss right now as it gives more leeway and allows for that bit extra for making some fun combinations, tactics and counter-combos...

Do people play many brawls in your area? they open up countless different builds and that

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I really prefer 35 myself. I've played some 30 point games, and they just aren't as much fun. Those extra 5 points might not seem like a lot, but they add in a lot of flexibility for most Masters that I've played (I have a lot of the expensive crews like Colette and Rasputina). I agree, also, that at lower points the summoning crews get ridiculous, especially Kirai. Nicodem, McMourning and Seamus need corpse counters to get summoning, while Kirai just needs Spirits...which is what you'll be starting with. So she can very, very quickly get the insanity going, and end up with a lot more points than she started.

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