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Book 3 Info

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NOTE: Please do not post here unless it is with new info, I want this to be a compilation, not a discussion


A total of 30 new minions, 6 per faction, including 6 effigy dolls, again 1 per faction.


molly's has molly, 3x crooligans and rogue necromancy while kaeris's box has kaeris, male gunsmith, female gunsmith,3xfire gamin




Side note: apparently there is a Resser minion who is a Doll.

All of the factions got a doll minion. And all the dolls can also work for Neverborn.

Brutal effigy is a special forces guild doll

Mysterious effigy is a special forces never born doll

Hodgepodge effigy is a special forces outcast doll

Carrion Effigy is a special forces resurectionists doll

And the complete the set, arcane effigy is a special forces arcanists doll

They are all ht 1 with low dmg. But they all have abilities, spells and triggers that I am sure can to used to leverage other models. I am not good enough to know just by looking what they can do with those, though.


Sonnia Avatar card:



Hoffman Avatar:

Manifest- kill two enemy models with strikes performed with Machine Puppet; and

Successfully affects a target non-master construct with override edict or if no enemy non-master constructs in the game: successfully affects two target non-master constructs with override edict.

Gets massive blade, melee range, 3/4/5 and roomsweeper rg 10 2/3/4b, 1blast

Gets massive blade, melee range, 3/4/5 and roomsweeper rg 10 2/3/4b, 1blast

Lady Justice Alt:


Perdita Avatar:


Pale Rider:

Guild gets the Pale Rider in this book. Its a construct.


There is 2 new Family models for the guild. 1 is a generic family member who I think is Rare 2.

The other family member is a renegade family member that will only work for the Neverborn. My Friend said that they kidnapped and brainwashed him into hating the rest of the Family.

Warden is a construct guardsman. Looks a lot like a guardian.


Seamus Avatar:

Friend from Gencon:

One of Seamus's triggers is kill something with Smell Fear activated charge.


Kirai Avatar:


Manifestation recs:

I only remember vaguely one of them, I think the Ikiryo has to kill two models.

McMorning Avatar:

Eric J confirmed on the Aethervox Pod Cast that this concept art is the McMourning Avatar


That's not McM himself, that's more his Advanced Flesh Construct, There's a second part to McM's avatar.

He keeps Rancid Transplant, and can summon 29 (Simulacrum 29) for 6 body parts if its not already on the table. in order to have 29 when he manifests there needs to be a flesh construct on the table, other wise he has to cut himself.


1 - gain 5 body parts from ENEMY models

2 - Kill and enemy suffering from a Rancid Transplant



Dead doxy is a new Belle. I got a brief description of abilities, but I can confirm Seamus can summon them with Arise my sweet, and they are rare 2.


"some crueligans in the background. Cueligans are new ressers that get a free walk w/ an interact http://twitpic.com/610t05"



Rathkin the Embalmer:

There is also a unique embalmer character to run around with McMourning. Friend with book says he can stop Lady Justice and others from completely destroying corpses. No additional details.

The Drowned:

Can confirm The Drowned is a undead and spirit Resser Model

Not Unique.

Another unique model


Ramos Avatar:


To manifest:

Cast electrical creation and/or construct spider twice; and

Inflict 8 Wds on enemy models with Electrical fire. Should be noted that's not all at once. That's cumulative.

Gets arachnid, armor 2, immune to influence, +1 melee expert,

Mechanical limb melee range 2, 3/4/6

New spells and triggers, like all the avatars.

Rasputina Avatar:

Reduce an enemy model to 1 Wd with Biting chill; and

Kill two models with single casting of Decembers Curse.

She gets Ice blade- melee range 2, CB 5; 3/3/5 and

Ice shards range 8, 1/1blast/3 blast blast

Also hard to kill and armor 2 against pulse and burst, and blast


Not sure about the fluff, but a friend called me from Gencon and said that there is a new bear in the book. The more wounds it takes, the meaner it gets. Kinda like opposite of the Cerebus.

Soulstone Miner:


Colette Avatar:

She is getting really interesting to play from a psychological aspect. She has an ability called Shell Game and is represented by 3 models. At the start of the turn you choose which of the 3 models is the real Colette, and which 2 are the decoys. They all use aColette's stats until they take damage. She gains Fast and has a total of 6 AP to spend between all 3 models. At end of turn if the real Colette hasn't been revealed yet, you have to reveal her.

She keeps Magician's Duel, picks up Sublime Performance and Mesmerizing, and then adds a lot of ways to mess with your opponent's deck and a few ways to mess with his hand, at the cost of all of her support skills.



A friend of mine confirmed there is a 5 SS cost unique showgirl called the Mistress of Ceremonies. That is the total information I have on it at the moment.

Large Steampunk Arachnid:



Lilith Avatar Details:


Pandora Avatar:




I thought I would give you a picture of the green to see her face.





Silurid Spawn mother and the Gupps:

"Makes all Silurid gain Grave robber and has a Spell called Spawning Pool to create a 4" circular Water pool (ht 0), turns corpse counters into Gupps.

Has ranged attack that is Poison 1"

Big Z:



Get a stolen Ortega? See Guild:Family for more details


Leveticus Avatar:


To manifest:

Must have killed or sacrificed twice; and

Must summon two steam punk abominations. With Necrotic Unmaking

Gives bonus to death, hooded, and mechanical riders.

Can also summon these riders.

Gets Death Touch. melee range 1; 0/1/12.

Hamelin Avatar:


A Boy Named Sue:



McTavish is a mercenary gator tamer who will work for Gremlins, but isn't a gremlin. His attack is him siccing his gator on you.


McTavish: Costs 6SS. Has "control" abilities over Vermin, Pigs, and Neverborn. Can "Stampede" like Pigs. Can be hired by Gremlin crews.


Som'er Avatar:

To manifest, Som'er must use Take a Swig three times to heal a model and inflict 4 dmg with Pull My Finger.



Gremlins get a new unique gremlin. Hgt 3. :)

He's based on Lenny from Of Mice and Men. He has a ranged attack where he swats a piglet at his opponent with his big stick. The only other thing I know of him is that he has the dumb rule that Flesh Constructs have.

Edited by nothingatall544
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My two main masters are McM and Leveticus, and I have to say I'm very pleased that the big "Aalone" guys is for McM. It just seemed to fit better. Now that I'm also seeing the Leveticus avatar I am glad they kept the feels they did for both sets of models.



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My two main masters are McM and Leveticus, and I have to say I'm very pleased that the big "Aalone" guys is for McM. It just seemed to fit better. Now that I'm also seeing the Leveticus avatar I am glad they kept the feels they did for both sets of models.



Think Fifth Horseman for Leveticus

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Say what...?

I had thought my big z list could survive without the slimebags. Would like to hear more as I could be swayed...

Silurid Spawn mother and the Gupps.

Makes all Silurid gain Grave robber and has a Spell called Spawning Pool to create a 4" circular Water pool (ht 0), turns corpse counters into Gupps.

Has ranged attack that is Poison 1

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