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Musings on Book 5 ;)


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18 hours ago, necroon said:


Neverborn The awesome rider thing from the Woflman's story, More "generic" Nephalim types: perhaps options for Mature and Grow paths

As much as I'd love to see a stage between Young and Mature, more Barbaros sized, honestly there's more than enough Nephilim. You can already play pure Nephilim if you wanted to and just about every niche is covered aside from something tanky, but that's not Neverborns way.

Also changes to the Grow paths would need a Rapid Growth update and would affect the Black Blood Shamans, so it's unlikely.

Woe, Mimics, Swampfiend, definitely Fae, even Nightmares could do with fleshing out before before we got more Nephilim. Even like you pointed out some unique monster type stuff like the horned rider in the Righteous Mans story. Though a giant horned rider sounds like a pretty cool Fae.

Nephilim though, they feel 'finished'. Especially after the starter.

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6 hours ago, -Loki- said:

As much as I'd love to see a stage between Young and Mature, more Barbaros sized, honestly there's more than enough Nephilim.

I only feel they have too many characters and not enough generic options. Besides: there is nothing stopping a Nephalim option from also being a Woe, Mimic, or Swampfiend. Fey are new: I don't believe the new need options and there are not many things that interact with that keyword. I'd sooner be happy about a Darkened or Briliance option then one that is Fey as there was no love to be had for those in the most recent book.

Also I was not under the impression this was a discussion about anything other then what we would like to see and I would like to see more generic Nephalim :PIf the discussion were based on what I felt needed fleshing out for a faction progression purpose my answer would have been much different. 

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A lot of the Masters doesn't have any limited upgrades now, in addition a number of the rest doesn't really have significant limited upgrades. So the idea of adding a limited to change how they play now will only work for a handful of the Masters. So for most Masters you will only add something to their current arsenal without changing much. You could errata a Master and move some of their core/popular talents from the stat card to limited upgrades, but you are getting pretty close to adding new Masters then, mechanically that is.

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I would suggest that Waldgeist are also just  as "in-theme" with Titania. The autumn knights have armor that looks like wood, and the thorn use plants for whips. Titania is also about endurance, having armor spread out through her minions.  Nature is certainly one of titania's forte. I feel it's no coincidence that a waldgeist is shown in her fluff parts of the book. These are the neverborn i assumed would be the first to join her...in previous books,  their description described them as joining other neverborn to defend the forest, but never really follow a particular leader.

While biased by my opinion of course, it keeps reminding me how much Lilith is an odd duck in the faction. She could very well be dual faction Outcast-Neverborn for that matter, as she looks little like her theme (Nephilim), and her avatar looks more like what Titania could have. The old Nekima model would have been a great Lilith's avatar form...actually. One issue of Nekima and Lilith is that, thematically, they could be swapped for each other easily. I do hope that they do unlock that story at one point.

Lastly...how many books do you think Malifaux can support? I mean, there is something as too many models too choose from. There seems to already be a concensus that there's enough masters as it is.

Food for thought...

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On 18/11/2016 at 5:28 AM, Sybaris said:

Lastly...how many books do you think Malifaux can support? I mean, there is something as too many models too choose from. There seems to already be a concensus that there's enough masters as it is.

Food for thought...

I figured this was part of the reasoning behind The Other Side. Lets than scale down the releases for Malifaux (the half a dozen models per faction we're getting in new books can't really sustain a year of releases by themselves, but are not a bad quantity to be adding to the game once a year) and concentrate on The Other Side, which will need quite a lot of releases to bring factions up.

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Honestly, I'd like book 5 to alter their approach a little bit, and see the books as more of a version update than a strict addition to a carved in stone 2nd edition rule set until 3rd edition.

I wouldn't mind seeing some stat caps unless the card explicitly says otherwise added via the core rules, to prevent things stacking bonuses until the game breaks in a very unfun way.  Nothing beast having df 9 printed on their card but being balanced by the controller not having any cards to cheat with is fine and fun.  Other models being able to get to df/wp 9 while having cards to cheat with just make the game an unfun gotcha.

I'm generally skeptical about the band-aid upgrades being a pancea for maintaining the model pool.  I think they work some of the time, but in other situations the models just need their cards re-done (especially since you can't tone anything down a tad via a zero cost upgrade either).  However, I don't think the current card pool is egregiously broken either.  Maybe treat the rules updates as deprication of existing cards, not invalidation.  If the official rule was all versions of cards are legal and balanced enough for casual play (as casual play implies only two parties and consent), are legal for tournament play but disallow anyone using a depricated card is skipped in calculating the final placing (i.e. casual players can play with the cards they have, but they can't win the event, and if a "serious" player can't beat someone who isn't up to date on the latest versions of everything then they need to play better), then I think seeing a handful of new models + a handful of revised versions of existing models in each book would be good.  Poor internal balance within a hiring pool in a miniatures game has in fact shown itself to be a real issue in some other games, and trying to ignore the problem until an edition change and fixing everything in one pass has maybe shown itself to be an impossible feat.

I also find that the limited upgrade concept has been under used.

I'd also like to see some more concrete rules and examples regarding terrain at their most basic (for example, to give different masters a chance to shine, we roll a d3 each game to get different terrain density on the table where 1 = 25%, 2=33% and 3=50% coverage).  In addition, I wouldn't mind seeing some advanced rules for terrain.  Possibly with a "hiring pool" for terrain, and maybe some model style rules for special terrain pieces.  Say for example if there was a card for the hanging tree, and clear rules about buying your half of the terrain to get it on the board during casual games (not so much that it is their model and they control it, but that their crew wants it on the table).  It would create a nice parallel product option or opportunity for partnerships, since even sans rules terrain is terrain.

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