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Ripples of Fate Story Discussion


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On 8/12/2016 at 5:33 PM, Fetid Strumpet said:

Cadaver,  I'm not arguing that she is or is not evil, and I'm not arguing that she is or is not as genuinely good or caring as she "appears". My point is they haven't given us enough information to know one way or the other. You even use my own terminology in that you say she appears to actually care for those around her. We have one story, from an unreliable narrator, who details that she seems to have some strange power. That's all we know. My objection to the comment by Rob is that he stated as a statement of fact that she is truly working for the good of others when the fact of the matter is we don't know that. The developers purposely made her story ambiguous (and gave more characterization and interest to her henchman than to her, though that's a separate issue), so we don't know what motivates her to do what she's doing or what the mysterious power she posses is, or where it comes from. This isn't a binary equation where if she isn't unequivocally good, therefore she must have sinister motivations. So I'm not saying that because I disagree with the interpretation put forward that she certainly is good and caring or that I automatically think she's sinister and evil. I'm simply saying that anyone other than the story team at Wyrd doesn't have enough knowledge to say definitively.


She reminds me of Joan of Arc. Either you view her as a hero or a villian according to your own perspective, but the character is ambiguous at best. And I think that's a good thing.

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And as Jack Daw and the Burning Man reached to each other from across the Breach, in a single fleeting moment, Daw learned how to love again. From that moment a beautiful friendship bloomed that would change them both and, inevitably, lead to the demise of all life in the multiverse. 


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SPOILERS People reading on the front page and don't want to be spoiled, stop now, you've warned.




I honestly thought the post above me was a joke. I see now I was wrong. Thanks for the update.

Random thoughts (but not all) after reading the Master updates (but not the new Master stories or the final one):

1. How is Rasputina even remotely an Arcanist anymore?

2. I love that the Ortegas got out smarted by the LaCroix. Sure, Ophelia is more than a bit smarter than most Gremlins, but still entertaining.

3. I like how we got to see the Brewmaster's connections with the Ten Thunders.

4. I am very happy Molly is trying to save Philip. He's still arguably my favorite Malifaux character fluff-wise.

5. I was shocked that Nicodem killed other Rezzers and attacked the Eastern slums. It's almost like he's a bad guy or something. It does bring to question where he targeted. Did he hit the Barrows? Did he accidentally rob Parker of his chance for revenge?

6. The Court of Two? I wonder if they could be the ones who turned the Crossroads Seven into what they are now. I also wonder if this spirit army could wind up being an army for The Other Side.

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13 minutes ago, Parker Barrows said:

SPOILERS People reading on the front page and don't want to be spoiled, stop now, you've warned.



5. I was shocked that Nicodem killed other Rezzers and attacked the Eastern slums. It's almost like he's a bad guy or something.

Nicodem...a bad guy...? It's almost like he's some wrinkled old dude who wants to take over the world with an army of the dead...

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On 8/16/2016 at 1:31 AM, -Loki- said:

As my brother said - guess he'll need new daydreams too.

As long as spoiler threads exist about Wyrd product, there will be off-the-wall 'spoilers' from those who choose to spread their own brand of information. Brand X, of course. With that being said...


Dreamer runs into Candy, develops new daydreams; everyone dies sobbing with terror and remorse.

Dreamer runs into Rusty Alyce, develops new daydreams; everyone dies and the blood splashes up to the ceiling.

Dreamer runs into rotten belles...ok, stopping before I even get to the next one, I grossed myself out. :angry:

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I really loved the stories in Rippling Fates. There was alot of great character development, with my favorite probably being Hoffman's. When he started out in Malifaux he was kind of a minor player in the grand scheme of things. He had his quest to restore his brother Ryle, but the department he was given was mostly a joke, granted to keep him distracted while the big boys (well, girls mostly) in the Guild did the important stuff. But as of Rippling Fates he's finally realised his brother is beyond saving and he's been elevated to arguably the second most influential character in the Guild (after the new Governor General). The fact that he's inadvertently outmaneuvered Lucius in the process only makes it all the sweeter. :D

Oddly though, it was actually my least favorite Masters who's Vignette's I liked the most.

Kirai I've always seen as a big mopey crybaby. She's still pretty mopey but now with her focus on taking down Malifaux's brothels, the Governor dead and most recently, her employment with the mysterious Court of Two it feels as though she's finally moving past the emo stage and becoming a character I can like. She's still trying to bring back her Lost Love, but it's a start at least.

Von Schill's story was also great. It basically reiterated what he got up to during the Nythera TTB campaign, but what I love is his "I don't give a F*&k" attitude to losing half his limbs. The guy's hard core, and I can definitely respect him for that. :)

The Gremlin stories are all hilarious, mainly because most of them have little to nothing to do with the main plot (aside from Wong's and Ophelia's that is). Given the typical mentality of a Gremlin that actually makes perfect sense. 


If I had to pick my favorite vignette though, I'd have to say it was Yan Lo's. We got a big chunk of his history and why he was cursed in the way he was, plus it gave us some very interesting information on a new threat that will no doubt become a key player in later books. 

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*SPOILERS for anyone reading on the front page*

I like how much Rippling Fates sets up for the Other Side and models for the next Wave.

The more I think about it, the more I think Kirai's army will eventually be an Other Side army.

I also think this new Oni Lord will be the Three Kingdoms entry.

Ulix is breeding a new type of pig. Probably a new model.

McMourning's new creations could be an interesting model. I wonder if they'll have Academic.

Edited by Parker Barrows
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I think the vignettes were my favorite part of the new book. While I do enjoy a good story to capture the feel of the new masters, I really like being updated what is happening elsewhere in Malifaux. At this point, I just wish Wyrd would hire a full time novelist and get some full length books of events in our hands (even if it is just past events). I personally would love to read the full story of Jack Daw and how he got from an average criminal (presumably) to a the ghostly entity he is now.

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On 23/08/2016 at 10:18 AM, Khyodee said:

I think the vignettes were my favorite part of the new book. While I do enjoy a good story to capture the feel of the new masters, I really like being updated what is happening elsewhere in Malifaux. At this point, I just wish Wyrd would hire a full time novelist and get some full length books of events in our hands (even if it is just past events). I personally would love to read the full story of Jack Daw and how he got from an average criminal (presumably) to a the ghostly entity he is now.

Spot on mate! I find that is where Malifaux is missing out the most. It has an amazing assortment of tropes available to it, but doesn't really use them. IMHO 40k and Fantasy (before the nuking of the fridge) fluff is what really set them apart, espcially the ability to have your own 'characters' within it.

In malifaux, really all the master encounters are non-canon fan fic when you think about it.

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To be fair, 40k has had nearly thirty years to develop its fluff into a properly curated universe (and, speaking subjectively, the fluff from the first twenty years was mostly garbage). I'm sure the Malifaux stories will continue to improve as they expand the world and its characters. :)

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The 40k fluff has a massive breadth of coverage which it gained over the years, but it is overall not particularly well curated. Since it's had so many writers write and rewrite various portions acorss the armies and core rulebooks, you've got contradictory fluff across and even within editions. Those writers like to say the confusing morass means people can pick and choose what is canon to them, but it's really just lazy writing.

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I read the Guild stories and the last one.


I`m dissapointed in the Nellie story. When Guild could be the neutral guy for once they had to add the "oh, btw, it was Guild fault" which kind of ruined the story and Nellie as a character for me...


Sonnia got pretty burned so she will probably wear the mask to hide her face now. Justice is on the hunt for Nicodem. I love how Lucius got put in line by Marlow. Hoffman part is pretty sad :<


Somehow I think the Governor General is not 100% dead. There`s a lot of Burning references and ripping out Cherufe suggests he`s somehow existing. 

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47 minutes ago, -Loki- said:

The 40k fluff has a massive breadth of coverage which it gained over the years, but it is overall not particularly well curated. Since it's had so many writers write and rewrite various portions acorss the armies and core rulebooks, you've got contradictory fluff across and even within editions. Those writers like to say the confusing morass means people can pick and choose what is canon to them, but it's really just lazy writing.

It sounds like you're using "curated" to mean "edited for consistency" - it's certainly not that, I agree. ;)

I'm using it to mean that the authors are building on a huge archive of previous writing, and that archive is maintained ("curated") by GW staff (Black Librarians?) for the authors to reference what has been previously established on the characters and events they are currently writing about. They can choose to ignore what has gone before, of course, but it makes it easier to build the story on the foundation of prior work.

Arguably Malifaux's story material is not yet extensive enough to warrant such a thing, but I think it's becoming a daunting task to hold the entire "canon" in mind.

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I look at Malifaux's story like looking at the story for a fighting video game. You have 34 characters plus 7 new unlocked one, that is going to end up with some characters on the background or cutting room floor. Go back and look at all the older stories and see which characters are featured and who only make cameos. But that is going to happen with that many characters. That is why I like the vignettes, a little light shone on the characters of Malifaux that lack character. 

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bare in mind that 40k deals with a galaxy while Malifaux deals with two planets. its a significant step up in scale.

Any mention of the Crossroads Seven in Ripples? And does anyone mind spoiling the vignettes for Jack Daw and Leveticus please? :)

Making this longer so spoilers don't appear on main page...Just kidding I didn't actually make it long enough so now I have to edit it. Oh boy oh boy oh boy! Insert some other witty line here.




I don't remember much mention of the "Crossroads Seven", but they did talk about a mysterious masked/cloaked pair multiple times. This is (possibly) the same entity that made the deal with them.

Leveticus isn't having a great time right now. For reasons he doesn't know yet, he's starting to rot and degrade over time. Switching bodies doesn't seem to be reversing it. In essence, he's (possibly) dying, and while he's looking into ways to fix it (or at least keep it from getting worse) he's not sure what it is yet. It might be his method of resurrection isn't perfect, or it might be something entirely different. Considering he's supposedly integral to the future of Malifaux (according to Zoreada), this could be a very bad thing.

Jack Daw remained mysterious as usual. In some ways he's drawn to the "Burning Man", which is presumably a fusion of the Governor General and Cherufe. It's unclear if he's drawn to them, their drawn to him, or something different.

I don't have the book on me right now, but that's all I remember. I can update this with more details later.

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  • 1 month later...

Could someone spoil what happens with Lynch and Yan Lo? Our store will probably be able to receive Ripples of Fate at least another month from now and I'm done waiting.
More importantly, can someone please, please PM me the Goryo stats? I'm starting work on two conversions for them (Yan Lo approves!) and I'd rather know what and how well they can do :P

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On August 23, 2016 at 7:30 PM, TheTrans said:

In malifaux, really all the master encounters are non-canon fan fic when you think about it.

You leave my battle narratives alone, sir! :P

While there's no longer any grounds for throwing breakable objects at people who don't use spacer spoilers now that the book is on general release, I'll keep on using spacers for a day or two. Then I'll unpack my laptop with proper keyboard at long last, and let fly.

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On 9/26/2016 at 6:50 AM, Eclipse said:

Could someone spoil what happens with Lynch and Yan Lo? Our store will probably be able to receive Ripples of Fate at least another month from now and I'm done waiting.
More importantly, can someone please, please PM me the Goryo stats? I'm starting work on two conversions for them (Yan Lo approves!) and I'd rather know what and how well they can do :P

Most of Lynch's tale is about his PoV of the Nytheria events. Once Titiania is released, the Hungering Darkness freaks out. Eventually, they come up with a plan where Lynch starts buying up other taverns in Malifaux and tainting their liquor with Brilliance.

Yan Lo returned to the Oyabun to finally learn about his own past. Apparently, he summoned a powerful oni named Lingxuzi. The six sages eventually defeated it and cursed Yan Lo.  He started to remember a few things, but not enough. Eventually, he went oni-hunting and forced them to tell him about it. They told him the oni had actually possessed the sages when they turned on Yan Lo. When the Breach opened, Lingxuzi was able regain a physical form. Yan Lo has started to return to Malifaux to hunt down the oni.

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