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5 Models Every Arcanist Player Should Have - 2016 Edition


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I love threads like these, so I thought I revive this idea that came up 2014 :)


Which five non-master models should every Arcanist player own?

This is not master dependant, so forget about which master(s) a player will be using. Just pick the five we all need.


Subjective speaking for myself in no particular order:


- Howard Langston: just love that model, both his rules and style. For me it's just pure joy smacking things with a giant steampunk cyborg that hits like a truck.

- December Acolyte: same here, I simply love the style of these miniatures. While Arcanists don't have many shooty models, these are probably considered among the best.

- Angelica: the ability to push stuff around feels amazing, basically giving your more important models fast. Beside the awesome push she also has solid defensive and offensive abilities and therefore provides a great package for me.

- Mechanical Rider: I love the fact that her best buddy aka Metal Gamin got Cuddled and she therefore feels a bit less cheesy. The new model also really fits my style, so additional plus points.

- Myranda & Blessed of December: consider it cheating, but I count them as one model, since I've never ever have bought but only summoned the Blessed so far. In combination with Imbued Energies this provides some early card advantage, mobility and threat. Also, two great miniatures to paint and play with!


Honorable mention goes to Captain, Joss and Casandra ;)

How do your lists look like? Please share! :D


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Howard - Solid, mobile beatstick.  Seems that he fits into alot of crews regardless of master.

Rail Golem - Very swingy model with locomotion, but if it works can really swing the game.  Plus I like the concept of bashing things with an I-Beam

Willie - Yes... Just Yes.  Maybe I'm biased because i've twice gotten jokers on his dying explosions which covered some serious ground

Mech Rider - Solid model, ranged dropping of scheme markers makes certain schemes super easy.

Johan - Kinda cheating here too, not an arcanist model, but has some nice synergy with M&SU, plus potential condition removal, topped off with a Relic Hammer for good measure.  Always a strong contender if I can fit him in my lists.


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Sabertooth Cerberus - My personal go to missile. It can hit very hard, and is also hugely mobile. It probably ought to have Imbued energies attached. ( I prefer leap and Maul to Nimble and Flurry, but will admit that the cerberus is more fragile than Howard)

Blessed of december - A great scheme runner and counter scheme runner. Mine normally has imbued energies attached. A solid set of triggers, and can be a really pain to get rid of. (note - due to my love of fast at the right time, both the cerberus and the Blessed place higher than myranda as I want them to have Imbued energies)

Steam Arachnids - My pick of the 4/5 ss models for speed, abilities and durability. I will happily use them to go and drop scheme markers or hold areas, knowing they aren't that easy to remove. (probably just pips the Effigy for the majority of masters)

December Acolyte - These are a top mid range model. They can attack so many aspects of the game, handing out slow and card discard whist also damaging models. 

Performer - Removing scheme markers at range is huge, and don't mind me makes a lot of things trivial. I'd put them 5th, but they are game dependent. All my otehrs would be a consideration regardless of Strat or scheme pool, but these need the right things. Those right things show up a lot though. 

(EDIT- I haven't used proxy models, so I forgot, but Ice dancers and Wind Gamin are the 2 models from the Shifting loyalty that I think will challenge the everyone want a copy of list. I'd probably have eiteher Arachnid and Ice dancer, or wind gamin and Performer. )

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Joss - Great tank

Sabertooth Cerberus - When something needs to die it's a great guided missile!

December Acolyte - Auto slow is awesome and a good damage track.

Howard - More reliable than the rail golem although the golem is still my favourite. Also good for dropping scheme markers once he's killed everyone!

Either Rail workers or hoarcats. Both are decent lowish cost minions that hit above their paygrade.

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December Acolyte- play them and lose friends.

Cassandra/ Angelica-- really this is just for practiced production.

Howard/Mech Rider- you don't take both normally but one is almost always in every list

Myranda- Pure utility. want damage? she's got damage. want speed? she's got speed. Want tank? she's tank.

Raptors- most annoying model to play against. Ever.

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Howard Langston - Nuff said.

Mechanical Rider - Scheme placement, card draw, and 4ss summoning every turn past the first?  Yes please.

Performer - Gets rid of all those pesky schemes your enemy is placing at a decent range, plus a mini-Lure.

Cassandra - Understudy gives her incredibly flexibility in nearly any crew, and Practiced Production is great.

Johan(a) - Mass heals are great, condition removal is great, 3" powerful melee is great, and surprisingly cheap for it all.  Plus is M&SU.

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1. December Acolyte - Slow + Discard is awesome 

2. Langston 

3. Cassandra - she's great with or without Colette (and I like her better for PP than Angelica) 

4. Myranda - Arcanists have the best henchmen overall 

5. Joss - definitely a lot of good henchmen 

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The Captain - Most veristale Henchman on this side of The Breach.

Arcane Effigy - Effigies belong in every players collection, regardless of factions.`Nuff said.

Performer - Also a great toolbox, not only against poison heavy crews.

December Acrolyte - Especially the metal version has an awsome design, was pretty happy to get the last one in on of my stores.

Gunsmith - Good bunch of abilities and actions.

HM: Myranda-Skin Walker-Raptor-Combo

Dishonored: Metal Gamin, cause with the downgrade they lost their primary function (movable Railwalk point for Mei Feng) to me.

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(Limited to four due to a lack of personal experience)


Silent One-Excellent support model for its cost even in crews without any other frozen heart models, but gets even better with the extra synergies.

Myranda-Pretty much on her own merit as a support model for any beasts in the crew, combined with a useful melee attack, Df7  and Wk 6, but Skinwalker is a very useful extra tool to have available.

Arcane Effigy-just for the resilience on a 4SS minion.

Wind Gamin-Flight and Leap is a lot of mobility over any other cheap minion available, and should it suffer the common fate of cheap minions, I get a useful free push.


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