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Guess Who Dies In Shifting Loyalties?!

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If it's a Master? I'm going to say Lucius. I LOVE Lucius. He's probably my favorite character after Philip. Imagine how his death would effect things. The Governor General would be unleashed to follow his objective without Lucius's influence. of the Masters, he's one of the most well-known. He has his hand in everyone's pie. It wouldn't shock me if he trades with Gremlins just to see what's going on with them. And without him, what happens to all his plans? The Jenga tower comes crashing down. It's possible that his death would actually cause MORE damage than the Governor-General's.

Or they would just get another generic mask wearing pompous neverborn to take his place...

I think they've already established that Lucius is a bad mofo who ain't getting assassinated anytime soon, anyway. ;)

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Killing off a Master can mainly be done in two ways, and I think both has problems.


They could do it just in the fluff and let the rules stay the way they are, it wouldn't be the first instance of fluff-mechanics dissonance (e.g. Johan). But it severely diminishes the impact of the story.


Secondly they can say that the Master is now dead and can not be played and stop selling the crew box. Not that I think the play ban would actually work outside official Wyrd tournaments, but it would still alienate some customers. Especially if it's a recently released set. Anything recently released would also have had less time to recoup expenses for the moulds. If they ever retire a Master (or other characters) I would expect it to happen during an edition change when there are new rules and upheaval anyway.




Another point, how many Masters can actually be said to be Major Characters anyway? Some are obviously important in the setting (e.g. Zoraida, Ramos, Lucius), while others only seem to get cameos or stories where they go about their business without any impact on the larger world (e.g. Marcus, most of the Gremlins).

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I think the Malifaux story arc and the game are two different beasts. A master dying in the story isn't going to affect the game at all, as no game we play is defined in "present" timelines, just as no game we play affects the storylines future. 


I also think it will be Levi. But it would be fun to see Mei Feng die and then a gremlin foundry master take her place :D  

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Regardless of who dies (and I highly doubt it will be a currently playable Master - it has to be a Master of some sort, as it involves manifestation, which is a thing Masters do, but we know for a fact there are non-playable Masters, like Raethford), the idea that Wyrd would say to us, "You know that box of mini's we spent time and energy and money developing and releasing? We're not going to let you play with that in official tournaments any more." or "...we're not going to sell that any more," is silly. That would be stupid. Wyrd isn't stupid.

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If the death wasn't supposed to be a direct result of manifestation, I'd go with one of the Neverborn women, with Nekima as the cause, finally making her move and taking the place she thinks she deserves. Whoever it is, look for a henchman that's ready to step up, take the dead one's place and become a master.


Maybe it is Brewmaster, who immediately gets replaced by Apprentice Wesley. BOOM, no rules need to change, just start calling the new apprentice Wesley.


Other than that, it could be as simple as them giving an awesome story that leads to a single card change: Master X loses Living, gains Undead. If they go that route, I'd say Nico is the easiest to fit into the story and rules, but I'll hold out hope that it's Undead Lady Justice, may she rot in hell forever.


It won't be a gremlin, the rest of the masters wouldn't care enough to take notice and be worried about this scary power if a mere Gremlin lost control of it.


All that being said, I'm going with Zoraida, final answer. Full of fluff, the quiet, controlled, plotting, wise one losing control and dying is more than enough to make even the brash masters say "Hmm, maybe I should chill out on that a bit." And she's laid out her plans and put them into motion, would be effective storyline for her to not live to see them to completion, leaving that for the younger ones to carry on in her place.

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I'm going to echo the comments about Wyrd not withdrawing the crew boxes or prohibiting future play of the Master, even in tournaments. While it is nice to have narrative structure in your games, narrative structure already gets weird when you have two crews with the same Master or rare 1 named characters playing each other.


Warmachine/Hordes solves that particular issue by saying something to the effect of "in the fog of war, there are many fraudulent imitators". You have warcasters/warlocks playing against past/future versions of themselves, or playing against other warcasters/warlocks in their past/future. It's all covered by that little narrative conceit.


Then you come to Malifaux, which has characters whose story was "I died but got better" and literal Doppelgangers. Who's to say that Master you thought died, isn't just a  physically resurrected Undead who hasn't grasped their situation or gotten too stinky? Maybe it's an exceptionally talented Doppelganger running their own scheme that requires a high-fidelity impersonation.


You might. MIGHT. See some sort of special campaign or scenario that Wyrd suggests not using the dead Master in. But it would be stupid to absolutely prohibit any Master that dies in the story from casual/tournament play, and trust me, they've already considered that. I think. Maybe all that southern moonshine killed that part of their brains. But I doubt it.

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Annoyingly, I cannot remember which podcast I heard Justin say it on (I'm thinking Cheated Fates), but he definitely said it was a master and that they die trying to manifest their avatar-ness.


I assumed straight away that it would be like Rob Blow says, the master would then come back as undead. Then I assumed it'd be Seamus with the Gorgon's tear going all funky. No idea how accurate that guess will be, but I can't wait to find out.


As for killing a master and removing them from the game... it'd be very bold, would annoy a lot of players and, to my mind, absolutely amazing.


So long as it's not Kaeris >.>

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It will be Lady Justice. She will get a kickass new Upgrade to represent her new Undead state and it will boost her quite a bit (as, let's face it, she isn't all that good currently yet she is one of the most iconic Masters in the game). She will also get a kickass new sculpt (as, let's face it, her current sculpt isn't all that).

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I would be interested to hear that podcast.

Wut? :blink:

Did you not just say that everyone becomes cautious after a character dies trying to manifest into avatar form so they only go so far as to push themselves to some hokey pokey spiritual state or something on the latest fools_daily? Do I need to re-listen or you trollin'?


Seriously guys, you can all relax. Just because a character is dead doesn't mean you cant play them anymore. WFB players have been playing with dead characters for ages.

Also, what Math said ^.

Lady Justice going "ultimate" and getting a new card I wouldn't be against.

However, that also means that McM should be able to have Frank in ressers. Fair is fair.

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Relistening to fools_daily - Justin gave the affirmation to Mike Marshal saying "someone dies" so perhaps it could be the Governor?

He wanted to be the governator but he blew up going super saiyan - there can be only one governator, after all.


I'm almost positive I remember that it was supposed to be a Master that dies.

Also - Missingno being Anna Lovelace. So if Hannah is her sister, that means Hannah is Hannah Lovelace.

Anna and Hannah? Cheeky - or oversight? >8)

Should have left it as Lizzy. :(

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