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Rating Masters by Faction


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for me it would probably be:

Tier 1

Sonnia, Lucius, Hoffman

Tier 2

Perdita, Lady J, McCabe

Tier 3

McMourning (guild)



Marcus, Ramos, Ironsides


Collette, Kaeris, Rasputina


Mei Feng



Dreamer, Jakob Lynch, Pandora


Collodi, Lillith, Zoraida


Lucius (Neverborn)



Nicodem, Saemus, Tara


McMourning, Yan Lo, Molly, Kirai




Leveticus, Tara, Jack Daw


Von Shill, Viktorias, Hamelin


Miasaki (outcasts)



Som'er, Wong, Ulix


Ophelia, Mah, Zoraida



Ten Thunders


Jakob Lynch, Miasaki, Yan Lo


Mei Feng, Shen Long, McCabe




this is just based off my personal experiences, I really dont get all the mah hate, I think shes rediculously powerful.

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for me it would probably be:


Tier 1

Sonnia, Lucius, Hoffman

Tier 2

Perdita, Lady J, McCabe

Tier 3

McMourning (guild)



Dreamer, Jakob Lynch, Pandora


Collodi, Lillith, Zoraida


Lucius (Neverborn)

So what makes Lucius tier one for guild but tier three for NB? Is it because NB masters are generally more powerful, or the way he synergies with his crew?

I'm of the opinion that Lucius had better tools in NB (illuminated, bbs, tots) than he has in guild(witchling stalkers, hunters, death marshals). I figure the mimics and guardsmen can end up in either.

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Could you elaborate this a bit? We have been going at Yan Lo for about a week how useless he is with MD so maybe you would like to open up a bit what the hell is he supposed to do or achieve? :P


Speaking from experience, Transcendence + Izamu, Samurai, and/or Fuhatsu can make a really tough nut to crack if you don't have models that ignore armor.

Armor 4, Armor 4 everywhere...

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a little bit of both, Neverborn has a lot of incredibly powerful masters, I find them and ressers to have some of the strongest masters in the game.

Having played a lot of both Ressers and Neverborn. I agree that this faction may on the whole have the masters that do the most for there crews in comparison to other factions. They are all on the higher end of the active spectrum of masters. Resser masters tend to have the highest support elements, and the largest wound piles and dmg mitigation abilities. And Neverborn have the highest defensive levels/defensive abilities to avoid getting hit while having low wound count. 

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What tends to happen if you bounce Seamus behind Raspy's lines is she paralyzes him, due to his Df 4 and then the Wendigo runs up and eats him.

Now, the Wendigo has Df 4 and 6 Wds, I don't think you even get to pronounce it's whole name before it gets exposed/erased from the field  :)Especially since it has that worrying Devour.

That said, it was just a possible part of the plan: those 3 shots min 12 - max 26 Dg can be quite threatening since she has Df 4 too. But just luring her Ice Mirrors away from her range can make her strategy fall apart too.

I don't deny that playing Seamus like John Rambo against her can be risky xD

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Really, I think I agree almost completely with Math on the Tier lists, except for Hoffman and Guild McMourning.


In my experience, Hoffman has the greatest number of bad matchups in the Guild. He does a great job supporting his crew, but as he loses pieces, the total power level of the crew drops. Crews that can very easily scalpel out the models he relies on for his loops, like Shenlong's sniper squad are bad for him. Things that can pull his deathball apart, into bite-sized pieces, like Lillith or pretty much any Resser list is a bad matchup. His crew is almost universally constructs that rely on Armor as their main defensive tech, so Perdita, Kang, the Viktorias, Leveticus, and McMourning all feel like bad matchups.


Admittedly, I haven't put as much time into Hoffman as I have some of the other matchups out there, but in pretty much every game, there has been a piece on the opponent's side that I feel are super effective versus the crew that Hoffman wants to bring with him. If that's not materiel for a Tier 3 rating, I don't know what is.


On the other side of the fence, I think Guild McMourning also deserves a bump up to tier two. Because of Spot Weakness, he just coincidentally crushes any crew that spams Armor or Hard to Wound. The upgrade is still valuable even if the enemy doesn't take Armored or Hard to Wound stuff because it allows him to take the hilariously powerful Nurses and also win at scheme marker proliferation, so he has a silver bullet for some crews that costs him nothing to take along. Combine that with the easy condition removal of Witchling Stalkers turning off a lot of the down sides related to Nurse's medications, and making them the best healing Guild has access to, and he really feels like a Tier 2 master, to me.


Finally, I really want to put VonSchill at tier two, but that is just because I love him and I want everyone else to think that he is as awesome as I think he is.

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I was really, really close to putting Guild McM into Tier 2 and it might've indeed been the right choice. I certainly consider him better than Lady Justice since he is more mobile, buffs his crew better and has access to Nurses. He tanks almost as well (maybe better considering his mobility and Nurses) and is almost as killy. Or rather, he usually is killy enough.

Hoffman has some bad matchups true, but I was considering kinda the optimal situation so not taking him against Ressers nor NB.

As for Von Schill, yeah, he was another one that I really wondered whether I should put him into Tier 2. But in the end I kinda decided that out of all the Outcast Masters, him and Misaki are the ones I most like to see on the opponent's side. He is really nice against some crews, though, so maybe Tier 2 would be a better fit.

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Hoffman has some bad matchups true, but I was considering kinda the optimal situation so not taking him against Ressers nor NB.



Really? Outcasts and Ten Thunders are the two factions I would never drop him against. Leveticus eats him for lunch, and the Viktorias are pretty bad for him, as well, while (and this might just be local meta) I see Kang popping up in just about every Ten Thunders list I come across.


Honestly, the only faction I would really feel *confident* dropping Hoffman against is Arcanists, and I think McMourning and Sonnia are stronger against that faction in general than he is. If you can guarantee that you won't see Wong across the table, Gremlins might not be a bad match for him, either.

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Really? Outcasts and Ten Thunders are the two factions I would never drop him against. Leveticus eats him for lunch, and the Viktorias are pretty bad for him, as well, while (and this might just be local meta) I see Kang popping up in just about every Ten Thunders list I come across.


Honestly, the only faction I would really feel *confident* dropping Hoffman against is Arcanists, and I think McMourning and Sonnia are stronger against that faction in general than he is. If you can guarantee that you won't see Wong across the table, Gremlins might not be a bad match for him, either.

Oh aye, not Outcasts, either. But I'm not sure that Kang is such an autoinclude against Guild. I could see taking Hoff against Arcanists, Gremlins, TT, and Guild.
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Arcanists IMO:

Tier 0.9: Colette

Tier 1: Ramos, Raspy

Tier 2: Marcus, Mei

Tier 3: Kaeris, Ironsides

Although I look at Ironsides and her passive bonus to M&SU and I can't help but think she is "sleeper OP". As in, she is stupid powerful but no one has tapped that potential with a perfectly crafted list.

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