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Petition for a re-scaled Nekima model


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You have my vote too.  I knew the official announcement thread got locked but didn't realise that the other one (or more got locked too).  Wyrd are usually excellent in their customer service and community engagement so those kind of things leave a sour taste in my mouth (they remind me of one of the reasons that I jumped ship from a certain other company that regularly did similar things).

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I'd just like Wyrd to admit when they have scale screwups, instead of only admitting the ones they can't possibly get away with pretending were on purpose. 


If it were just Nekima, that would be one thing. But we've had the amazon Viks, the ludicrous Brass Arachnid, the kneeling Death Marshall, the tiny Sorrow, the kneeling Samurai, the female MPP kit, the deformed Watcher, the Young Lacroixs, and on and on. I can't imagine how badly Brewmaster & Co were out of scale if it caused them to actually refuse to sell it and send it back to China. And that's not even mentioning the smaller but still pretty annoying stuff like Howard Langston not fitting on the usable space of a 50mm. 


If all those mistakes they didn't own up to were not actual mistakes, then they have a serious problem with the design to production pipeline and have had that problem for what, two years? If they seriously intended to make their 50mm Ht 3 model smaller than an existing 40mm Ht 2 model is that really better than it being a mistake? Same for being apparently unable or unwilling to make a kneeling model that doesn't tower over his standing buddies, or having multiple models apparently scaled to the perspective of the box art. 


Wyrd, seriously. You have maybe the best ruleset in the business, and I love your game, but you just can't get out of your own way when it comes to making models that people will actually build with their hands and play with and get excited about. 

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I have to agree, I do not play Neverborn, and don't intend to start, but I've heard - since coming to this game in late April this year - that Wyrd was the bees' knees regarding community interactions, a company that actually - no really - ACTUALLY listened to the concerns of the community, and it would be a shame if this would to be proven false (over time) as scaling issues and what-not occurs with every other release, it seems (not as bad, but disheartening non the less).


The main reason I left the-company-that-shall-not-be-named after close to 20 yrs. was the feeling total disregard of the community, and i mean TOTAL disregard, which made me feel that the time and monieses I spend on miniatures should go to a worthier game, voila! Malifaux.


I personally feel that a single mini here or there isn't the end of the world, but there are quite a few now, and it is off-putting to me as a gamer/collector to shy away from using all my death marshalls becouse one of 'em is so obviously miss-scaled as to be ridiculous. And that, is something that would make me not buy a box of X; knowing that a mini is "wrong", in terms of scale or 3d render perspective issues or what have you, and at the end of the day that's one box worth of monises less in the bank.


And no, Wyrd (or any other miniature company) doesn't "owe" me - or any gamer/collector - anything simply because I support their company, but a healthy ear to the ground as it were, is never a bad thing for any buisness.

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I don't personally care about Nekima. I think the model looks fine and since I don't play Neverborn, I'm unlikely to buy her. However, I really encourage Wyrd to act now to sort out the repeat scale issues. I love the game and the models but it is a real turnoff for me that the scale keeps getting messed up and will probably be a big enough issue for me to jump ship if another company comes along with a great game, proper plastic models and no crazy scaling issues. Wyrd, please! Don't ignore it. Please listen to the community and please work to sort this out.

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So I think that the particular critique you give, of us being disengaged somehow, is unfair. Particularly so since the company has officially responded to this issue and adjusted the pricing and given a partial refund.


Hi, wow, that is a bit Wyrd...


It was not my intent to suggest that you do not listen to the community, but rather (from experience) a fear that not doing so might lead to a rift between the core and the maker, as it were. Which in turn might lead to enough negative sentiment generated as to put one of the game itself, regardless of rules or models.


Been there, done that, and as I sit here, slowly drifting into this twilight age I like to think that whichever game I choose to spend my last weezing, ever-so-slightly-stained-with-pee-underwear years with, is actually a game that won't unplug me at the first sign of dementia, and then move on to a younger, less calcified version of yours truly...


...Yeah... That made no sense at all.


In summary: I for one appreciate you taking the time to respond, irregardless (yes, American Dad made it a word...) of outcome. So, thank you Wyrd!

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The note about suspension of disbelief/board presence/ease of painting regarding non-vertical minis is very interesting. I'd never thought about that angle. If that's always been the intention, I wish Wyrd had stated that earlier, since, while I disagree with it, it would have certainly justified it.

I don't know if it is the intention.

I just know I, as a fan of miniatures, prefer it. :)

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New Nekima is badass but small, old Nekima was badass but impractical; I have room for a third sculpt in my collection! I support this wholeheartedl, and would buy a larger version in a heartbeat. Nothing wrong with the current one, but a big one in plastic would be awesome. I also think there would be a market for a large female demon in plastic for non-Malifaux players, but what do I know...

Also, great comments Justin! As I've stated in other threads, I also prefer kneeling models to be taller than standing models, helps them stand out on the table. But too much is definitely possible (*hrmph* Young LaCroix *hrmph*)...

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I don't play Nekima (yet...) however I wholeheartedly support addressing her scale in some manner. It seems like a good precident to set.


While I can understand the desire that models shorter in millimetres should be larger in volume so that they have more presence individually on the table, it gives me brain ache to look at them together in a crew. Rules abstractions are fine but one of the reasons I'm drawn to Malifaux figures is the realism and attention to detail in the new plastics compared to other miniture companies, some really beautiful and dynamic figures. Scale issues just give me a cerebral hammer to the head that ruins the suspension of disbelief.

Just my 2 cents and I'm fully aware that we all approach and experience the hobby in different ways.

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Thank you so much for your input Justin, both I and I am sure everyone else are happy to hear your view on this matter. It would however be even more awesome if you could get someone from your production department to finally answer the simple question, if the scale is as intended or if they made a mistake. 


A simple yes or no answer could put all of these doubts to rest- we might not be happy with the answer we get, but at least all the bickering and discussions can be put to rest.


And I have no doubt you guys are listening to everything we say and complain about, which is why I am proud to be a henchman and spread the word of Malifaux... even if we dont always agree on everything ;)

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