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Getting shafted...Crooked men discussion.


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Hey all; just picked up a box of crooked men today from my local store Element Games and was wondering if anyone has had any fun experiences getting shafted by these minions and their aptly names tactical ability 'Shafted'.


Also where are people using these guys - I squeezed one in a hardcore game recently and have one or two swelling the ranks of my Mcmourning crews; found them to be really fun especially with that paralyse trigger.



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Nice topic title :D


I have tried to fit them in multiple lists but for some reason they always get left out. I get what they are supposed to do and all that, but I just can't keep my focus on actually making it happen. :P 


Great topic nonetheless, maybe someone has had better luck with them.

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I haven't had much luck with the new Shafted ability, but their overall stats and that paralyze trigger still make them a great buy for many things. With Nico, they will often be my front line as they drop scheme markers on death and then Nico can still make use of the corpse.


I'm still playing with how to get the most out of Shafted though. I got the new plastics and once I get those together I think I might try a CM heavy list to see how it fares.

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Fluffwise I think they're wonderful as you can squeeze them reasonably in with most Resser Masters.

McMourning would have them sent to him to perform "autopsies" by the guild.
Nicodem would either raise them while they're in the mines or have any spares sent to him for "burial" by McMourning. 
Seamus created a whole group by blowing up a box car at mailifaux station...(assuming that those weren't mindless zombies)
Yan Lo would get the rail workers sent to him for ceremonial "burial" by the ten thunders.
Tara would probably just pull them out of the mines.

Only leaving Kirai and Molly needing "story" reasons to take them 

Playwise, mine have only just arrived but I have scheduled today Seamus against Nicodem so they will probably appear on both crews and I will let you know how they perform.

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Yep the only restrictions for markers are with scheme markers which cannot be placed normally within 4" of another. That I know of.


To add the 4" rule only applies to Scheme markers dropped with the 'interact' action, so anything dropped with say 'finish the job' or other abilities, ignores the 4"rule.

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Never seen anyone use they shafted ability but I have learned to dislike Crooked Men when playing Gremlins. I am particularly not fond of them starting the game on the table, finally getting picked off halfway up the table, then getting reraised as Drowned once they are in melee range to tie up my models further- despite this making absolutely no sense given the background on both Crooked Men and Drowned. But that is the game, no? I am sure if I ever get around to painting my metal Drowned and Crooked Men I would do the same thing..... 

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Not a great plan if you can pull it off, even, since, unless I'm mistaken, they'll only take damage once, but be able to remove both with a single action.

It seems to me he was talking about dropping Scheme Markers on Squat Markers. Can't do anything to both of those with a single action.

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Yeh its one time damage but makes people think twice with scheme runner-ish guys also if you take belles or doxies you can set it up to do multiple hits

Also some vassal maps can be pretty tight so dropping markers in certain places like just inside doors where they need to go to get LoS can also make someone hesitate. It requires a bit of guesswork to see where your opponent wants to go but you can make sure they take damage doing so.

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I am particularly not fond of them starting the game on the table, finally getting picked off halfway up the table, then getting reraised as Drowned once they are in melee range to tie up my models further- despite this making absolutely no sense given the background on both Crooked Men and Drowned. But that is the game, no?

Obviously the poor miner died when the mine flooded and could come back in either shape. (He was also an orphaned bat-winged monstrosity hanged for his crimes done while he was a samurai trasnvestite hooker attending a certain university...)
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Obviously the poor miner died when the mine flooded and could come back in either shape. (He was also an orphaned bat-winged monstrosity hanged for his crimes done while he was a samurai trasnvestite hooker attending a certain university...)


Someone please model this!

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Obviously the poor miner died when the mine flooded and could come back in either shape. (He was also an orphaned bat-winged monstrosity hanged for his crimes done while he was a samurai trasnvestite hooker attending a certain university...)


Rezzers. You just gotta love 'em.

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I usually bring a pair of Crooked Men alongside McMourning, as he can push them forward with Injection to get them into the game faster, and they can really put down a wide swath of poison from time to time.  Plus, they're fairly durable for their cost, have a very nice melee trigger, and are hard to remove via shooting.  The ability to protect scheme markers via Shafted is handy...but it ends up getting really great when combined with Dead Doxies that can push the enemy right onto your markers and into some free damage. 

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 The ability to protect scheme markers via Shafted is handy...but it ends up getting really great when combined with Dead Doxies that can push the enemy right onto your markers and into some free damage. 



That is a great trick, and one I hadn't thought of! Protect Territory can be even more rewarding!

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I'm a real fan of Crooked Men, and always try to include one. Mainly I use them as backfield holders, with their shooting and shafted proction. Fairly durable, and can be pretty nasty in melee when enemies get close. Never gotten that paralyze trigger though.


Bonus fun: torment an enemy, then use Jack's Writhing Torment aura to push it in base contact with a shafted marker to kill said model. 

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