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Chronicles 15 (and beyond!)

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I really enjoyed the stories from it.  The Asylum one was done really well.  I would like to see more gallery pictures of submitted models.  Unfortunately I was not a fan of the deception article, as the first half of the article was effectively how to be a terrible opponent.  The second half that actually focused on strategy of schemes, deployment and hands was a much more helpful and appropriate article to include.

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Generally I like the format the chronicles have been doing with 2-3 stories, tactica, painting article, artwork teasers and stuff like that.

Even though I don't play TtB I like that you've included some freebies for that game, it makes me want to try it out. Scenarios for malifaux as well. Please continue with freebies, regardless of which game it is for!

My only gripe is that it's so short.

Side note: my favorite part of the stories are that they're not all about existing characters or blatant foreshadowing of upcoming models. It makes the world of malifaux a rich world and you get the feeling anyone there could be a character from the games.

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Painted galleries, paint guides, stories, new strategies, Through the Breach special NPC's ( kind of a "named random recurring character"), TtB one offs, Malifaux tactica, terrain ideas (ie: today's board is an ice board. These are ideas for hazardous terrain. These are ideas for blocking. These are ideas for woods. Etc). Advanced hobby techniques.

That's all I can think of without coffee

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Always love the painting tutorials, whether for models or terrain. Showing off the newly available terrain was a nice touch.


Fluff stories for characters we know or new random people.. keep 'em coming.


Strategy articles.. probably the first thing I turn to other than new artwork. If you're looking for new ideas, how about:

  • Here's a situation a player could find themselves in during a game. [picture of part of a board, a few models for either player]. Now watch how models X and Y interact in this cool trick (or use card control, terrain advantage, loads of other highlightable game mechanics) to overcome the other player and complete a scheme.
  • Hey, we can't seem to go a week without some crazy discussion on this topic that we don't want to put in the FAQ but we'd love to talk about in more depth (triggers/timing/LoS/height/vantage points). Here's some examples of how this works. No extra rules or rulings (that'd go in errata/faq obviously), but just working within the rules we have now, here's how this particular example of this topic gets handled.
  • Here's a crew list that at first glance looks completely wacky, but when you stop and think about it, it could actually work, and here's why.


Definitely miss the painting gallery. Bring it back, add in terrain gallery for pieces that truly represent Malifaux.

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As always, I enjoyed the stories.  The art was also quite pleasant.
The Outcasts article felt shallow and unhelpful.  The deception article had some very useful techniques, but its tone was kinda creepy.  Tactical articles in previous chronicles have been solid however, so I think these were the exception.
I also like that you included playable content for both M2E and TtB.  Keep that coming.
I often feel a mite starved for preview pictures like the ones that came before Gencon.  More of those would be nice.

Longer would be cool, but I don't feel right asking for it in a free magazine.

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Stories were great and please keep adding them (2-3 is great). The background and 'character-driven' aspect of the game is what draws a lot of people in to it. That Asylum story though felt unfinished (just saying).


I like that you are including material for both M2E and TTB, even though I don't play TTB.


As others have said, more artwork please. I also appreciated the Penny Dreadful ad that I had not heard or seen elsewhere. Will be looking to pick that up (again, even though i do not play).


The Deception article was...strange... A bit too defensive and felt like the space could have been better used, but usually the tactics articles are better. This was a fluke.


Overall great job - this is the only online mag I've ever actually wanted to read!

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The Outcast breakdown was fantastic.  I'd love to see something like that for all the factions.


The Outcasts article felt shallow and unhelpful.  The deception article had some very useful techniques, but its tone was kinda creepy.  Tactical articles in previous chronicles have been solid however, so I think these were the exception.


Interesting to see such different opinions on my Outcasts article this month! :) 


As always, I appreciate the feedback, both negative and positive. I have a good half dozen ideas for future articles, but if there's anything in particular you want to see then I'm happy to take suggestions. I can't promise I'd do an article on them of course - I'm not going to write about anything I don't feel I'm knowledgeable enough on!

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The Chronicles are great and the new format is exceptional.

The fact that its free is beyond what other companies usually are willing to do - its like proof that you guys really care about the hobby and the community.

All I would ask for would be more painting submission galleries, otherwise its far more than I expect...for... well, free.

Love the Chronicles :)

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Will be the odd man out that I actually liked the Deception article, that said I can see why others would not like it.  I am the sort that tries not to show anything on my hand and also try to get a read on my opponent's hand regularly.  Like watching how they shift their cards or if they pull them out and put them into any order.  Or if after studying their hand they turn over their master's card and study the back of it.  I am also the sort that will let an attack through with out looking at my hand so that my opponent might think it is poor only to find out I was saving the good cards for when they over extended.


The deception article is honestly one of those little truths of the game, because the game exists these elements exist.  Whether you choice to use them or not is your choice and really falls down to how you feel morally about them.  Yes, some communities look down on some practices as their norm, but I think the article is a good read at least to get an idea what it could be like.  I can think of games at Adepticon where my opponent was robot like in reponse and offered information because they wanted me to make a mistake.  So you have a good chance of encountering something like this eventually.  Personally I would have liked the article be more along the lines of what you can watch out for and how to spot deception then stuff like hand manipulation and the like you saw in the later part of the article.  So more how to be aware and spot it.  But I wish more people would read it so at least they were aware of how it might play into the game.  They don't have to use it, just be aware.  So personally I am glad it was in the Chronicle.



Personally I would not mind if there was at least a page in each Chronicle devoted to show causing people's painted models or converions.  You can always rotate between submissions, showing off a Wryd employees Crew, maybe some event pictures someone submitted, and stuff like that.  But at least a page to show that aspect of the hobby in each chronicle.


I am myself more partial to tactical articles and the stories as the two big things I like.  I also like that many of the stories are less about big name individuals in Malifaux and more the lower ringers that are caught in the big dark world.

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Haven't read it all yet but fluff, art and painted miniatures in particular are always very welcome (could you link up with AWP?  Even if you don't ask for specific entries for painted things there's so much great stuff going up there that a quick browse could fill up some pages).  I also enjoyed the batreps in the last couple of issues so was a shame that there wasn't one this time (I know that there's lots of these available online but I like to have all the stuff in one handy volume!).


I also found a lot of the Deception article quick unsavoury (the stuff on bluffing cards/strat/schemes seemed fair enough but that a lot of the other stuff felt quite wrong to me).  I started a thread on it in the AWP group and guess this isn't really the place to discuss specific articles in depth.

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To build on what Enternalvoid said - elements of the game discussed in the deception article is stuff that you are going to be bound to run into sooner or later. As the game becomes more competitive and brings in more competitive players the game will shift to being comfortable and fun on one side of the line and competitive amd cut throat on the other side.

The game is still being "figured out", like how some podcasters refer to it as being in a sophomore stage. When the highly competitive number crunchers come to play, the tight-knit friendly Malifaux community will have to be ready for it, or take an inevitable bavkseat. In highly competitive atmospheres every single advantage or loophole or exploit will be used, if possible. That articles does a good job of highlighting some of that. To say "I want tournaments to be fair and relaxed and to put most emphasis on fun and competitiveness second" is not a tournament mentality.

Achievement league and Story Encounter is the time to have "fun." ;) The competitive, cut-throatedness of tournament setting is what the power gamers find "fun", which is, of course, in direct conflict with the "fun" of the casual gamer.

Play filthy, measure precisely, bluff and read tells, call out your opponent on any mistakes, run around the tables and make note of what is on who's tray (peek in them foam bags if the leave them open), and take all advantages you can get - with the coming of events like Masters GT's and National Championships you better believe the neckbeards won't be far behind. ;)

Besides, you can always find comfort in the fact that no one likes us dirty cheesy powergamers anyway, so you can "play as mean" as you want with them and not feel bad about it ;)

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I like this thread. The general take away from this (for me) has been that even though there are ways to try and influence your opponent's behavior for your benefit, most of the players commenting here find it at least unpleasant as a purposeful tactic. What this means is that the Malifaux community (or a sample of it at the very least) is more interested in making sure we have a good time than squeaking as many victories as possible out, even if it leaves a bad taste in your opponent's mouth.

Like Eternalvoid says, it's a reality and it's good to remember just in case, but it's heartening to read how few people find that the preferred style of playing. So that's a positive note. As for Chronicles, more how-to craft and paint or conversion articles plz. I like seeing what creative minds can come up with out of hobby store leftovers.

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I'm of the type that tends to push things towards the competitive side of things, but that's also exactly why I don't believe in manipulating information to leverage an advantage.  I have to be capable of beating players in the mid tiers without abusing gaps in their knowledge of the rules, because if I can't, I don't stand a chance of beating the guys on top where those gaps just don't exist.

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