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Arc-ah-nists or Arc-ay-nists

11th Thunder

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OK, I'm getting something coming through from 'beyond'. I can see a creature, small, furry, a preditor and the letter 'C'. is it a cat? It's a cat, yes, I'm sure a cat. And now I'm getting a number coming through. Round, I see curves, and straight lines. 1?, no, 2? I'm sure it's 2. no as Venus passes in front of Mars I'm getting circles. 0? You have 2 cats don't you? No? you have no cats. 1 cat, 3 cats, the spirits are mysterious 4 cats. you have 2 cats.


The Answer is 6... You FAIL!


Arc-a-nists it is! 

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'AR-KAY-nist' seems the most 'correct' version. However, 'AR-ka-nist' flows much more quickly and easily, and the dominant pronunciation will always tend towards laziness over time.


Tome/tomb confusion drives me crazy as well. I can't get my head around why some people can't distinguish them.


I've also heard practically all the Asian-themed names get horribly mangled in various ways, not to mention all the Spanish on the Family cards.

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To be fair, in many Malifaux contexts, "Asian woman" is a sufficient point of distinction that it makes for a convenient and precise reference. When Kirai is the only Asian woman in the scene (which is basically always in her stories so far) it's an easy trap to fall into as a writer. Not an excuse for poor prose, but I can see how it might have happened.

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'AR-KAY-nist' seems the most 'correct' version. However, 'AR-ka-nist' flows much more quickly and easily, and the dominant pronunciation will always tend towards laziness over time.


Tome/tomb confusion drives me crazy as well. I can't get my head around why some people can't distinguish them.


I've also heard practically all the Asian-themed names get horribly mangled in various ways, not to mention all the Spanish on the Family cards.

Yeah, Tomb and asian names really annoy me.


I'm not asking people to learn another language's emphasis or sounds which aren't in english (like Japanese or Spanish special "r"s) , but they're both is pretty easy to awkwardly pronounce/ w/o a good accent, since they're phonetic, which is plenty enough for me. But, are often mispronounced to the point where I don't recognize the word they're saying. Then again, I guess if people can't get tome/tomb right, I guess I shouldn't expect them to sound out foreign words :(

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