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Why isn't Jack Daw a resurectionist?


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I really like that he is a strict outcast. Spreading undead models across factions is a really cool concept, ans Simply being an undead model does not make him a resser. He is clearly an outcast who draws other wrongly killed/tormented models makes for a really cool unique concept outside of the traditional 'undead' faction.

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I would not be surprised if the magic that is Jack Daw is bound to and in turn is a catalyst for has nothing to do with the Grave Spirit or the Gorgon, but is closer to Malifaux's old magic or Neverborn Blood magic *with out the blood*.  He was the lynchpin for some really hefty magic that has held up since the breach closed and only now when other elements disrupted the balance and flow did he seem to have the binds that held him loosen.  In some ways I imagine he is closer to something like the Hungering Darkness or Nyghtmare in that he is now some sort of Elemental being rather than just a human tapping into/being an outlit for Necromancy.


His magic seems to happen because he wills it, though through a shattered disjointed will, rather than any magical formula, process, or spellcraft.  Kind of like how Raspy channels December's power with out actually having studied magic like Ramos, save that in Jack Daw's case he is an element of the power as well as the channel.

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I think many in this thread (not all, by far, but many) seem to reason in a similar sense to "he works with undead, so should be resser. She uses arcane magic, so should be arcanist"

That's not the reason they are divided into the factions as it stands, the reason is fluffy allegiances.
Look at McMourning for example. He's fascinated by the act of animating, grafting and such, and therefore wants to learn more about it and is in allegiance with the other resurrectionists trying to master their art and work against those who try to stop their immoral work. But he can also align with The Guild because he is in fact employed by them as their mortician, and the Guild has not made the connection that the reason bodies keep dissapearing is that he is in fact a Resurrectionist.


So the reason a master belongs to a faction has nothing to do with what abilities they have, or in what way they work mechanically. It has only to do with how Wyrd has decided the story goes. You could imagine (and now I'm just making stuff up, I don't think it'll ever happen) that Sonnia, who is currently working as a witch hunter in the Guild, was charged with overruse of magic by the Governor General and had a bounty put on her head, making her leave the Guild and seek a new allegiance. I doubt she would be welcomed into the Arcanists, after having hunter their kind for so long. So maybe she would start working for money, becoming a mercanery for hire, likely put in the outcast faction (who I like to think of more of a faction in the sense of "We don't really agree with eachother, but we have common enemies, so are allies of nessessity" ).


hmm.. that became a much longer post than I had first intended.. oh well :P

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Interesting responses. I'm not sure I totally agree with all the reasoning around Resser/outcast though. As I understand it the ressers are inherently loaners and don't represent a formal alliance at all. Many in the faction do seek to raise up more undead but Mirai and Molly also don't deliberately raise up undead. Maybe the important idstinction is that Jack Daw has no ulterior motive or plans, he just is whereas most of the other resser masters have some sort of plan that involves using the undead?


I can see why he's been put where he's been put but I still feel he'd have been better off as a resser master. As for Marcus and Rapsutina, I'd not thought about it before but I still think they are in the right faction. The Arcanists are a lose alliance of illegal magic users so they do fit that theme, even if they're not interested in soulstone smuggling!

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The ressers are all linked - Seamus knows McMourning, at least partly (as the pair use Sebastian as a go between when Seamus is trying to get Molly back), Nicodem and McMourning talk to each other (in secret meetings in several fluff pieces), Molly is obviously tied to Seamus by her origin, Kirai was guided and tutored by Nicodem. Yan Lo is the only real outlier, and he raises long dead servants and family to do his bidding. There's been a lot of trading information and such, even if they are all up to their own thing.

Jack doesn't raise the dead, or even care about defeating or mastering death, so much as attract the tortured souls wandering malifaux (living or dead). No one would really want to work with him, from what I've seen in the fluff - he was sacrificed to seal the breach last time iirc, and since then has been wandering about looking for vengeance for a woman's betrayal. Anyone that encounters him tries to get away, he doesn't really strike bargains with people, he's almost an urban legend.

That pretty much makes him pure outcast to my eyes, though his tormented nature draws a lot of the living impaired to him as they're pretty tortured themselves.

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Wholly agree on the Marcus and Rasputina thing, both feel like they could have easily been outcasts (or been added to the dual faction set in m2e). While they've gotten fluffy connections added, I think it was kind of forced compared to the so heavily union/mechanical construct-themed rest of the faction.

On Tara, the shift to Karina being a real summoner has gotten her a lot more in the Resser category, and I think she fits in pretty well in both factions sensibilities, though plays more interestingly as an Outcast.

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@Mako: You forgot Tara. Karina is her tie to Ressers, but beyond that nothing else was established fluffwise.

I suppose since Tara's got some good sinergy with Bete Noire, those two could get some fluff tying them together.

Didn't so much forget her, it's more that since she's primarily an outcast I didn't bother considering her fluff to match the other ressers!
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  I think that's the problem. Other than the Freikorps/Sisters, there's very little thematic compatibility with the Outcasts. I know that's their thing, but it makes it hard to collect them as a faction rather than as individual crews. I think that the Arcanists suffer from a similar problem. To me, each Arcanist minion is a close fit for a master and looks a bit out of place with another.


The Outcasts mish mash is what appeals to me, they are the Outsiders of society, many of which are mercs who will do just about anything for coin. This is what first attracted me to the Outcasts. I love the idea of Sue, Hans and Taelor happening to be tagging along with Jack Daw. Sure within Jack's crew it's not thematically accurate but as a Faction it works because a good part of the faction will do pretty much anything for pretty much anyone given the right reward. 


I can see where you are coming from with some of the Arcanists. Specifically Marcus, Rasputina and to a lesser extent Colette. The others are M&SU members so having some of Ramos' spiders alongside Mei Feng or Kaeris doesn't seem out of place to me. Rasputina has seemingly no connections to the other members of her faction and Marcus seems to be the same. 

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Vikkies, die Freikorps, Leveticus and his Salvage and Logistics operation, Misaki (she started out as a merc) and even Tara (I'm not completely sure about her, but she comes from that backround) all hire themselves out as Mercenaries sometimes.

Jack Daw, Hamelin (or Plague) and somewhat Tara (with her Herald of Oblitheration thing) are more like elementary disasters.
Hamelin just wants power and the other two can't help themselves and their motivation is unclear.

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