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The Great Gencon release list review

Math Mathonwy

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So, we've now seen the renders for the Gencon releases: http://wyrd-games.net/community/page/index.html/_/wyrd-news/gen-con-2014-r34

A huge haul so this is likely what is going to be released until December or something. Anyone remember how long it took last year to release something never before seen after Gencon?

Impressions then.

Lucius box:

Lucius himself looks awesome. I really like his new style much better than the metal one and that isn't a bad model, either. Really looks the part.

The Lawyers look also amazing - hopefully all that detail is nice and crisp in the plastic. Really like the designs. Scribe is also cool enough, though I really want to see it in the flesh to form a better opinion.

I'm very disappointed that the Guards are the same as in the box and Captain Dashel is... OK. Not spectacular but not horrible.

All in all, a very nice box, with just the Guild Guard being a disappointment.

Ophelia's box:

These are all right. I do like the metal versions more in almost all the cases here but none seem horrible except that one Young. The girl Young is awesome, though.

Kirai's box:

I'm a bit worried about scale here, but maybe the renders are in different zooms or something. Other than that, I don't like the new Kirai and Lost Love is horrid. Seishin are, if they aren't that big, very nice and the Onryo are utterly amazing. Really love those! Ikiryo... well, is it really that big? Other than that, again, it's quite all right.

Not a bad box but the central characters are somehow off.

Von Schill's box:

VS himself looks great but otherwise the rehashing of the metals is a bit of a boring choice. Still, these are all right minis and only the Steam Trunk looks silly. Though maybe it will look better from other angles.

An OK box.

Dreamer's box:

I like everything here. The Daydreams are great (especially the one with the tentacles!), the Alps are a lot better than the old ones, Coppelius rocks and Dreamer and the LCB both look fine. The only thing I'm worried about is that LCB looks a bit featureless so will likely be really difficult to paint well.

A great box!

Zoraida's box:

Zoraida herself I'm not too keen on and the dancing Silurid looks a bit silly but all the others are golden. The two other Silurids look amazing, the Doll is fun and Bad Juju looks really, really great!

Again, a really great box! And the one I will be getting sometime in the future, though likely not from the Gencon online sale.

Graveyard Spirit looks really, really silly. Not a fan at all. Luckily I have the old one painted all nice, so not a big personal problem.

The Hanged are again really comical. Urgh, I don't like these at all. The elongation is usually something I appreciate but other than that these look just goofy. Very disappointed in these.

Essence of Power is sorta kinda cool but will take a lot to paint well.

Electric Creation looks great! I really like the new design for this and the transformation to 3d render has worked great. Really cool.

Hoarcat Pride looks nice. Not as cute as the originals but they are serviceable. For some reason making feline minis is really difficult and these have their problems there, but the overall look is nice. It's a really expensive five SS minion, though.

Primordial Magic looks rather silly. The puke is silly. I do like the jar, though.

Doppelganger is pretty cool. Would like to see it in the flesh (hee hee) but it looks like it has potential.

Waldgeists I love. Extremely nice execution of twisted tree spirits. The shortest one looks a bit funny from behind but otherwise these are one of my favourites from the whole batch. Price point is also very nice (40mm bases, so these are pretty big).

Malifaux Child is quite nice. Though I'm guessing he's tiny and the price is again a bit hefty, though I understand why it's boxed alone.

Slop Haulers look horrible. Devoid of features and altogether stupid and uncharming. These are even worse than the Hanged - my definite least favourite of the bunch. Urgh.

Samurai, well, here you certainly get your money's worth! I'm not a big fan of the miniguns are they seem too modern for Malifaux but other than that these look nice.

Whew, that was a lot! I skipped the ones we've seen before (and that I have posted my opinion on previously). But a pretty random set with very lofty highs and horrid lows. Average was pretty good, though.

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Dreamer is easily my favorite of the lot - glad they went with the "Nightmare" style of LCB instead of the teased artwork.  The rest of the models are ace as well.  Dashel just looks absurd in Lucius' box.  Zoraida looks silly, but the rest of her box I'm fond of.  Kirai's box has got to be an absurdly low SS total...


Samurai look great.  I want to see the Waldgeists in the flesh, actually - 40mm base means they should be beefy, but then we have things like Young Nephilim...

The Child is appropriately adorable.  The Essence and the Electrical Creation will be interesting to build paint with all of that swirling energy.  The Hanged on the box front is nice, the other one is absurd.  Graveyard Spirit is awful.  Hoarcats are cute.


Overall a decent release - didn't really wow me with anything I wouldn't have gotten anyway, but also didn't make me change my shopping list.

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Hoarcat Pride looks nice. Not as cute as the originals but they are serviceable. For some reason making feline minis is really difficult and these have their problems there, but the overall look is nice. It's a really expensive five SS minion, though.

Hadn't really looked at the price for those, but damn. I mean how big are they? They are supposed to all fit on one 40 mm base and they are priced like 3 samurai or silurids.


Oh about the Steam Trunk, they really went out of their way to show that render from the least informative angle possible!

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The models in Kirai's box only cost 14ss and almost 50% of the box is summon only.

Besides it still being super low points, it is a far more playable box than the first. 2 Seishin is workable, and lets your first purchase be something useful, not more Seishin to let you actually use her abilities.

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The box is pretty much just Kirai, kirai's spell effect mooks, and two reasonable summoning targets. So in terms of whats likely to be put towards a list its 50 for Kirai and just Kirai.


I'm lucky enough to already have some of the other junk I want to run with her, but no shikome, no gaki, and no Datsueba kind of hurts.


Edit: Alright maybe I'm crazy but I like the graveyard spirit sculpt.

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Sigh, still on the fence about Kirai, but frankly, seems like the worst box of the batch and not just because of the models included. Only the Ikiryo really feels a must have to me, the rest are kind of meh between the old and new sculpts...


I love the Hanged, specially the cover one and the Samurai, by god, the Samurai. That's pretty much it for my order outside of the wave 2 decks and the strategy and scheme deck.


Leaving outside my personal interests. Best value for buck, Von Schill no doubt, strong crew from the getgo, Style award is for Dreamer with Lucius and Zoraida being close seconds.

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For me the Samurai are growing on me as TT player.  But I think I will only use one so if i get that box I will sell the other two.  The guild guard I need to see them in person or at least pictures of the actual minis to decide on them, but I will probably get them as they are good 4 ss model for my guild crews.  So for me this round I just see the wave 2 card boxes for Guild, Outcasts, and TT, Bound by Law and the Samurai.  


I just hope that I get to see other people in my area buy and paint the other stuff so I can play against them.      

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Lucius - the lawyers really stand out, but Dashel is kind of off.  He doesn't really give off a 'captain' vibe, in fact he looks like a retired adventurer turned tavern keeper from a fantasy game.


Ophelia - Pretty good box set, with Rami, Pere and the ridiculous Young Lacroix.  Raphael looks suitably deranged.  Francois bothers me though; he looks like he got kicked in the nuts by a horse, but he's too proud to show how much it hurts :P


Kirai - Ikiryo gives off a very strong "The Ring" sort of vibe; I wish she more closely resembled Kirai herself, but it's not bad.  Kirai looks really good; she looks like she's running away from the scene of the crime, as usual.  I don't know what the hell Francis is doing, but it reminds me of a movie poster.  Beyond that, I'm really perplexed that Datsu Ba isn't in the box set.  This box is definitely not new player friendly.


Von Schill - I always found the Freikorps kind of generic, so I'm not that bothered that they haven't changed.  At least Von Schill looks a lot better.


Dreamer - Chompy looks like he'll be the same kind of deal as the Nothing Beast or Huggy, in that won't look quite right until you've seen him painted.  Coppelius is a huge improvement over the old one.  There's more detail to his face and hands (which is to say he HAS detail in his hands and face).  They have something of the same problem as Kirai's box set, but it's more justified in his case (Dreamer needs a LOT of stuff), and the starter box is much more balanced.


Zoraida - I actually like Zoraida; the little doll crawling around on her hump, and the one peeking out from behind her leg are nice little touches (and creepily adorable).  I like that they've moved away from just copying every generic swamp witch ever, and making their own unique character.  Bad Juju is one where' I'd reserve judgement until I saw it painted.  The silurids are just silly, floppy, fun, and look like they'll be a joy to paint.


Of the rest, I'd say Waldgeists stand out; not only are they a vast improvement over the metals but they're pretty well priced at $21.00 for three medium based models.  The grave spirit is a bit odd; I'm wondering how big he's supposed to be.  Essence of Power is a really ambitious design and I hope it actually works like it's supposed to.

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I think the Hoarcats may now be 1 per base, which is disappointing. I'd much prefer a smaller 3 per base miniatures like the current ones. I may have to order a few more old ones rather than get the new ones.


Waldgeists look great.


Dreamer is a slam dunk kit in my opinion. 


I still haven't seen a Zoraida model that I like. 


Electrical creation and essence of power are great. Almost wish EC was a 3 for 21 kit, but I already have an old one so it's not really an issue. 


Lucius box set is nice too, though I find the guild guard to be a bit generic (could use any appropriately scaled wild west minis and they'd fit right in).

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Well I'll be getting a fair amount of stuff, must gather the minion dollars for sacrifice.


My thoughts on the Von Schills and Ophelia is that they are about the same as the older versions, a couple of changes but not much, the important thing here is the totems.


Zoriada I really love the whole box.


Lucius is a couple of mini's I love and several which I like.


On the small boxes I think the Hoarcat Pride looks great but yes it is expensive for game value.


The Samurai look great.


Waldegiest look so damn good I'm going to have to but them even though I have the old ones.


Essence of Power looks so much better than the old version, but that is because the original was awful to my eye.


Honestly must of the other mini's for me look really good but in the cases of those with original metal mini's not much better or worse.


The two special releases N.E Golem and L.E Teddy are great mini's and hard to resist, Teddy may even demand me purchasing a Pandora crew which I've been fence sitting on.


The decks, rules and other items..... well I'm almost certain to need most of them soon so it will depend on budget.


It is going to be expensive and the shipping wait will be aggravating.


Oh and Rathnard I still curse you for being able to visit GenCon.

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I love the Dreamer and Waldgeist kits, which will happily fill out my Neverborn faction, leaving Lucius as the only master I don't have.  Tempted to get him as well, but might try to keep my wallet from having too big a heart attack.


so much other stuff I want, but I still haven't touched my Misaki box from the 2012 Gencon release so I think I'll keep myself from splurging too much.

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I plan to grab Crossroads and the two crew boxes that will mesh with the models I already have for GenCon due to impatience, and then pick up the new small box models when my local store gets them so that my tabletop rent is paid.  Chompy can't wait till November.

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I think the Hoarcats may now be 1 per base, which is disappointing. I'd much prefer a smaller 3 per base miniatures like the current ones. I may have to order a few more old ones rather than get the new ones.

Nope. This is what you get for $21. Of course you could put each on their own base to ease the pain in your wallet, but they'll look rather forlorn.

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Ophelia - Pretty good box set, with Rami, Pere and the ridiculous Young Lacroix.  Raphael looks suitably deranged.  Francois bothers me though; he looks like he got kicked in the nuts by a horse, but he's too proud to show how much it hurts :P


That's the most accurate description of of Clint Eastwood I ever heard. I still fall over laughing whenever I see Francois. It's just so great!

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Yuck. Definitely strange pricing on those - seems like they should be an $11 kit. 



It seems like prices are rather hard fixed based on the dimension of the sprue, regardless of how well the interior is utilized.


I'm excited for Lucius and Von Schill.  My only disappointment really is that there's not 3 guild guard models or that the box isn't a set of alternate sculpts.  They seem like models you want more than 2 of, but those poses don't feel like they'd repeat particularly well.  Of things I don't play, Dreamer's box is definitely the best looking.

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