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Previews from last night


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ummm.. I am going to go against the grain and say I really like it!


There, I have said it, now let the flogging start!!


Seriously though, I loved the old model and do have them all somewhere (Under a pile of Orks no doubt), but I am looking forward to seeing how her crew pan out having seen this art and the performer a while back.


If the models come out nice, this will have gone from a maybe set to a definite purchase.

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Hmm, sadly I have to admit to being a bit disappointed.

It's a bit of a shame really, because the new Colette box went from an automatic purchase to, "lets just have a look at the actual models". I'll probably buy it anyway, I really want a different Cassandra model, but I might keep using my old metal models for most of it. We will see how the whole thing turns out. I still got hopes that better colour schemes will make the model pop a little more as well.

Tonight I thought, what if this was on purpose? It looks like there are MANY disappointed players. Some less satisfied players. Many undecided in the future "wannabe" players. What if Colette had just too many players, and her appeal was turned partially down just to rebalance her future frequency in tournaments, or just production? Maybe just a crazy thought, but after all Pottermore hat/entry-test puts you inside Hufflepuff(like being Aquaman, no one wants to), even if you answered like a perfect Griffyndor or Slytherin, to balance houses numbers... J.K.Rowling can, why don't we?
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If weight of opinion can change the look of the model then I'll pitch in with my 2p.

Ergh, boring image of Colette is uninspiring, and doesn't befit the larger than life vision I envisage of her. 

Cunning master of misdirection, or Steampunk wannabe?


If the model looks like the art, then I'll be sticking with my metal one (or trying to get hold of the old Avatar model and using one of them).


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Tonight I thought, what if this was on purpose? It looks like there are MANY disappointed players. Some less satisfied players. Many undecided in the future "wannabe" players. What if Colette had just too many players, and her appeal was turned partially down just to rebalance her future frequency in tournaments, or just production? Maybe just a crazy thought, but after all Pottermore hat/entry-test puts you inside Hufflepuff(like being Aquaman, no one wants to), even if you answered like a perfect Griffyndor or Slytherin, to balance houses numbers... J.K.Rowling can, why don't we?

Too many people are buying our product, let's make them stop? There is a big difference between running an online community and selling people products.

Besides, I've not seen her be more popular than anyone else. I don't think I've ever played against someone else using Colette and it doesn't happen infrequently that people say they have never played against her before. If any arcanist master is everywhere its Ramos, there is a lot of people playing him currently.

Also, its not like me maybe not buying the box will result in the sale of a different box. It just means a lost sale.

I don't think there is a 'motive' behind the art change. Presumably that's just the style they wanted. Its just that a bunch of vocal people aren't keen on the new look.

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This new art reveal has made me jump straight onto Ebay, looking for the old sculpt.  That's where some of the money I set aside for Gencon will be going. 

Old Colette wasn't just unique in Malifaux, she was one of the unique drawing points to the game itself; you'd have been hard-pressed to find another miniatures game with stage-magician and burlesque dancer miniatures, let alone the Coryphee.  She was similar to the Dreamer and Teddy in that people would stop and have a look when they saw her on the table, and I haven't shown the art and miniatures to a single person without them commenting positively. 


Chandra in a dull dress really isn't a substitute.  I'd be happy with this as an alt miniature, and hopefully this is the case with the artwork jumbled a bit.  It's just a real shame to think of this being  full-production model played by newcomers to the game, and to think of the potential players passing the gaming table without a second glance. 

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This new art reveal has made me jump straight onto Ebay, looking for the old sculpt. That's where some of the money I set aside for Gencon will be going. Old Colette wasn't just unique in Malifaux, she was one of the unique drawing points to the game itself

Hardly. When i started, the draw was cards as a resource, alternating deployment and a background that used mechanical spiders, undead hookers, killer teddy bears and cowboys in the same setting. Colette wasnt even mentioned until i happened to look through the arcanist masters and decided i liked how she played.
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I don't think it was as much that people would look specifically for Colette and that would draw them to Malifaux. More that people who saw the models would be interested because of the different style and flamboyant miniatures. They might never play her, but she was a flashy model that could draw attention if you randomly saw it on a table.

But while models have generally looked very similar to the artwork it's still hard to judge it. It's partially obscured and I'm still choosing to believe that with something more interesting than a pinstripe dress it can still look quite flashy. Shame about the lack of a hat and cane though.

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It's partially obscured and I'm still choosing to believe that with something more interesting than a pinstripe dress it can still look quite flashy

You know that's deluding yourself. What's obscured is a small part of her legs and boots. So unless they managed to sculpt her with a garterbelt so elaborate as to shame Lady Gaga, it'll be just as bland bottom as it is top. We do see 80% of the mini, and all of the "high visibility" parts- arms, body and head.

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Really really glad the Cheesecake went (Better saved for Nightmare or Miss models imho).......but new art just doesn't make sense, especially considering we have seen the 'Performer' artwork, so the idea her crew are on smuggling duty just doesn't work for a cohesive crew either.

the only reason I can think is that the artist got instructions to make the art stand out less and be more subdued than the 'Fall Scematic' art we saw earlier in the year, or some other Colette art we haven't yet seen!


Though I bet retailers are rubbing their hands together, now they can finally shift all those Avatar Collette's sitting on the shelves ;)

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Perhaps, they've deliberately downplayed Colette appearance so as to make Cassandra even more flamboyant? It might just be me but the fluff always casts her as the outrageous one compared to Colette's more subtle appearance.


Maybe we'll see a more 'showgirl' appearance from Cassandra and a couple of different poses from the performers? Also...It's worth pointing out again that artwork in a book does not always a model make.

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Perhaps, they've deliberately downplayed Colette appearance so as to make Cassandra even more flamboyant? It might just be me but the fluff always casts her as the outrageous one compared to Colette's more subtle appearance.


Maybe we'll see a more 'showgirl' appearance from Cassandra and a couple of different poses from the performers? Also...It's worth pointing out again that artwork in a book does not always a model make.

Amusing myself aside, this is my actual theory. Many of the old stage magicians had their assistants dressed with more glitz and glamour than they were, to aid in misdirection and prestidigitation and the like. Its possible wyrd have decided to go that route This time with Colette.

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Perhaps, they've deliberately downplayed Colette appearance so as to make Cassandra even more flamboyant? It might just be me but the fluff always casts her as the outrageous one compared to Colette's more subtle appearance.


Maybe we'll see a more 'showgirl' appearance from Cassandra and a couple of different poses from the performers? Also...It's worth pointing out again that artwork in a book does not always a model make.


These are the only pictures I can find, but I'm not so sure about that....


This is Cassandra's new art-- she looks about exactly the same (but actually with a plainer bodice) :



And I'm pretty sure this is a Performer.. (Correct me if I'm wrong, I haven't seen it named anywhere) :



So yeah, I think they just turned the Flamboy-O-Meter way down for everybody, because apparently that's how things are going to be from now on. The glamorous magician/actress/showgirl crew can't be glamorous or frilly anymore because we want to seem dark and "realistic" instead~

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Agree with the comments that she is lacking that spark of style and flair that comes with being the leader of the performers at the Star.  She is lacking that aura of a master.  Even if they were going with "the magician dresses down and the assistant is more flamboyant for some of the misdirection" story, they could have at least included something that denotes she is a magician.


Because Colette is my first and favorite master, I will be a sucker and buy her like this, if there is no change to art.  But I am already planning sculpting her holding a fan of cards in her "aura hand."  Her other hand will hold either a hat with a dove flying out, or a magic wand.  Haven't decided yet.  When I'm done with her, she will look like a magician.


And oh yeah, those goggles are becoming a headband.  Goggles on a slight of hand specialist?  Really?

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I'm still holding out hope the nightmare edition this year is Colette, and they leaked this picture to get me to shell out the extra cash for a version of her that is not so meh.

In the long run that might be even more horrible, though. Colette is a very popular Master and has a draw all of her own. If a prospective player is intrigued by an amazing Nightmare version and is then told that all they can have is a bland, plain version (unless they scour the eBay for a $200 nightmare version), that is not a good first impression to make.
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And I'm pretty sure this is a Performer.. (Correct me if I'm wrong, I haven't seen it named anywhere) :

She is, but apparently a limited edition version.

So yeah, I think they just turned the Flamboy-O-Meter way down for everybody, because apparently that's how things are going to be from now on. The glamorous magician/actress/showgirl crew can't be glamorous or frilly anymore because we want to seem dark and "realistic" instead~

Now that you mention it, everything kind of has been going towards a more understated, realistic, and gritty style during the 2nd edition.
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