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What is the status of Through the breach for the backers??


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Just the basic; two books, a deck, miss terious, and the sword and blade set.


Still, I wish it had gotten here a mere 2 weeks earlier, when I had everyone excited about it...


Oh well, if it ends up on the big shelf of games I bought and hope(against hope) to play someday, so be it, I guess. ( I need a sad gremlin emoticon...)

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I turn to a local Facebook board game group when I find the desire to play an older game that has been sitting my closet. The latest was for Cadwallon: City of Thieves. I guess I feel guilty for them not being used. I blame 'Stuff of Legend' and 'Toy Story' for that...

...then again, I also find it hard to eat the chocolate rabbits on Easter (usually devour them only when I am too lazy to prep a meal and I am hungry, and it's usually stale by that point)  :(

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Yes, please focus on the flagship product Malifaux and its immediately relevant spinoff Through the Breach. Maybe give Puppet Wars some love, but let the rest go, at least until next year. No more evil babies, no more jetpack unicorns, no more kings of artifice. Just pure, unmitigated Malifaux UNTIL every single model is available in stores. Then you can branch out and stamp your brand on everything you can get your hands on.

If Gencon is your official Malifaux breadwinner, make Adepticon or some other convention your time to roll out the other games. Hell, for a company that's been around since 2005 or so, where the heck is WyrdCon?

And, I say again, don't even think about crowdfunding until at least after Gencon 2015 has come and gone.


Interesting post.


Just stick to the basics! 


...and start your own convention.


Don't take this the wrong way. It just struck me as funny. :)

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Interesting post.


Just stick to the basics! 


...and start your own convention.


Don't take this the wrong way. It just struck me as funny. :)

Keep it simple. Focus on your flagship product. Maybe look into the areas where snafus repeatedly keep happening, and actually go about fixing them. The "they're a small company" excuse only goes so far.

Let's look at Reaper, as an example. They're also a small company. They make their miniatures in house, -and- yet they have their own convention, Reapercon, where people can tour the facility, see how their miniatures are made, and really feel like part of the brand.

So, yes, keep it basic, but host your own gathering of Wyrd enthusiasts, at your warehouse or even rent a hall. Conventions spring up all the time and grow larger every year.

That, or, since Wyrd puts all of its eggs in the Gencon basket, move the warehouse from Georgia to Indianapolis. Maybe even close down the California location to reconsolidate all of their assets under one roof.

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I'd never heard of Reaper Con until just now… not sure what they do there since Reaper doesn't really have a game? 


Malifaux is certainly Wyrd's flagship and is unique in the market. It delivers a character driven storyline with a skirmish mechanic that has endless potential really, endless potential.


But what's the rush? Look how long it took PP to have Lock and Load, look at how long they took to start releasing full length novels that could take place within their cosmology. That universe was carefully controlled and crafted by Mr. Doug Seacat who is IMHO a genius on an order few will ever achieve. I would like to see Wyrd develop Malifaux along similar lines. Through the Breach is the perfect platform to expand the story and universe - just as the Witchfire Trilogy was for PP. 


The path seems pretty straight forward: 


1. Get Organized Play established 


2. Get a Convention  


3. Get a steady growth marketing model  

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I'm pretty excited to get my Through The Breach kit. 


I run a ton of 3.5 and Pathfinder and WoD has gained a lot of popularity in my area recently. 


I'm going to be honest: TTB looks like prime material for a shin megami tensei Persona system hack (which I'm eager to plug away at making) and might end up replacing WoD as my go-to system for the WoTC Ravenloft setting (one of my personal favorite campaign settings). 

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Did anyone else who was supposed to get hard cover books (game room level+), not receive them? Are they still arriving from the shipper or printing company or did those items get missed out of my bundle?



Stuff looks great BTW, arrived today 1 day before my birthday! Excellent timing WYRD staff!




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