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Everything posted by thatlatinspeakingguy

  1. That's what you get if you listen to the forum opinions
  2. Technically speaking, sculpts are nice. Personally, I prefer a dynamic pose of original Ototo, but I know that some people don't like it. Thus when someone asked few months ago which model would we like to see altered, Ototo was voted by many. Same with Graves and Tannen - nice sculpts, but original ones are fitting their characters much more. In his neverborn form - which many people voted for as well - Graves looks more like a generically boring/boringly generic nephilim. As for Tannen, he looks disturbingly and that's cool, but how you can be bored to tears by or chat with a creature like that? No way.
  3. I don't know where your confidence in Asami's power come from. Provide a proof and then you can (but still shouldn't) mock people of contrary opinion.
  4. People often overlook or underestimate her, as most of us build a crew to achieve something rather than to prevent an enemy from achieving something else. Yet, as you guys rightly observe, she can be invaluable in some matchups and thus should be considered whenever you're facing at least three factions, namely Gremlins, Neverborn and Ten Thunders. Speaking about mercing her, I have also seen her once in a gimmicky Lilith list where she provided third Rush of Magic and her Vortex (that action which pushes models, not sure if I remember the name correctly) was used to trigger triple trapper shot from Changelings.
  5. I haven't used it even once But I see its potential and will definitely give it another try. I think they can work in every crew that can deliver them upfield and has cards to guarantee the kill and subsequent summoning. The most important thing is to put MLH on it. And I don't recommend using them against TT, as Yasunori will simply walk twice to get within Dark Protection range and kill Lampad in one AP - unless you want to bait them.
  6. I think we too deserve a thread of „What was the last list you've played” type, don't we? I encourage everyone to post here lists, followed by a short information concerning S&S, opposing crew and short encounter's rundown. I will start with my today's game against my regular Gremlin opponent, Michał „Świeżak” Wencel. Standard Deployment Strategy: Public Executions Schemes: Eliminate, Covert, Vendetta, Search the Ruins, something I don't remember. I wanted to play Reva with Lampads despite everything – I have bought the box right before our game and wanted to give them a try. My crew: Reva w/ Decaying Aura, Riders in the Sky, Blood Mark, 6 ss Carrion Emissary w/ Conflux of the Reaper Datsue Ba w/ My Little Helper Lampad w/ My Little Helper Hayreddin Dead Doxy Rotten Belle His crew: Wong, Glowy McTavish, Trixie, Old Cranky, 2 Swinecursed, 2 Lightining Bug. As I anticipated, Michał brought his regular Wong crew, which he always plays into Public Executions. As for schemes, he has chosen Eliminate and of course Covert. I've chosen Covert and Vendetta (Belle – Swinecursed). On turn one he pushed Wong and Tavish with his Swinecursed twice. I Blackjokered Shards of Kythera which let him shoot Carrion Emissary with McTavish once for 5. Combination of Bloodmark and Guide Spirits let me charge one of his Lightning Bugs on my last activation of turn one and summon another Lampad of it, but the whole process costed me my whole 8 card hand. I also lured his Swinecursed, revealing Vendetta. On turn two Wong killed one of the Lampads and McTavish killed Datsue Ba (charged earlier by Swinecursed), which emptied Michał's hand. This let me give the „Death Omen” condition to his McTavish, who was subsequently killed by Reva. To guarantee a point for Strategy, Dead Doxy pushed his Swinecursed, put him on negative and promptly pounced to death. On the other flank I wanted to soften my Vendetta target, who previously charged Hayreddin, dealing 3 wounds to him. So I lured Hay back with Belle to enable countercharge... and accidentaly killed the Swinecursed with severe on my second hit. On turn three he killed my Lampad, Hayreddin killed Lightining Bug lured by Belle and Reva and Doxy killed Trixie. Carrion Emissary used his 10'' place to a corpse marker and started placing markers for Covert. My opponent conceded after turn four, as his last two models, Wong and Old Crancky, were stucked in his deployment zone, engaged by Reva and heavily wounded (at least Wong). Final score: Reva 7 (2 for Strategy, 2 for Vendetta, 3 for Covert) vs Wong 0.
  7. You read it wrong. The Calling gives insignificant "until the start of this model's next Activation". Pronoun "this" refers always to the model which uses the action, not the target of that particular action. So the target is insignificant until Chiaki's next activation.
  8. But you are not going to bring much corpse generation in post nerf crews (unless you're going nurse/chiaki route), you're going to hire models that can actually do something beside torn out their spleens. And because you will be short of corpses and at some point you will have to start to summon, corpses will be even more precious and important.
  9. I was really surprised seeing how much Nicodem was toned down. I know that there are players here in Kraków who were waiting for the errata to start playing Nicodem, so we will probably figure out soon what is he good at now.
  10. Whenever I hear that, it makes me want to play Jack Daw or Parker Barrows so badly: Not sure if I am able to grasp every nuance of the lyrics, but I really like them.
  11. The most common way to play Reva is to combine the "no reduction" upgrade with Decaying Aura, turning her into Master/Henchman bane. As far as new upgrades are concerned, the one which applies burning seems pretty interesting, but I haven't tried it yet.
  12. Generally I agree with Clement's advices, except that I would put Philip and the Nanny in "Sooner" category. I am also a bit skeptical about usefulness of Datsue Ba herself, albeit three Seishin that come in her box can be handy. As a McMourning player you can definitely go Flesh Construct route, at least for now. Personally, I use Asura and Maniacal Laugh to generate walking Wounds for my summoning. I don't recommend Carrion Emissary, as it's neither Living nor Undead.
  13. I get bored with masters pretty fast. I play one intensively and then switch to another. As for now, no one really clicked with me. Maybe I have to start third faction to find THAT master.
  14. just love it. edit: and I have just realized how appropriate it is to the thread's title 😉
  15. It's a "hit or miss" list. If you don't like it, you don't have to play it. But if you suggest the list is bad, then evidence speaks against you, as Tim was 15th playing only that list at Polish Nationals and it is also popular in competitive scene in US. Spreading out sometimes does not help at all, as my game against Tim at Nationals has demonstrated. Edit: you don't have to focus, you have positives to damage flip.
  16. with investigator Sonnia does not need to walk even once to get to the middle of the board on turn one. This is Tim's de Groot list he made to take advantage of all the pushes the Guild has to unleash hell on turn one (the list was published in "Guild in the competitive scene right now" thread, where you can read more about how it works): Declared Faction: Guild Crew Name: Sonnia Poland 50ss Leader: Sonnia - Cache:(3) Cherufe's Imprint 1ss Cherufes Parting Gift 1ss Counterspell Aura 1ss Malifaux Child 2ss Francisco Ortega 8ss Hermanos De Armas 1ss Wade In 1ss Dr. Grimwell 9ss Expert Sleuth 1ss Papa Loco 7ss Expert Sleuth 1ss Brutal Effigy 4ss Guild Investigator 6ss Watcher 4ss 
  17. In some way similar (card cycle is almost like a card draw, min 3 damage is almost like a built-in critical strike), but in some way different. I think Sue is better on average, although Anna's anti-push aura can be pretty handy in some matchups.
  18. Nothing in terms of synergy. Being good is usually enough for a model to make a cut in Reva's crew. Trapper (or Hans) can sometimes provide you with another opportunity to pop Bete out in the midst of opponent's crew on turn one.
  19. Stand-alone, Reva is a pretty good master to start with, but her box does not bring anything spectacular (nor horrible either) beside her. As for mercenaries, Sue is a constant component of many competitive Reva lists here in Poland, but that means you want to take also a single Kentauroi to deliver him to the battlefield. I guess that combining Trapper with Bete Noir (which you may eventually want to play anyway) can also work pretty well.
  20. To summon as a Kirai you need a friendly model you will summon from, and a card high enough to meet the requirements of summoning. Summoned model comes to the game with half of his wounds and deals wounds to your friendly model equal to half of the summoned model wounds total. For example, to summon a Hanged you need 13 crows. Summoned Hanged comes with 4 wounds inflicted and deals 4 wounds to the friendly model you are summoning from. Kirai can't summon if there is no friendly model she could use as a „resource”. Hopefully you were playing that correctly. Of course you can summon more then once per turn. there's no errata, she is simply a good master with many exploitable weaknesses. Yes, that's possible. Your friend needs to adjust his gameplan to avoid that as possible, and not just brainlessly attack you every time he can. Notice that you need to discard a card each time to summon Ikiryo and you can't summon her if you don't have LoS to summoned Ikiryo with Kirai. If you play with at least 1/3 of the board covered with terrain, which I consider a minimum in Malifaux game, your friend at least sometimes should be able to hit something in such a way that Kirai has no LoS to summon Ikiryo. Often it does. As you can see on her card, Kirai needs two crows in duel total to summon, whereas only one is baked in the action. So you need a high crow in your hand to summon something like Shikome or Hanged, or you have to spend a soulstone to add a crow to duel total. That's why Kirai want's to start a game with full cache (7 ss) and thus can't hire that much as her opponent. You win by getting VP. Proper scheme selection and crew adjustment is crucial. Kirai is certainly not the strongest summoner in the game, although she can be the strongest master your friend played against (especially if he hasn't played against any other ) I have a suggestion for you guys to swap crews from time to time. Your friend can then better understand Kirai's weaknesses, and you, who know them, can show him how to exploit them. What crew is he playing btw?
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