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Everything posted by Kharnage

  1. Points of comparison, if the opinion of Belles are so low, what are your thoughts on a similar model in TT, the Geisha? Are they also useless? And why are Beckoners good but Belles aren't? I think I like the Belle's kit way more on paper but perhaps I'm missing some key piece of information.
  2. Henchman hardcore to my understanding are also led by henchman. Saying Nekima is a heavy investment I figured precluded that possibility. EDIT: Confirmed, posted Henchman Hardcore rules do in fact specify henchman-led. More likely he didn't know leaders were free.
  3. The Leader of a crew and Leader's totem are free during crew building. Are you talking about some other kind of investment? Last sentence of Step E "Choose Faction and Leader" of the Encounter Setup rules, and the Totem call out box say this, just for your future reference.
  4. Another friendly Nephilim than the one killed is the correct interpretation. Consider My Loyal Servant to prove the point. "My Loyal Servant: Another model (other than this model) within 3" of the target Heals 1/2/3." The "other than this model" clarification means that the original "another" means "not the target/affected", not "not the generator/attacker of the effect".
  5. Welcome to the God-Empress Nekima fan club! She is indeed a fun, mobile master with more options than people credit her for. So her totem (which hasn't gone to general release yet for some reason, if you weren't a beta tester) will puke up corpses for free (two wounds of his, but this is basically free) and you can use these to fuel the Blasphemous Rituals of the Shamans, in addition to the Blood Sacrifice mask triggers on their knives. Remember, the Blood Sacrifice trigger heals the target afterwards if they have Black Blood, so they don't actually die or suffer permanent damage when struck so you don't need dogs to stab. Usually. Sometimes you flip moderate on the relented damage flip, which is why I usually pick Nekima or a Mature to stab with shamans so they can heal any accidental damage with Regen +2. As far as synergies, there's some more obvious ones and some less obvious ones. Synergies to note in my opinion include; Lelus and Lilitus. Healing when the other heals is cool, but they also can combine for some serious Black Blood damage output between Masochistic Thoughts (Lelu), Blood for Blood (Lelu), and Sadistic Glee (Lilitu). This is also some really good, reliable card draw. If you're about to play into a heavy Armor crew or some other kind of defense you don't want to deal with, splashing it to death with one pair (or two pair!) of these is a very real option. Hayreddin and a Mature. Hayreddin is Mv 6 with Flight, but by Winged-Nephilim definitions, he's still kinda slow. Dragging him around with a Mature gets him potentially into strike range turn 1, and starting fights where you want as quickly as you want is the Nephilim's strength. Also, the Mature can serve as a distraction while Hayreddin actually deals the big hits (Ml 6 3/4/6 is nice, but Necrotic Decay means that Hayreddin will be dealing 4/5/6 and a point from Black Blood for damaging himself, for 5 raw minimum damage!) Nekima and Inhuman Reflexes. Seriously, just staple that upgrade onto her card. Her 2 inch reach means that Butterfly Jump is crazy annoying for 1 inch reach models and ranged models in general, and she's got Frenzied Charge, which means that as long as she keeps charging, she keeps getting Blade Rush damage. Note that you can engage people, which doesn't engage you; so charge through a 1 inch reach model and stay out of its reach, and even if it survives, you can keep charging! Young Nephilim / Nekima and Black Blood Shamans. Young Nephilim with a 2/4/5 damage track and onslaught triggers to fish for, means that even with that natural 5+ to hit, they desperately crave focus. Black Blood Shamans, hand out focus to your whole crew (well, your whole crew within 3, which is usually doable turn 1). I usually take 2. By the time a Black Blood Shaman has completed a Blasphemous Ritual twice, they can grow into a Mature, while having handed out like 5-6 focus. Focus on Nekima's Ml 7 3/5/6 damage track is also a huge deal. Free heal pulses can also save lives. My biggest advice is to use our supreme mobility to only pick fights you can win, and to pick those fights without fear. If you are choosing schemes and your opponent has declared Ironsides (or Hoffman, or whatever), don't take fighty schemes. They're probably gonna deathball, and you either want to send a Mature in and hope he splashes so much damage that even Ironsides feels bad, or just avoid the fight entirely, picking off flankers/scheme runners while running schemes, and making them waste AP to try and pick the fight. A common strategy of mine is to spread out at deployment (so the opponent does too), make my opponent think I'm going to rush a certain part of the map, watch them get ready for it, and then fly off 18 inches to a completely different part of the map that they're not prepared for me to attack. You'll be surprised at the number of Necropunks who didn't think the Mature and Young could make it that far and take swings turn 1 and just leapt up the field mindlessly.
  6. "Distracted +X: This model's Actions that target an enemy model suffer a - to their duel. After resolving such an Action, the value of this Condition is lowered by one." The Distracted condition only affects the model's actions, not its attempts to dodge others' actions. The +2 distracted will remain, assuming it hasn't gotten rid of it some other way.
  7. I guess I get that, but it was a Beta! Trying stuff I don't have was the name of the game. Not that I didn't mostly play Nephilim, but still.
  8. Are you saying that the missing cards will be updated? So that I can have a blood piggie to puke up corpses, looking suspiciously like a pukeworm until such time as the Wyrd powers-that-be release God-Empress Nekima's box? EDIT: Nevermind, you were referring to the website. Carry on
  9. This is more anecdotal than backed up by FACTS and LOGIC, but I've noticed for most Nekima crews posted by people who aren't me (speaking as a beta player who religiously checked other Nephilim crew batreps), they don't take Hayreddin. Is there... some reason? Does minimum damage basically-5, good defensive stats, and the only summoning in theme not impress anyone? I'm trying to figure out why he's not bolted to the top of every Nekima crew.
  10. Ambush: If this model is not in Concealing Terrain, it must discard a card. If this model is not engaged, it may move up to 3". Meanwhile, a tot can ditch a card to have the disengaging strike affect a nearby friendly Nephilim instead, and he'll just waltz out. No interaction that turn, but still. In my experience, Nephilim can either avoid combat well enough to go run schemes (high move flight with a teamwork-oriented psuedo-leap mechanic, though it doesn't work while engaged, is really good) or they planned on only leaving once they've carved the foe up in the first place. Most of my "I would like to leave now" power comes from Shove Aside if I'm engaged, but the big Nephilim have 2 inch reach which seems outside of a couple keywords, pretty rare, which between that and Butterfly Jump off of Inhuman Reflexes can mean that we can usually just leave whenever we feel like. As for Marcus and his beasties, the specific models are super fast, but he can only hand out two instances of Flight at a time, and his cohesive mobility ends up not being nearly as impressive in my experience. The big cats run off and maul things and Miranda/Marcus/Whoever didn't get wings just kind of, huffs after them. Mostly because he has tactical actions he wants to take, that actually take AP away from moving rather than adding to movement.
  11. Yeah, I'm just supposed to run around without my Blood Hunter corpse vomiter I've been relying on for almost a year? New Nephilim aren't even on the release schedule.
  12. Just what it says on the tin. I've gone through my corner of cards and nothing changed, but I'm wondering what changed, if anything, since the end of Beta. Anyone found anything?
  13. God-Empress Nekima, savior of Nephilim-kind, continues to be the most fun, successful neverborn master I play. I've tried Dreamer, Pandora, Zoraida, Lucius, Marcus, and fought Titania, and she still comes out on top for me. The damage output, mobility, ease of use, and cool factor of the vampire demon tribe all in one just win out for me. Long may she reign!
  14. I like Bad Juju, but it's a matter of what you need out of a Zoraida crew. In his case, "unkillable Eyes in the Night node" was his purpose, and he served well. The Silurids are generally better at this purpose between Stealth and Butterfly Jump though.
  15. So, Rabble Risers can Challenge their own dudes with Faded effects and force card discard like crazy to spam Faded. Example effect; another Rabble Riser getting a focus for a card drop before every attack. Is this good? Cool effect? OP? Situational? It could also do things like full heal Archie, but will also blow your whole hand quickly.
  16. Oh, yeah, Lilith is super good. She's the highest point of contention for allowing people to bring DMH in our local meta, and getting another beater master with shenanigans for only 15 stones is a great boon for the keyword. One of my common foes straight up refuses to play matches into Lilith, and less-than-jokes that he'd start of game concede if found during tournament.
  17. Not being able to attack yourself is something I've always assumed was true, but a friend brought up the possibility of Shockwaving yourself to death (Papa Loco) and I was looking for where it says you can't attack yourself in the main rulebook, but couldn't find anything even disallowing people to normally attack themselves, much less shockwaving. I'm not very good at sifting through text though, can anyone tell me where this is stated? EDIT: Nevermind, found it, page 23, under Step 3. Does this preclude it from shockwaving itself, since it's technically not targeting? EDIT 2, ELECTRIC BOOGALOO: Papa Loco also can't shockwave himself because Evasive, but still, "can you shockwave yourself" might have some other application.
  18. As a Nekima player who relishes the chance to play into shooting crews, I'm happy to try and help and encourage my fellow Neverborn. Mostly though, I'm surprised he's having the trouble he is. From a strictly Nephilim perspective, here's what I'd say. Your greatest goal fighting a crew that can deal damage at a distance, is to mitigate the damage they deal. This sounds obvious, so I'll break down what I mean. Your tools of mitigation, are Flight, engagement, and terrain on the board, maintaining full speed through and then into the enemy. Fighting guild means they probably put Sharpshooter upgrade on one if not two models, but that doesn't mean everyone's got it, and for those that don't, cover and concealment is your friend. You ignore the terrain while moving, but take advantage of it when you can. With sufficient amounts of Fly With Me, you're going to be able to close the distance just fine, so don't be afraid to play a little back, behind buildings and the like, until you're ready to engage. Even with ignoring cover, concealment, and Friendly Fire, they still can't ignore no LoS. Use that as well, when you can. Next, if you aren't bringing Inhuman Reflexes on Nekima every single game, you're missing out. Use this to maximize the AP loss of a shooting crew. Even with crews like Basse who can "shoot in a melee", they have Gunfighter, which only gives them 1 inch reach. Use your 2 inch reach to nullify their damage. Even if Basse throws up dust, and Caught in Quicksand's you, he's blown a master's AP to deal 1/2/3 damage and injured +1. With Butterfly Jump, you can jump back into his face after the Quicksand is done, likely avoiding the Dust Cloud, and causing him to waste more AP doing nothing because Nekima's stiff-arming him. Matures are also quite capable of this strategy, and can even have Basse or the rest of his crew shoot into Combat Finesse in melee (since it becomes a ) to waste AP by just not being able to cheat to hit in the first place. Nephilim live and die by engagement range shenanigans, abuse it to the highest order. Finally, just, get to 'em and kill 'em. None of the guild's shooting crews are particularly tanky, and with AP robbing tactics, you can use your bought time to hack their little models to death while you tie up the big ones. Attrition tactics for Nephilim is fine, given that we bleed on them AND we regen, so the longer you can make the melee go, the better. Exceptions to the general rule; the counter-beaters. Jonathan Reichart is a prime example. Beat his ass into the floor as fast as you can, while trying to generally adhere to the rules above. I understand that he's Disguised, but you can Shove-Aside mask trigger some other sod to get to him without loss of AP on both Nekima and Matures, and eventually, once the splash party begins, even with his Grit, there's not much to be done to stop his untimely demise. You just have to have enough stones to survive going gung-ho. I usually run 7-10 stones on my Nephilim crews to keep Nekima healthy and with suits. Hope this helps!
  19. 😈 As for the hazardous terrain aura generator business, "if it was at any point hazardous" prevailing makes enough sense to me. I wasn't 100% sure of it when I played into @Gnomezilla, and I think overall this means Lilith died having not snapped as many plants as she could have. Good to know however!
  20. I'm fine with this, but let me clarify something near and dear to my heart on that "fully resolve before the aura isn't there anymore" principle; Nekima's Teach Them Fear aura. A 1 wound guard charges Nekima, and kills her, but suffers a point of black blood damage. This kills the guard. Does Nekima then heal for killing something, and return to life?
  21. The miners (I took two overall) did schemes like Harness the Leyline and Search the Ruins just fine, Assassinate and Claim Jump being my secondary schemes for the 2 games I've played. Reckoning and Turf War were easy enough for the crew, so the Gunsmiths stood with Ironsides in the middle and shot out from there, though I imagine in scheme pools with schemes like Outflank, the Gunsmiths with stone support will win most "Runner-Jousts" as I like to call them, while still being able to affect most of the board with their range. Just make sure to bring a miner for each of them to keep them Unionized.
  22. Rules as intended, I would think that the idea is that all actions generated by triggers, even with a degree of separation, such as a generated charge attack, don't get triggers. However, rules as written, which states, "Actions generated by Triggers cannot declare Triggers, and like all other generated Actions, they do not count against a model’s Action limit." as per the callout box on page 12, could be tightly interpreted to say that if an action is not expressly generated by a trigger, but rather by an action that was itself generated by a trigger, then your opponent's stance of triggers happening as normal in this circumstance is technically correct.
  23. Ironsides with Fitzsimmons and a pair of Soulstone Cache Gunsmiths and a Union Miner with Magical Training served as my core during Beta. Minions who will likely get focused down and who are intensely suit-focused LOVE having Soulstone Cache. Your foe typically will try to get into their faces early, and it pays to be able to deal with it with soulstones. Also it means you can farm soulstones once models start dying
  24. Dreamer has been growing up a bit, hitting puberty, having *those* dreams. It's a bold creative move from Wyrd, but I'd respect it. He does have to fight Beckoners, Belles, and Nekima in Battle Lingerie, so it was inevitable, really.
  25. I mean, I straight up supplied a model by model breakdown and complete list. Does that not count as providing alternatives?
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