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Everything posted by santaclaws01

  1. I'm fairly certain they confirmed they'd be doing one after Gen con somewhere, but considering we had Nythera last year and Kythera the year before, we'll likely have one this year.
  2. Firstly, the word "that" isn't being used as a pronoun, it's being used as an adverb, so neither interpretation is valid. The phrase "that is" is entirely superfluous. Making it "any terrain with the soft or hard cover traits withing 1" of the target model" has the exact same meaning. It just reads better having "that is" in the middle.
  3. The difference is being engaged when you declare the walk action. There's a difference between being engaged and being in a mdoel's engagement range. For example, you can be in a model's engagement range, but if there is no LoS between the two models, then they aren't engaged. For a disengaging strike to occur three conditions must be met, the first is that the two models must be engaged. The second is that the model moving (model A) is inside of the engagement range of the model that isn't moving (model B). The third is that model A is attempting to move outside of the engagement range of Model B. So as for the two scenarios you have, in the first scenario with the corner, Blue would have to use 1 action to walk outside of LoS, while still being in Red's engagement range, and then use their second action to walk out of engagement range. For the second scenario, as soon as Green is summoned in, Blue is allowed to move freely because LoS was broken, thus breaking their engagement. As for your Hazzardous terrain questions, you have A B and C correct.
  4. Oh right, innocence is an activation effect.
  5. Fast goes away at the end of a models activation though. So if she starts her activation with the Fast condition, she generates 1 extra AP and then keeps the condition until she ends her activation.
  6. other models was what I was emphasizing. Meaning a model targeting any model other than Hayreddin will get a to the damage flip.
  7. That's not what happened though. The was The Dragon getting impatient. Shenlong himself barely fought the Librarian at all.
  8. Except he never said orders can't be canceled...?
  9. From the terms you should have read when you placed your order. But seeing as how Nathan just replied saying address changes aren't an issue, it's a moot point.
  10. You could just cancel and re-order everything.
  11. Genbu is also 10T in the scenario. Genbu and Luther have their own stat cards and rule set for the scenario. I'm assuming they'll also have a card for normal play as Izamu and the Blessed of December.
  12. There's also the fact that pushes don't allow a model to climb, and along a surface is the only way models can even move in malifaux, so it's a double no.
  13. No, the requirement is that the upgrade you want to attach is not already attached to another model. If no model has the upgrade, then you are free to attach it.
  14. In the special movement rules section (can't get page number as I don't have the book on me), state you can move one model over the base of another model, which would mean the model would stop at the ledge if there was a model below, regardless of the Hts of the models and terrain.
  15. Correct. The active card is what is used to determine the duel total, and you can only use suits in the duel total to declare a trigger, so his duel total would he 9 + whatever his stat was. Let's just say it was 5 as an example. That would make his duel total 14 meaning he could declare any triggers on a or .
  16. Yes to the Punk Zombie, Terror Tot and Piglet, but the High River Monk would also take two, because he starts in Ama's Aura, which causes a flip, then moves into the river, which causes another flip. Never mind. High River monk remains in Ama's aura the whole time, so he can ignore the river's flip.
  17. Page 47 of the big rule book: "After determining how much damage the [model] would take, but before applying the damage, the model may spend a Soulstone to make a damage prevention flip." So the question is, does Armor factor into determining how much damage you take. A few paragraphs earlier on pg 46 at the bottom of Damage and Wounds states: "If damage is modified by a static value (such as the Armor Ability, or a Trigger), the final damage after the damage flip is modified." So yes, armor is factored into how much damage a model would take, meaning Armor is applied before the prevention flip is made.
  18. You won't regret it. Lilith is probably the best neverborn master just because of her ability to do well in all of the schemes and strats.
  19. I'm pretty sure the blast would be off of it's base damage track. The attack just deals extra damage against Brilliance models, it doesn't give a different damage track. So unless the model you're blasting on also has Brilliance, it's only going to be taking 2 or 4 damage.
  20. Also it needs to be between 2 friendly models. Not only that, relenting is having the same value, so even if you could relent a simple duel with an enemy model that you are controlling, it still would pass the Horror Duel.
  21. I've been playing with the idea of running riflemen and Dashel with McCabe and Sensei Yu. Focus as a (0), a +1 when they use Focus on an attack, and Dashel provides a if they attack a model within 12", as well as a possible throw away activation to give them a for crit strike.
  22. No, but there would be blocking terrain in the the line you draw for vantage point LoS that isn't ignored because the Ht 3 model isn't within 3" of the edge of the terrain. And I believe the page for vantage point rules is 40 or 46 of the big rule book, but I don't have it on me as I'm at work for the next hour and a half.
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