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Everything posted by lusciousmccabe

  1. If you can find yourself a metal Lilith you could make a pretty cool sybelle proxy of it.
  2. The only ones it matters for are Reckoning and Vendetta. Murder Protege and Collect the Bounty don't care who did the killing/sacrificing. And for Vendetta you can still score two points.
  3. ^^ They'd certainly be cool for corrupted hounds when they come out.
  4. At least you'd have more spare rams to actually use menace in Neverborn? Somehow doubt it'd be worth it though.
  5. I suppose being a generalist with a limited summoning pool makes him pretty new-player friendly at least?
  6. Only people who don't condone that kind of debauchery.
  7. Actually the rules for Flight, Leap and Incorporeal suggest that pretty strongly when they say the model ignores terrain while moving. The FAQ does say to count the vertical distance you've moved to stop you getting "free" movement when going between levels. It doesn't say anything about counting the Ht of obstacles along the route and if it did that would make the above rules pretty useless. If a model wants to leap over a Ht 5 building that's 4 inches wide and land on a Ht 1 cart on the other side that's fine. It needs 4" of movement plus one for the vertical (per the FAQ) and whatever its base takes up. Gremlin Guy's scenario is the exact same but upside down, and I don't see why that would make any difference.
  8. @ Asrian - Sounds like he's not the man for you so!
  9. I use a notepad and a pen to track wounds and blight. Tried markers but it's far too easy to lose track of them or forget what pile goes with who after moving.
  10. I just got an image of Levi's blast rendering someone down to a pile of steaming protoplasm which writhes and grows crazily until it pops, leaving behind a very confused looking group of animals, creatures and named characters.
  11. I've played about 10 or 11 games with him. I'd say two of them were dull from a combination of a new opponent and rats swarming everywhere giving me tonnes of stuff to do while the game was essentially in the bag. All the rest of my games have been against more experienced players and were much closer and more interesting. Personally I don't think Hamelin is boring, but his style requires a lot of book-keeping which makes boring games a lot worse, so if you're up against someone new to the game maybe go with a different master or leave behind some of Hamelin's more convoluted models and it'll be more fun for both of you.
  12. No, Punday is two days from now. EDIT - I immediately regret that...
  13. Also, I think they could do with changing the name anyway since it's unfair to assume that all New Players Lounge.
  14. Maybe change one of them into a bar to avoid confusion?
  15. There's a pun in there somewhere... but I'm not sure I want to find it...
  16. Voodoo doll hemming a Nephilim and then poking it with a needle from 1" away is always a classic.
  17. I think one of the things that makes it feel like there isn't much choice is that most cheap models in Neverborn are really specialised with one or two outstandingly strong abilities and not much else. Other factions maybe have more general purpose cheap models you can field without worrying so much about the scenario or the composition of the rest of your crew.
  18. Just seeing this thread for the first time, there's a lot of cool stuff in here! I like how your greens turned out, it's a colour I often struggle with.
  19. So I'd like to call these ladies done, but I think it's more of a case of me accepting that this is as good as i'm going to get them. I ended up keeping the white on Victoria of Ashes as it made her look more like a badass heroin to Blood's serial killer. I could definitely do with touching up the leathers and toning down that black-lining, but I'm quite glad I started photographing my models or I wouldn't notice these things!
  20. Nice. Love the dark coats on the Marshalls.
  21. Knock em dead...er than they already are!
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