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Everything posted by daniello_s

  1. Agreed. I think she is not as good as Zipp but way better than Ophelia at the moment.
  2. The last page has a very nice Gremlin background. Is there anywhere wallpaper like that we could download by any chance?
  3. Trixie pushing away enemy models sounds interesting too.
  4. I think she is OK now although Manifest Destiny should really be an update of her card rather than upgrade.
  5. With Mah you really want to take Ml experts so Burt, Franc, Emissary, Golem, Taxidermist, Roosters, Manja and season it with Survivors.
  6. Maybe they will slow down with 'normal' model releases this year and hence encounter box goodies?
  7. In general - use Zzip to disrupt enemy plans by denying Interact actions and by picking up and killing his key models using Zipp's superior mobility. Somer on the other hand should flood the board with Bayou Gremlins allowing you to use 'thousand tiny cuts' technique and allowing to activate your key models later before switching to buff your crew and damage dealing.
  8. Keep your hands off our Whiskey Golems you filthy Sandeep! Signed: Bayou Residents
  9. Jafar made a topic about Gluttony and I want to ask similar question about our Effigy - anyone used it? In what purpose? To me it is a 'dead' model but maybe I miss something.
  10. Was looking at his card lately and I don't think I'll ever use him in any crew.
  11. When he suffers damage from the Poison he can push certain distance (don't remember how far exactly). Excellent way to speed him up or let him out of sticky situation.
  12. It is a good way to sell, say Resser player models he wouldn't need otherwise (Raptor, Grootslang). Excellent tactic from marketing point of you. I also agree that we start to have too many models but I don't think this will end here
  13. So Burt's Slippery will also be useless when he is being charged... Sweet...
  14. Trixie is still good support model. In Supply wagon she can push enemy models away from their Wagon so they won't push it that certain turn. In Symbols of Authority she can allow you to win initiative and snatch the Symbol with your strategy runner before opponent can tarpit/kill him or you can intercept enemy model doing similar thing. I think she can be useful some games.
  15. Today I played Ophelia against von Schill in Public Execution (Eliminate Leadership, Vendetta, Take on for a team, Show of Force, Public Demonstration). I decided to test Kin-heavy crew: Ophelia - 5ss pool 2x Young Lacroix Franc - Stilts, DC Raphael - DC Sammy - My threatening gun Rami Iron Skeeter - Hovering Airship Slop Hauler My schemes were: Take one... on Slop Hauler and Show of force I didn't put DC on Ophelia as I wanted to have her Metal Lined Coat for Instinctual, Jug Rocket for Your Turn action and Useless Junk. I was hoping that my good mobility (Ophelia's 0 actions, Sammy's 0 action from upgrade, Reckless and Skeeters taxi service would help me getting good position to attack and kill models. Unfortunately i did face dreadful gunline (Schill, 2x Trapper, Hans, Rusty with I pay better, Johana and trunk) and although middle section of the table was full of Ht1 hard cover all those positives to attack (built in on Trappers plus fast from Oathkeeper spread by Schill and focus from i pay better) meant I had very little chance to get to enemy without being torn to pieces by volley fire. Ultimately i was lucky to draw 6-6 at the end of the game just because my opponent made a mistake and attacked with Schill my Slop Hauler on turn 5 which gave me 3VPs to draw the game. My thoughts from the game: - Ophelia got some boost from Useless Junk and Metal Lined Coat but she really really needs DC to survive as her 10" range on guns means she needs to be a bit closer to the action than typical shooters. Also if she really wants to use Instintual she must have at least on gun upgrade attached to her which leaves her third slot to be taken by DC or Useless Junk. This is sad choice... I think she should have some extra ability which allows her to attach one extra gun upgrade ignoring usual restrictions. It wouldnt break her for sure - Rami is... i dont know how to say it mildly... weak? He killed Hans just because as first activation of the game just because i had red joker in my hand and i could go reckless-focus-focus and shoot declaring Dumb Luck. Then he died of Trapper. He is not worth of 7SS. I'd say he is barely worth 6. I wouldnt mind him being dropped to 6 AND getting extra built in trigger on his gun which would be similar to Bushwackers gun ability (+1 damage on Focus shot). At the moment im not touching him again as i prefer to slend 7ss on something else - Raphael is good. I like him and he is really strong for 6SS model - Franc with Df4 is... I wont say anything more
  16. Then you meet Dr. McMourning and your poison will work against you but general idea seems fun.
  17. Well considering Sonnia (or Malifaux Child) can easily limit an access to get her on turn 2 with this pesky flame wall i don't think it would be much case. At least it would require more thinking where to place her instead of parking her whenever you want to and blasting sh**e out of the opponent on turn 2.
  18. Their Take Your Meds can easily shut down enemy model (even master) for a turn so for 5SS it as crazy not to take one in the crew. For 6SS it is still good model to hire (I would if i were playing Ressers or Jack Daw).
  19. Can't agree with Barbaros and Tannen. Both I've faced used by experienced player and they were really annoying if run properly. Candy was annoying too although still i think she could benefit from SS drop and that wouldnt make her OP. Dolls and Mature Neph are sad pandas, especially Mature after Rider's SS adjustment.
  20. El Mayor should really be 'untill the end of the turn only' and this way it wouldn't be so dirty. But I agree that both models were not really well designed from the start. And I think Skeeter's Hop Aboard should have a restriction that taxied model cannot chain-activate. This combo is way too strong and make Gremlins look bad.
  21. Just give me back Stuffed Piggies for 2SS WHEN i also hire Taxidermist...
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