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Everything posted by solkan

  1. That's part of how you know the conclusion is wrong. The acting model does not dictate where the marker is placed for Drop It, the target does.
  2. You've managed to read the example incorrectly. Try again, keeping in mind that the section is on the meaning of enemy and friend: The sentence becomes It is NOT saying anything about who is dictating the choices in the push.
  3. According to Wyrd's download section, the end result appears to be: That's the file named M3E_Rules_Manual_4.2021.pdf, linked both on https://www.wyrd-games.net/m3e-languages. Edit: So the answer to the direct question appears to be: If you manage to move into base contact, but not through, the hazardous terrain without being the one performing the action, then you won't suffer the effects of the hazardous terrain. That would seem to require either deliberately wanting to set up the situation, or something being positioned perfectly at the limit of movement (either distance, or someone's placed a model blocking your entering the hazardous terrain). 🤷‍♀️
  4. Why don't you think that "The model moving the Marker may choose to ignore the Hazardous effects of the moved Marker" applies to the entire section? After all, if you have an action that moves markers, and you move a hazardous terrain marker across your own base, you're going to be performing an action while you're in base contact with that marker. So you either have to claim that the bullet pointed section doesn't actually work, or you have to claim that it also applies to the main paragraph, as far as I can tell.
  5. Eh, Bring It's always been a "Do you feel lucky, punk?" type attack anyway. "Target moves its Mv +2" towards this model" is specifying a move controlled by the target's controller (its owner). It's the same difference expressed in things like Chain Gang: (the model performing the action controls both) or the difference between "push ____" (the person resolving the effect chooses) and "______ pushes" (whoever has control of _____ chooses) when there are options left unspecified.
  6. Drop and Create are two different game words, but there's no distinction between them in the rulebook concerning line of sight to the new marker. In particular, note that they are defined in the same section "Drop and Create" and the distinction is made half way through:
  7. According to Wyrd's website June - Explorers July - Outcasts August - ? Looking at one of the other online stores, I think the Bayou starter was originally supposed to be July, presumably Wyrd's going to try to get it as close as they can to when Bayou Bash comes out. For the Explorer's box, the cards for those four models are already in the app. Henchman, Enforcer, and two Minions. I think the cards shown for the Bayou starter are consistent with that--while the jockeys might be equals/rivals in Bayou Bash, they won't be equal stations in M3E. I think it's still several months out before you'd want to plan an event with the faction starters.
  8. The rulebook says (emphasis added): Why exactly do you think "any subsequent Actions generated" would be limited to actions directly generated by the generated Action? The rules don't specify a limit to how the subsequent action is being generated, so it doesn't matter whether it's an ability or an action generating the subsequent action from a trigger generated action.
  9. See the last sentence of Targeting “Unless otherwise mentioned, every Action with a target must target a single model.” In other words, in order for the tactical action to target markers it would have to specify it can. Edit: So the answer to your question is “any model in range, even herself since it’s a tactical action”.
  10. What about them, and why are you quoting the M2E “You’re not allowed to fall onto another model” part of the answer when the M1.5E part actually gives you something to use in that situation?
  11. Ugg. Falling is messy because: This edition established that basically all going from one position on the table to another is movement. If you treat falling as movement, the rules would need an errata or FAQ to deal with how to fall when effects prevent movement. Which points to the simpler explanation: Falling is a process which normally occurs during movement, but not always (see Destructible). Not all physical movement is movement. To be honest, having falling due to terrain destruction not set off hazardous terrain or things like Pounce seems like a reasonable trade off. But I think if you're actually in a situation where you're setting up a board with destructible terrain that models will be walking on top of, both players really need to be having a serious discussion about what's going to happen when the terrain is destroyed, and why. If you're setting up a table where you're going to blow up a bridge or some railroad tracks, maybe you want the Bugs Bunny "I refuse to fall down" effect. 🤨
  12. In M2E, the answer was that you weren't allowed to have Model B's base overlap Model A, so the situation is not permitted to happen. In first edition, the last sentence of falling is "Models with bases overlapped by the falling model after it lands are Pushed away from the model’s base in a direction of their controller’s choosing until their bases are no longer covered by the fallen model." That's obviously exploitable, so it would likely be better to give the other player (the one not controlling the movement that caused the fall) control the choice of direction for pushing the falling model. Applying both of those principles--that you're not allowed to move such that you fall on top of another model, and the fact that the other player fixes the game state--is probably the least problematic. 🤷‍♀️
  13. On the bright side, you can use Lure to get a model out of engagement because it's not a Walk. So there's that.
  14. On the other hand, here’s what happens: The original model is killed, it sits there with its current (non-zero health) and goes through its Demise ability. You work though replace, setting the new model’s Health to the old model’s non-zero Health, and heals whatever is specified in the Demise effect. In step 5, you remove the original model, resolving no further effects on it. In step 6, the model lives because it isn’t at 0 Health. So you end up with a live model at the end if the Demise ability isn’t ignored. Disclaimer: I’m not entirely sure I’m reading the most errata’d version of the main rules.
  15. You quoted the wrong paragraph. The next one is the one that says you can’t heal out of being killed directly (“is killed”):
  16. I haven’t seen a way to do it. The last time I went looking, I think I found a page about configuring this type of forum software that made it sound like user-managed attachments needed an additional plug-in.
  17. The part that I’m stuck on is the clause in Replace that says that the new model is considered a valid reference for whatever effect was referencing the old model. That may be enough to contravene Insignificant for some applications.
  18. Which is supposed to be more punishing for a "casual" player, the fact that they'll have to buy far more models than a non-summoning master (and want to become familiar with far more models), or that the mechanics for summoning are more complex than a non-summoning master?
  19. The simplest reason why Accomplice doesn't work if you get yourself killed during your activation is that the model gets removed from the table during the damage process and isn't on the table when it would end its activation. As a result there are no models that qualify for being within 6" for Accomplice to do anything. In order for Accomplice to work in that situation, there would need to exist a rule that states that the activation ends before the model is removed, and that rule doesn't exist.
  20. Looking at the unboxing here... http://gmortschaotica.blogspot.com/2014/10/unboxing-malifaux-hannah.html Here's an image that shows where the face is (second image in the set captioned "Hannah Sprue"): http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-obzfx34DisU/VDGBBO1sx1I/AAAAAAAAiqA/0mlnxuVboZ0/s1600/Hannah%2B-%2BSprue%2B(2).JPG It's on runner 4 on the right in your image (the very small round wedge next to the big rounded square piece). If you turn the sprue over, you should see her face. Edit: In other words, Hanna's head (the back piece) is in the upper left, her face is down just up and to the right of the middle of the sprue.
  21. The real question is “Which band can they get a non-infringing likeness of?”
  22. It says “reduce the TN of Actions on friendly Wastrels by 2”. It doesn’t say that it only happens for the Wastrels. So it looks like it should apply to anyone copying the action.
  23. I’m surprised people are trying to take the app’s word for it, instead of looking at the card PDFs. (Card PDF shows the push version, too.) Summaries (like the change list) are notorious for not tracking changes in other documents....
  24. Don’t overlook soulstones for suits, and the various magic theories. Edit: There’s also the “keep trying and failing, until eventually you draw a ram (to cheat it next time) or flip a ram” approach. Those “draw a card when you fail” pursuit talents are there to be used.
  25. The important thing to remember is that the rules don't ask you to declare anything other than "I'm going to do a Charge" when you start the charge. Where you go, how you get there (for models with things like Flight) or what you do when you get there (for models with things like Run and Gun) are all part of resolution of the action. So, rewriting your question to cover the interesting cases... "When a model is going to perform a Charge, and the subsequent generated action, when does Boring Conversation activate?" The model declares that it will perform a Charge. You check now to see if the model is within the 6" and perform the Wp duel if it is. If the duel fails, no charge move or generated action occurs. You move the model, and declare the generated action, if taken. You check now to see if the model is within the 6" and perform the Wp duel if it is. (It is irrelevant whether the aura applied in the previous bullet point). If the duel fails, that generated action fails. So it's possible for Boring Conversation to apply to both the Charge action and the generated action (you were inside the aura and stayed inside the aura), or just to the Charge Action (because you are in aura and then leave it) or just to the generated action (because you were outside the aura and then entered it). It all depends on where the model is at the time.
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