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Everything posted by Sharp_GT

  1. short answer yes. Long answer, yes with exceptions and caveats. Models that can ignore LOS i.e. lilith and austringers can ignore LOS for Ca actions and Sh actions respectively according to their special rules. Keep in mind though that if a model has something like the perfect camouflage on silurids or the mimics blessing upgrade then models cannot target them without traditional LOS.
  2. I'm with you on this. The cards are, if anything an annoyance, oh no I'll have to use larger sleeves than normal. The broken bits is likewise a really annoyance, but since I actually have the bits I'm not terribly fussed about it.
  3. So weird that this is happening, it sounds to me like the card sizing issue is pretty consistent across models that released during gencon. I think the dark carnival breakage is mostly due to how tiny a lot of the pieces are, but I've seen similarly tiny bits out of tenT models that didn't have this problem.
  4. shenlong + misaki ? Pretty good amount of crossover on their models, most of their stuff is on small bases so it can fit into a smaller case, and they cover very different sceme/strat specializations, Misaki likes killing things, shenlong likes claiming and placing. Gold star pair I actually would suggest Colette + mei feng . Showgirls and mannequins are actually really useful in mei's crew, providing movement shenanigans and constructs to surf, as well as marker placement shenanigans; and rail workers make great durable minions for colette's otherwise fragile crew. Again the two cover different scoring criteria, Colette places and moves, Mei kills things. Also, again, these crews are mostly on small bases (although you can certainly benefit from making a little room for a rail golem or howard langston]. Colette is one of the best masters in the game, I would lean heavily towards taking her. Finally from my home team, neverborn, the pair that I would take if I were looking to do this : Dreamer + pandora/lilith . Dreamer has so many ways he can play, but generally will be spamming summoning. Pandora uses almost all of those same models but plays very differently herself, being more of a stand alone master. You need to make room in a case for chompy (it's a huuuuge model], teddy, and maybe a poltergeist. Toss in some silurids because why would you not, they're arguably the best scheme runner in the game. As a bonus you can throw in lilith or even zoraida, they are both on small bases, and don't really need their thematic crews. The only negative is this is physically a lot of models (dreamer alone needs himself, 3 daydreams, and chompy} but offers a lot of flexibility and dreamer is another of the best masters available.
  5. I just popped open my Dark Carnival box to check out the sprues and cards and noticed a couple of things: First one of my mannequins swords was broken already, I'll have to glue that up, dang those things are thin! Second the stat cards are all kinds of different sizes. The printing looks fine but they are all cut to varying sizes vertically and horizontally. Does anyone else have this problem on their cards? It makes it so the cards don't all fit into sleeves the same, some are very loose, some don't fit at all.
  6. The orderlies are 5ss 5/5/6/6/8/2, the same pseudo regen as nurse heartsbane, draw/discard a card when they kill something,and unimpeded, a melee attack and a (2)action to heal something two.
  7. Dita and Levi will kill just about anything they put their mind to killing, honestly you're not going to stop that with any NB master. I actually like lynch against guild and outcasts, at least in s/s pools that are all about killing things. If you keep lynch safely towards the back he can support his crew with crazy good cards, and with addict his darkened crew will burn down lynch pin (ha) models consistently. Being able to bring huggy back over and over is just gravy in those situations. The only real problem I've had against outcasts is ashes and dust bring immune to conditions and thus brilliance (well that and terrible luck with stitched together). Also, despite how much damage dita and Levi's crews can put out, they generally can't take as much, and lynch and huggy can hit like mack trucks. Once you're close they start dropping quick.
  8. Ah, that's true santa, I have had turns that aren't going to plan and being able to do this would save my bacon.
  9. He's very flexible as to when you activate him. Honestly it depends with he needs to do in a turn i.e. remove conditions, attack, push his friends around, go chompy face, etc. When summoning I'll generally activate him after at least a day dream can push a friend and sac itself for masks, but usually much later in the turn. This Dreamer almost always has activation advantage (Hamelin and the rats can probably challenge that} so you can leave your heavier models until later in the turn after daydreams/beckoners/lilitu have pushed them and their victims all into position. With a more straight up support dreamer, he goes whenever he needs to. Pushing teddy into flurry range, healing, removing debuffs, activate as needed. With chompy Dreamer make sure he has a 'sucker' to nail with damage in range before activating, you're going to be trying to pop out Chompy just about every turn with this build and need an enemy to damage for his waking. This build is all about maxing your masters AP across the two models, so setting up dreamer with targets each turn is priority one.
  10. few thoughts to add on top of some already very thorough responses. 1. I will pick rising sun or endless hunger based largely on what faction I'm facing. Ressers, guild, and tenT don't generally have a lot of Ca actions so I usually feel safe taking endless hunger for the spare AP. Rising sun comes in when facing arcanists and outcasts where I expect a lot of Ca actions and want to be able to use huggy more recklessly. For the other stuff: my mood changes from day to day but I hardly ever take wanna see a trick (read, never}, sometimes take woke up with a hand, and will ALWAYS take addict, often enough on huggy though. 2. Activating Lynch last with woke up with a hand for the extra cards puts lynch into the role of just pruning your hand to perfection. He'll make sure you always have the best cards to cheat with, but he won't be doing much with his AP to support his team. Because of this I often leave woke up... at home and play him as support spamming brilliance early to mid turn. I suppose its a preference thing, try both ways. 4. I love stitched with every neverborn master, highly recommended; although Lynch just brings me terrible luck for their gamble your life action, some things are funny like that. Ok heres the skinny: they'll get a [+] on their attack flips against brilliant models, sweet, when you win the game of chance you can discard an ace to not really discard and your hand will fill up quickly, and creepy fog is great for protecting your admittedly melee crew from shooters. Every Lynch list starts with him, huggy, and two illuminated, but after that I don't tie myself to any prebuilt list. If you want to dish out damage, more darkened models are great, otherwise feel free to experiment. Always having the best cards means you can play around a lot. 5. Schemes/strats where you want to kill 1-2 things a turn are where a brilliance Jakob crew is at its best. Tagging something with brilliance and sending an illuminated or two at it is guaranteed death. Otherwise, with a less dedicated brilliance list, yeah he pretty much does it all. 6-7. Beckoners are great. Being able to push themselves after luring makes them amazing at repositioning your team, your opponent's team, and themselves. Graves is also very good at this (and in theme!} and is very tough. He is, unfortunately, so good at his job that he will attract a lot of fire and die, but will probably soak a lot of AP in the process. As a bonus he also makes an excellent bodyguard with his large base, zero action and ability to shove people around. 8. I can see this working quite well, bringing some ranged damage to a crew. Use graves/beckoner to push him/his target into position and fire away!
  11. That was the intent of the wording on Waking originally, but it looks like rules as printed allows this interaction to happen. Unfortunately dreamer really wants to remove waking at the end of his activation, or after, so the advantage is kinda marginal. Looks like the scion's ability is going to raise a lot of fun questions in the rules forum.
  12. Yeah, definitely. There's going to be times where you want to hire it right away to take out high priority targets, but if you're going for doll shenanigans your going to want a nurse, wicked dolls, iggy and the like. Even in those games you might not hire it, since it's so dang slow If you're mid game and realize the doll will be useful you can always summon it later on.
  13. It's a decent list to start out with, especially if you're thinking if going for a lot if swamp fiends. Silurids are super solid, probably the best scheme runners in the game, but the third one would be my choice for something to cut when you start changing up your list. Doppelganger is so good for some scheme/strategy pools (and a personal favorite of mine) but is totally useless for others; another choice to cut situationaly. In their place I would look into models that shine when killing things is the order of the day: nephilim, nekima, illuminated, and their ilk. You're going to want some real offensive beef for some games. General models I always suggest for neverborn: Beckoners are great for movement shenanigans and ranged support; Mr Graves is an offensive beatstick, bodyguard, and troop transport all in one; stitched together offer close range casting for heavy damage output, netting better cards, and giving cover against ranged attacks. As a side note for battling Pandora: keep your team very mobile (Beckoners/Graves help with that), you do NOT want to get stuck in one place with Pandora and her team's auras stacking up. Try to pick schemes that you can scatter to the four winds to accomplish and use those silurids to their fullest.
  14. Thanks for the reminder, silurids might just be the cure for my DtM blues. I've tried using them for distract but they tend to get killed and/or the condition removed. I will note that whole I usually find DtM hard to accomplish, one of my friends takes it just about every game successfully.
  15. As a neverborn player I have never not scored for breakthrough (probably hyperbole), plant evidence, make them suffer, murder protégé, frame for murder, and vendetta so I would lump them into easiest. They require mobility, damage output, and are hard for the opponent to prevent you accomplishing The ones I never score, and/or don't take because they strike me as being really hard would be distract (I have a hard time not just killing enemy models), assassinate (masters always have so many ways to stay alive), deliver a message, and spring the trap (NB models are usually too fragile to pull this off, and the enemy master usually is so mobile). The rest tend to have a lot of interaction, allowing players to really fight over the points, or are balanced such that a large enouought SS allocation to garauntee points makes other strats and schemes shaky.
  16. One of my favorite boards to play is a western town that our local henchman built. It features some buildings across one side, a hill with a church in the corner, and a big gallows in the center. These things break up the terrain plenty, allowing for lots of safe alleys to avoid gunfire and hide from LOS. On the more open side there's a bunch of fences for soft cover, crates and wagons for hard cover, and some low walls. It creates a very balanced feel, along the lines of the three lanes style maps from league of legends type games. The only thing missing would be some severe and/or hazardous terrain. I really feel that's the sort of mix of terrain that balances out a board.
  17. I think we can use the '"Justin method" on this discussion and apply some common sense: Models are in possession of wounds and lose them when damaged, there isn't a way for them to have 'negative wounds', they simply lose wounds until they drop to having none. Think about a pile of poker chips on your stat cards representing wounds, you remove them when damage is dealt but there's no way to have less than zero. When a model is killed, it is killed. So after the current action it gets removed from the game,. Killed is not a condition, a capitalized defined game term, or something like that. Killed means a model has been reduced to zero wounds, and has a game action to be carried out because of it. Applying just a touch of logic here goes a long way If a model is buried it is removed from play, and cannot have LOS or range drawn to or from it. With the exception of Tara's crew buried models just don't interact with models that are in play. Finally, just use a bit of logic and look for the intended outcome for a game rule or effect. It turns out the people writing Malifaux are pretty smart and make it pretty clear what's supposed to happen. So to the OP's situation: Levi's avatar upgrade is meant to replace other riders being killed with them being buried with 1Wd remaining. The sticky part is what do you do with something like an assassination trigger killing a model even though it hasn't been reduced to 0Wd?
  18. Sonia is unfortunately a real tough nut to crack; she can easily avoid your aura death bubble, sling fire at your poor incorporeal sorrows, and her witchlings love to jump into your death aura blowing up and set up Pandora for a fiery end. Borrow from lynch a little, models like illuminated and mr graves are tough, cheap and fast enough to get right onto Sonia. Waldgeists are tough and give you some cover from her fire-slinging. Sorrows are all about using their 8" placement ability to get around. The poltergeist happens to be very fast and can make a great movement way point for sorrows. For more damage I love the aforementioned Mr Graves, he hits hard, brings some utility, and can take some punishment. I've seen success with hiring bishop and charging into a master's face.
  19. I think we can once again have this fall to the common sense type of ruling in that if a model is killed it is killed, regardless of it gaining wounds back again. Although very flavorful to have Killjoy slaughter his way back to life, you still have the instruction to remove him from the table as killed looming over his head. On the technical side of things the rules on killed models give you a game action to carry out, removing the model from the board, and says when that should happen. There are no rules stating that a model that regains wounds would no longer count as killed and ignore that game action. Once a model is killed it is 'killed', that there is no rule for making that no longer true of the model.
  20. Ah yes, the performer is a merc already, missed that. I like the sound of Vasilisa debuffing via the voodoo doll, I missed what she could do because I didn't really follow collodi throughout the beta. Very cool. Pere Ravage + Papa Loco for some suicide bombs sounds interesting, but only getting a few uses out of them is a bummer. Mr Graves can help as part of a delivery system, probably some beckoners obeyed into luring the crew forward could work as well.
  21. Sadly it looks like the performer has a Wp of 5 now, boo that combo sounded really cool...Still, nurse pumping the voodoo doll with conditions to mess up the model he's sewn to would be sick! Montresor would be pretty cool to bring from outcasts if you're playing doubles with Pandora on your team.
  22. Haha, I can where see your trepidation about nekima is coming from, mine keeps bending at that thin little leg just from the weight of her wings.
  23. Kade is my go-to assassin when running Pandora, and most other NB masters for that matter (Since I run Jakob Lynch a lot I tend to use Illuminated in place of Kade in that crew, as brilliance makes them a 4/6/7 with + to attack and damage.), he's very fast and as was mentioned depression to get auto sweetbreads for a 5/6/8 is bonkers! Kade is a great combo with Teddy, and not just for a 6" push! As was mentioned Teddy's attack push giving pounces is great, and Kade can use his lure to pull enemies over to Teddy, giving him the opportunity to flurry and even get a free attack after they land next to him. Mature is monsterous, Hooded is horrifying, but I like taking Mr Graves. He fits into most crews, offers a lot of utility, and has a Ml 6 with 3/4/6. BUT THAT WASN'T THE COVERSATION, WHERE'S THE BLOODSHED! I reach for Nekima lately if I want to bring the beats in a crew. She's a laser guided missile, a winged ICBM, a mobile guillotine, a giant sword with a lady attached. She has that wicked Ml 7 with 4/5/6 track, and some amazing tricks that allow her to just annihilate whatever she comes into contact with. Her kill power is appreciated with Pandora, as well as her horror duels, and Zoraida likes a big monster to obey around.
  24. So with the sneaky peek at the new Zoraida art I'm super pumped to play her new plastics. One of the things that really interests me is her ability to take a metric-butt-ton of models as mercenaries, allowing for some crazy combos. So I'm looking for any cool combos that other players have figured out to use with Zoraida? The old Papa Loco + Nurse combo only kind of works still, probably worth trying in a Turf War to dish out some damage. I like the sound of pulling Samurai into neverborn to get a solid Sh action, but I'm hoping for more crazy stuff.
  25. Sonnia is a hard one I can attest. I had Pandora and Teddy die to a bunch of witchling stalkers suiciding into their Terrifying and failing the check on purpose to take misery damage and blow up. After the damage added up Pandora and Teddy died and were resurrected as new witchlings. Add her to the list of crews that are a good bet against Pandora.
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