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Everything posted by Artiee

  1. Burning cards are part of the game. Since this is " When damaging" you do the damage flip. If you flip a BJ, then you did no damage and the trigger doesn't happen. Real question is would be if you like your damage flip, can you back out of the trigger. Unless my search is bad, Austringers trigger is After Succeeding. So it happens before the damage flip.
  2. Any buy this much and get this model?
  3. WOW. Your question really does not match the picture. So the Stiched is not standing on the wall? And the raptor is at greater than 1" from the edge? By vantage rules the stiched can't see the raptor nor the raptor can see the stitched. if the stiched was on the wall, the same thing would be true by a quirk in the rules.
  4. It is not a legal target for Nekima. It is not in Nekima range. The same thing if I was shooting at Burt with a 10" range at 10" away and the rat is at 12" away. It is not a legal target. Randomizing into an engagement is a separate situation and the range and LOS is ignored for the new target because shooting in to engagement states that.
  5. I think the same error was on the Pandora Foil cards.
  6. What is your rules question?
  7. I applaud this decision. I think it is the right move. I have always been a strong supporter on the LGC . Without them I would have no place to play. I have no issues with doing it during GenCon. If is understandable during that time.
  8. https://www.wyrd-games.net/news/2017/3/20/monday-preview-new-games
  9. What is your rules question?
  10. Looked back at the GGs going back to 2013. No mention of PW models being a legal alt model. Some TO's may allow it.
  11. They are also listed in the Malifaux books..
  12. Looking Top down, it would be in the terrain.
  13. The building is terrain. Everything is measured from Top Down.
  14. BJ is not a autofail. It counts a unsuited Zero. If I was attacking Teddy (Df 3) with a MI 6. I flip a BJ and Teddy flips a 3 or less. I would still be winning.
  15. I wasn't going to call you out.. I thought maybe you was just joking. Guess not.
  16. Maniac-Eye. You should start a new thread instead of Necroing a 1 1/2 year old thread.
  17. If its the same issue that Aaron mentioned before. They have the correct files, then they get over written with the older files. So even if they do check to see if the right cards printed to from the file images, they would be looking at the files that were sent to the printer. If the wrong one was sent to the printer and they check the output to the file, then the print would check fine. What WGV needs to do, is Immediately halt all these cards from printing, Immediately halt all shipment of the printed cards. When they get the correct file AGAIN.. They need to print a master image and manually verify the reprinting of each order in the 3rd printing.
  18. So that is one less thing I know for Demoing at Adepticon. .
  19. I received the 2nd set of reprints. They are still wrong. I guess the fix they did didn't work. Time to find another printer.
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