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Everything posted by Astrella

  1. So a friend and I had a joke idea of having each of us design the crew the other person has to play with, so essentially trying to give them an as worse crew as possible. One example I can think of would be Zoraida, McTavish and a bunch of pigs in Gremlins and enjoy looking at how the pigs charge their own models. Anyone else got some anti-synergistic ideas?
  2. So, I've been reading through my books again, and there's a lot of neat little references in Ability names and such. The last one I noticed is that the Abilities "I'll Walk With You My Dear" and "The Screams All Sound The Same" on Molly's Forgotten Path and Forgotten Life Upgrades are likely references to the song Little Talks by Of Monsters and Men (which has one of my favourite music videos). Another one is the Lone Swordsman trigger, "One with the Void", which *might* be a reference to the metaphorical Void that Rand from Wheel of Time uses to focus and center himself. So, what references have ya'll managed to spot yourselves?
  3. When Marrionettes pass on Conditions upon being killed using Retract, can you choose which conditions to pass on or is it all or nothing? The wording is "target friendly Minion within 6" may gain any Conditions which were on this model."
  4. That's a personal opinion, I really like the Brutal Emmisary myself and think it's a very characteristic guild model. And I think you're forgetting that the Emmisaries are supposed to be an Avatar replacement, so of course they're going to have unique stuff for each master.
  5. I don't think it would have that big of an effect since it wouldn't really impact how you'd use them, just make them slightly less effective. Think they'd still be worth taking considering they fulfill a specific niche.
  6. Unlikely considering that would be a very very nice model, which is half the reason they went to Emmisaries instead of the old Avatars, at least these you can use with all masters in a faction, not just one of them.
  7. Brewie is a debuffer, he makes it very hard for enemy models near him to do anything, you want to rely on the rest of your crew to do damage / achieve objectives mostly.
  8. I've used a lot of them already from different factions, but my main opponent and I play over Vassal so...
  9. Whether an action is a Ml / Sh or Ca doesn't affect whether you randomize, the presence of the pistol icon does.
  10. I think your Tara is suffering a bit from being too muted. I would use some brighter colours/highlights to draw some more attention to one or two key areas, e.g. face/eyes, the sword, her claw arm, etc...
  11. X-Wing's balance is okay, but I really miss objective play in it. (Would also allow for more viable support options design wise, but then again, I don't think even proper objective play could bring me back cause I hate their business model.)
  12. I have a permanent black bar saying "This is your cookie notice message." stuck on the bottom of my screen when I'm on the forums. There's an Accept and close button, but clicking it goes to a page saying "page not found".
  13. Could you do it twice for a charge though? Once on the Charge Actions and then again for each attack, so you'd get double flips on both attacks at the cost of 6 wounds total? (or 4 if you only want doubles on one attack)
  14. Channel does not apply a condition, so the lack of + doesn't matter.
  15. Sometimes one of the decks bugs out and flips the cards completely sorted by number / suit. Does Ratty still work on the Vassal module? Since quite a few models are also outdated / have wrong sized pogs / aren't included. Just offering to help update it if needed.
  16. Having the improvise is par-and-course for the game though. Sometimes you have to activate X model to quickly achieve a scheme before it dies, activate Y model to heal up Z first, etc... you're not always going to be able to do something that's optimal in isolation because the game changes things.
  17. Requirements for randomizing when shootin in engagement: Model you are shooting at is engaged with at least one enemy model at 2" away or less. Models you randomize for: Every model within 2" of the target, regardless of who they belong to or whether they are engaged.
  18. I wouldn't call them random as much as I'd call them explosive. Potential for great output, but often at the cost of their own health and such. They have a few models with "this model must declare a trigger if able" but even then there are ways to mitagate that (e.g. Som'er) I wouldn't really call them significantly more random than other factions.
  19. There is nothing in the FAQ, but there is no rule support for being able to have markers hovering in the air, and since placing the marker further down would mean it's not in base contanct that would not be a legal placement.
  20. Wait what's the issue with Black Blood Shaman?
  21. Rule clarifications are no longer posted on the forums (cause it causes people to miss out on stuff and was generally a bit of a mess) , if Justin sees this and deems it worthy of an FAQ it will be FAQ'd. Best thing to do with rules issues is just to discuss it. Also 21) Q: When shooting into an engagement, do you flip cards for models which are not technically engaged with the target, so long as they are within 2” of the target? A: Yes. I can't find anything referencing this specific instance though in the FAQ.
  22. Why doesn't it just say randomizing though then? Cause shooting into engagement is the only time you randomize anyway.
  23. Which One is Real?! reads "Models shooting into a melee involving this model" though, not a general "models don't flip for this model when randomizing", it specifically states she has to be involved in the melee. Which honestly isn't a term that is defined cause there only are rules for "shooting into engagements".
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