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Everything posted by ArcticPangolin

  1. I love the old metal Ronin and will no doubt get the plastic Viks box down the line. 12 Belles though?!?!?
  2. Just let your friend know that the Pathfinder can't Interact on the first turn due to From The Shadows
  3. I thought Bete Noire was Black Betty?
  4. McCabe's Glowing Sabre is a FANTASTIC swiss-army cutter. Armour, Hard To Wound, Hard To Kill & Incorporeal are all left by the wayside, and you an throw it on anyone. ANYONE.
  5. I love his Pull My Finger page... "A slow yet powerful model"
  6. There's also the Misdirection upgrade to give her Df Triggers on on success or failure.
  7. I'd say either Pistoleros or some melee-centric beater. A curveball would be to say Lady Justice's box for a Death Marshall or 2, or Hoffman's box for a Watcher (to ignore cover). I think Pistoleros are almost criminally underutilised anyway, but for Perdita they provide a cheap Family model to i) Relocate to and ii) Reconnoitre/Interfere with. They can also help wheel Abuela about as their own (0) is very situational. Beater-wise there's Peacekeepers and Executioners that spring to mind. Executioners are a lot more hit-and-miss due to Wk4, no armour and will not normally be generating any extra AP, but Perdita can at least help them out with Obey and, more importantly, her Totem. They can definitely shine when the stars align with Trail of Gore but never count on it. Hermanos de Armas can help too. A Peacekeeper is a bit more reliable, however, and can shoot with punishing results. A harpoon is the Guild's version of Lure. After using him a bunch of games at the start of M2E Santiago sadly does not really see any table-time for me. He was my favourite minion in 1st edition but has become lacklustre in 2nd; some Perdita players even prefer Convict Gunslingers over Mr Angrychops. In the games I took him his Trigger Happy trigger was enough to not warrant Hair Trigger (remember his version of Trigger Happy is endless as long as you keep getting ), but I could see use for it. Out of the two I think I'd rather take it on Abuela though; her pushes help to get her into position to let loose. In saying that though don't forget that sometimes a Focussed shot from Abuela will provide better results with However, I normally take Hair Trigger on Nino or Papa if they're in attendance instead, but it's all down to taste. Edit: The Brutal Emissary is another consideration of where to go to next, who'll be useful in any crew you choose to run down the track.
  8. Back in the day there was a gallery of images you could use for your Profile Photo, but I can't seem to find it now. I only have the option of uploading another picture. Is there still a gallery and if so, how can I access it now that I have uploaded my own cruddy image?
  9. The Child has uses with a few Masters across Factions (mostly for the same wall shenanigans that Sonnia would take it for) so I would recommend getting it and using it as a proxy for the Flame should you ever feel the need. I honestly don't really see the Flame's appeal.
  10. Ronin are very tempting. But let's not forget the 4SS powerhouse that is the Desperate Merc.
  11. In no particular order, and with my somewhat limited experience with only some of the range of models available: 1. Lust. Until you see her in action you don't necessarily understand how powerful her repositioning antics are. A great candidate for Recalled Training and a fantastic ghostbuster since her attack with intent to injure is a Ca. Killjoy can kindly Kiss his friend from behind too. DON'T FORGET HER MASSIVE AURA. 2. Thunder Brothers. They lack any real synergy with other non-Master models, but are so solid that they can work for anyone. It's primarily their Df and boost when in Defensive that make them so useful for their points, but Protect Our Holdings and their Styles are delicious icing indeed. 3. Izamu. One of the best tarpits with punch in the game. If you have healing in your crew then woe betide enemies who are engaged with him who lack someone way of ignoring Armour or removing him from the game. I do not yet have this model. 4. Wandering River Monk. I haven't yet seen them in action or used them but would consider them premiere scheme runners. Likely my next 10T purchase. 5. Illuminated. Hefty Minions for their cost that need to be concentrated on to be brought down. I do not yet have these guys but look forward to running them with McCabe immensely. 6. Kang. A great option to have when you anticipate Undead or Constructs, but the only reason I'd use him. I do not yet have this model. 7. Dawn Serpent. A bit of filler here but the mythical lizard can be truly remarkable. Wk6 Flying, healing, blasting, Ml & Sh7... it can work in many crews. More reliable in what it does than Ama No Zako. Here's where I cheat a bit... 8. Katanaka Snipers/Samurai/Thunder Archers. These are the ranged options most people think of when you mention shooting in 10T. Everyone knows what Snipers do and are the most straightforward option. Samurai have versatility with their upgrades, but Favour of Jigoku is probably the place to start. Earth makes for a great generalist and target to Misdirect enemy attacks on to and Heaven makes for a great Obey-effect model. Thunder Archers require the most finesse to use judging by people's reported experiences with them, many have found them wanting. I only have Samurai. 9. Chiaki/Monk of Low River. I would probably prefer Chiaki if I had her, but do not, so Low River it is for the moment. However they do make for great filler Minions and can make some surprising plays. You do start to notice the Wk5 Cg- though. 10. Sensei Yu/Shadow Emissary. I have neither but pine for their touch.
  12. I am so focussed on Drinking Contest that I forgot that he could copy that too... that's amazing.
  13. Does a 2nd Drinking Contest from Yu come in handy? I'm forbidding myself from buying new toys until I get my backlog of boxes sorted out but it looks like fun.
  14. What sort of crew composition and upgrades did you take?
  15. Yeah, I'm very new to actual terrain building. What material is used for the woven wicker-looking stuff?
  16. If you're looking at sticking with 10T and expanding into different masters I'd probably recommend starting with McCabe as he can get some great use out of many of the Minions in there; Illuminated, Rail Workers, Torakage, even Monks of High River. Yan Lo comes in handy for when/if you get Toshiro as he can potentially summon Ashigaru as well as buff Minions.
  17. So for a few games now I have enlisted the help of other Crossroads 7 models and it's gone pretty well. I've gone from focussing on Poison to eating the opponent's hand, making constant Drinking Contests a pain, and most of my resources (hand and stones) goes into keeping Brewie alive. My auto-includes are still Mr. Tannen and Lust and Misdirection on Brewmaster, and to expand on Tannen's Cooler ability I thought Pride might fit well. But he has to turn his ability on and it affects ALL models, and his regular only applies if they cheated fate, which the rest of the crew attempts to minimise their opportunities for. But other band members chip away at either hand or health more easily, and are extra effective if the opponent is spending their AP pouring drinks down their gullet. So my picks are Greed and Sloth, although Gluttony and Wrath were well-considered. Manipulative is solid (which when stacked with Intoxication, Drinking Contest and Cooler is devastating) so Greed is probably my favourite, as few models can actually use soulstones and she can potentially earn them back as well as well as eat into the opponent's supply with The Greed Spreads. Sloth gives the opponent less chances to escape if they take Slow, and can heal up someone in a pinch with his (0). I have been bringing a Monk of Low River along to help out with Poison, Slow and whatever else the opponent decides to dish out condition-wise. Sapping Reactivate from the enemy is also immensely satisfying. Gluttony adds some potential movement antics to get more foes into or away from Brewmaster with Mad With Hunger, but could also potentially be a tool for the enemy to escape at the cost of 2 Dg. But unless Exhaust their Forces, Catch and Release, Distract or Cursed Object are in the pool the opponent is generally not going to be Interacting whilst engaged so his works pretty well. Wrath's Terrifying (All) is great to Obey enemy models to walk towards... If Show Of Force is in the pool I have Recalled Training on Lust, Smoke Grenades on Tannen and Servant of 5 Dragons on Greed and Sloth just in case. I'd probably take those upgrades on the first 2 most games anyway. Lust is, put simply, an amazing model without to everything anyway, but can really ruin someone's day with RT. I stone for cards many turns to fish for more in hand for Misdirection and will usually Defensive 1 on Brewie, using stones to prevent damage when necessary or for a when my hand is dry of them. So, it's obviously not really a list for the likes of Reconnoitre, but if someone has a 10T Brewmaster list that is I'd love to see it! It's also not really a list for making friends as it is a pain in the balls flipping and flipping and flipping and not really doing anything. ALSO, BE EXTRA WARY OF BLACK BLOOD. That s**t is nasty.
  18. Love the work you've done on The Judge's coat!
  19. Merris should watch where she fires that jetpack That Hazardous terrain looks amazing, will keep watching here for ideas!
  20. When I get back to McCabe I'm going to try a Ronin for a few games. Ignoring Armour becomes a little redundant with the Glowing Sabre around but I was starting to drop the Sabre and mess around with the other upgrades. Sh4 is pretty abysmal though.
  21. Something else to consider is the Shadow/y Emissary, it's got to slog up the field but can give a to damage on enemies on Moderate and Severe damage who were hit by a Focussed attack. I've been planning to give it a go with Shenlong when I get him but don't play often enough these days
  22. Thank you sir! I think I reached 8SS in cache in turn 5 one game. Yeah, I hang on to those 6+ of as I would be using SS otherwise, Black Flash is that good. Don't forget that throwing upgrades to Wastrels lets them mad cycle your hand with their Bravado *cough* extra Crit Strike on the Sabre *cough* a fiver says I can do it again *cough* Reactivate *COUGH*
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