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About Vanor

  • Birthday 09/09/1969

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  1. Wow this one really crit'ed my wallet... I love skirmish miniature games and have loved Marvel comics since I was 8 or so. So this is pretty big win for me. Plus I found out my LGS' main distributor has it so he can get it pretty quickly. I think it's a good thing I have a part time job on top my normal job...
  2. Thanks, I'll see about getting the Child that or perhaps just try and find a generic skeleton of some sort I can use.
  3. I picked up Malifaux back sometime in 1e... In fact I looked and my last post here was nearly 6 years ago. So I'm really a newbie again, and even back then I didn't get to play much. I was thinking about getting back into the game, with m2e and when I was digging around my mini boxes I found my old crew Sonnia crew that was assembled and primed and that was about it, I got one witchling painted. I ordered the Guild wave 1 Arsenal box from Wargame vault print on demand. What I don't have however is the totem for her. I was wondering how important that is. I'm not having much luck finding just the totem for sale even on ebay and I don't really want to spend $45 for the same crew... So if not having it isn't a big deal I won't worry about it too much. If it is then I'll keep looking for try to find something that I could use instead.
  4. I don't see how this is a problem. You can at best figure the odds, you can't ever count on it happening. When it does, it's quite literally fate smiling on you. If someone gets pissed off because I got extremely lucky then that person shouldn't play a game that has any sort of random element to it. Lastly... Like the book says "Bad things happen."
  5. The onilne store seems to be your best bet. They have good sized images of each model that they sell currently. But that's also the only place I know of that has them all.
  6. For me the biggest pro was the low model count. 5 to 7 mini's and I have everything I need to play. Also the rules are a very nice change. No more luck of the dice, I can count on at least some good cards coming out, and cheat fate when I really need to win a fight. I also like the fact that moves are alternating, instead of I move everything, attack, upkeep, then you go. One of the con's IMO is not being able to pre-measure. I think this is a silly rule that's never made any sense to me.
  7. Tournaments are not casual events however. They're intended to be the place you go to for truly competitive games that push you the hardest. People looking at the tourny style game should expect to have to spend a bit extra to stay competitive, because pretty much everyone else will be. This is simply the nature of tournaments in general.
  8. I'd say so too. Malifaux is unlike 40k, in that any faction you play, you can find a master that suits your play style for the most part. This seems to be even more true with Book 2. It's also unlike 40k with smaller "armies" so you could actually have two different factions in your collections.
  9. As someone who started playing Magic the Gathering back when Revised first came out, and can remember the Dark being sold on shelves... I much prefer this method to dice, especially the stupid 6 siders used in Warhammer. If they used 12 or even 10 sided dice, it wouldn't be so bad... But even then you're still at the mercy of the dice and it is completely possible to lose for no other reason then bad rolls, especially when you get them at critical moments. The owner of my LGS is especially cursed with this kind of luck. So knowing that I have some control over my fate... makes me feel a lot better about things. I know that a win or loss is going to be much more a mater of how well I played and not how well I rolled.
  10. They seemed to say that everything for sale or as part of a promo at Gencon will be for sale on the online store as well... So I'd guess yes you can get the terra clips stuff.
  11. Given the relatively balanced nature of the game so far, and the attention to detail Wyrd seems to pay to the rules, I don't worry much about the crunchy bits in the 2nd book. It looks like they have a very sold set of writers and a good bunch of beta testers who between the two catch most of the issues ahead of time and put out a very solid rule set. I expect to see the same thing in the 2nd book and future products. Same goes for the mini's, every mini I've seen is very well done with a ton of detail and other nice touches. The stuff that will come out for the henchmen I'm sure will be of the same high level of quality that Wyrd already produced.
  12. Myself I enjoy the painting part of the hobby as much as I do the playing part. But if I were going to buy 'used' mini's I'd be just as likely to buy a nicely painted set as I was a unpainted set. I'd also expect the cost to be based on the quality of the painting.
  13. From what they've said yes you will. If a henchmen leading a spec force crew is inferior to a "normal" crew then it's not really much of an option, and every post from someone who knows what's in the new book says that they want to add options to the game. A inherently inferior crew would not be much of an option.
  14. I was looking for Malifaux not Wyrd... d'oh!
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