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Everything posted by CapnBloodbeard

  1. I might try to draw up a rough map of the terrain later tonight, just to give you an idea, and I'll get back to you on the upgrades tonight.
  2. If only I had the steamtrunk! I was worried about Johan's mobility, really. I've never taken Killjoy with von Schill. Doesn't fit into that playstyle for me. That and von Schill's 3AP shoot everything action would be awesome when faced with a dozen gremlins.......thematically it just suits him perfectly!!! Might have to find some match reports against Gremlins to get some ideas. the only other time I've faced Gremlins was on Vassal, so I was able to take 2 trappers to make short work of the key targets. Squeel all you like you little prick, you're still going to die!!!
  3. I don't have Hannah so that rules her out. It was a tossup between Killjoy for the insurance on Murder Protege (and I thought I could get him to survive as Bodyguard), and another 2 various models. I figured I was going to get so out activated anyway that it was virtually a lost cause with the model count, so I decided I'd work on other areas (I may potentially have scored 1 more VP, but I don't know that more models on the table would have made the difference. Even if I chose alits, he could just push his Gremlins up to remove the markers). It's difficult facing such massive out-activation. With the terrain I wasn't too sure that I could get my models into range of the Protege without taking too much damage. Strat vs Scheme on that one. The only other models I have at my disposable where Malifaux Child, Johan, Taelor, some Ronin, Rusty Alyce, desperate merc x1, Friekorps Specialist, Vanessa, Strongarm Suit. Ronin are only good at holding terrain - they're useless at anything offensive (Gremlins have such low df that they could be of some use, but the Gremlins were kept far back). I only started with 4SS as well. had I taken von schill, I probably would have just made a bubble in the middle of the field of hard to kill, shooting at anything in sight and making heavy use of I Pay Better. Alternatively have him augmented jump into the middle
  4. Wasn't a slop hauler in this game, and board was too open to block off those pushes. Of course, a good Gremlins player will make sure he's not blocked (and this was one of the top 'fuax players in my state). My thinking was to try and kill off Som'er, but in hindsight maybe I should have just avoided him instead. Why are you so opposed to Killjoy? Especially when there are kill strats, he's an insurance policy. Allows me to get a bit reckless with viks, throw them at the model I'm trying to kill, and even if Vik dies I've still got KJ to kill the thing I need to kill. That was the intention in this game (took him last game too, but didn't even need to bring him out, but the insurance policy completely changed how I was able to approach the target, but it just happened that the flips all went my way) Just couldn't get him out where I needed him to this game. I was left thinking that perhaps getting fairly close and shooting would be good, because even if they push away they may still be in range....but as for Viks? Charges are just wasted on these guys, which really limits the effectiveness of the Viks. I could have buffed pokey vik a little harder to send her into combat to try and kill on the first hit, but that's pretty risky because it's still using multiple AP for a single strike. And once you start flipping...well, as you know, bad things happen!! I was thinking that perhaps I should have been focussing on blast damage. The Strat meant that Vanessa wasn't a good option, but perhaps a Freikorps Specialist could have caused some pain (would have needed an upgrade for his mobility...I really don't like him though), and then perhaps a Convict Gunslinger. I took Librarian for healing, but it just didn't work out that way. In hindsight through with Vanessa, maybe I should have just sacrificed her capacity to work towards the strat and utilised her Harness the Ley Line ability anyway. Would have given some blast capacity with a very high Ca and decent range. Also leaves me wondering if I should have been focussing more just to try and increase the damage on that first shot.
  5. Played in a tournament yesterday, and round 2 I got absolutely destroyed by gremlin....was 9-1 in the end I think. How on earth do I handle Gremlins??? Strat: Interference Scheme pool: Murder Protege, Alits, breakthrough, bodyguard....don't remember the others. I took Murder and Bodyguard (Killjoy), declared Murder (Fingers was the target). Opponent took Breakthrough (declared) and bodyguard (Fingers) I took both Viks, Librarian, trapper, Student of Conflict, 2x Freikorpsmann, Librarian and Killjoy (buried) He took Som'er Jones, Trixiebelle, Fingers, and a bunch of other Gremliny things....... Trapper was in a good spot, but his pot shots were fairly ineffective. Freikorpsmenn pushed up hoping for cover behind a wall, but they got picked off almost as soon at got to the wall. The others....terrain wasn't really my friend. Som'er summoned a few gremlins in turn one then pushed out into the open on my right turn 2. There was some angular cover in the middle, then open terrain until the next lot of cover. I could get my viks from cover to cover without being exposed to Som'er, so I chose to hid behind the cover and take my chances against his blast (bad choice). Turn 3 Som'er pushed out down to the same side a bit more into the open, I tried getting Pokey Vik across, but she was ineffective . She got killed, so I brought out Killjoy (Librarian was already dead) By the time turn 4 came around, all I had left was my trapper still trying to shoot Fingers, Student of Conflict, and Shooty Vik. Shooty Vik ran across the left to try and engage Fingers, SoC also ran down to help out. Killjoy moved up to kill Taelor and to claim 1VP from Bodyguard. Turn 5, Killjoy died, Fingers was still being invincible and we wrapped it up. So, basically, it took until turn 3 to kill anything, and that was Killjoy killing Taelor (who didn't matter in this game anyway). The Squeel trigger just destroyed me, couldn't get more than 1 hit on anything, and it would just run off and heal. So, given that, what on earth could I have done this game? How do I handle gremlins? In hindsight von Schill might have been a better choice...but really, no idea how I could have done anything effective. I just couldn't get anything going at all. Doesn't help that for the first 2 turns I not only didn't have anything higher than 10 in my hand, and I also didn't flip anything higher than a 10 at any useful point
  6. I'm fortunate enough to have Perdita's Avatar, so I'll just be using that.
  7. G'day there! (yes I did that). Whereabouts in Australia are you? Best way to catch up on the fluff, aside from the Big rulebook, is to download the free Wyrd Chronicles, available on here of drivethrurpg. Good read. Fluff, painting, discussion from wyrd, a bit of strategy, etc. There's 20 issues or so
  8. I'm convinced that the reason I always flip/draw like I hate myself is because I play Outcasts or Guild and somehow all my Fate decks are Arcanist themed....
  9. This would get really annoying if a model is a few mm back from the edge of a ht 1 object, and, say, a Freikorpsmann is in base contact with that piece of terrain..... Though I guess he's be able to shoot instead. Though the whole thing would look rather silly. So really, all you'd need to do to stay out of range of melee (if melee range is the height of the object), is stay a few mm back from the edge...
  10. Correct. It doesn't state 'have the centreline run through the middle of the base; 'within' just means any part needs to be within, not 'wholly within'
  11. Does that metal Outcast Giant Mosquito work? It's now a Gremlin Skeeter (and my god, that thing is irritating!!)
  12. Not really. A Ht 2 Guildie can see a Ht 1 gremlin hiding behind a Ht 1 wall. If it was a Ht 2 wall then view is blocked even if the Gremlin is Ht 2. So the height isn't going to matter all that much for the most part.
  13. Makes me wonder what the oath is.... 'My new years resolution this is.....at some point over the coming year, just once, i'm going to put in 50% more effort into something. Then that's enough. Yeah, I feel good about that! #CanStillHavePersonalGrowthTTB'
  14. You can watch as many tutorials as you like, but it won't start to click until you play. Why don't you hook up with somebody local? Is there a henchman in your area?
  15. Why are you looking to buy more? Do you want a different master to mix it up? Or is your primary purpose buying more competitive models?
  16. Player: CapnBloodbeard (Jason) Australia, Victoria, Melbourne (Northern Suburbs / CBD)
  17. Ah cool, so that's probably what people are using at the moment.
  18. Hmm, unfortunately it doesn't seem like there would be a great deal of utility for von Schill or Viks player.....such a lovely model though
  19. I've been out of the loop for a few months, and suddenly people are talking about using Emissaries......I didn't think the models were out? So what are people using for the Emissary models, and are the cards available or are people just going from the new book?
  20. So it's probably more situation specific....something like a Papa 'splosion, or if a friendly model has LOS to something you want to kill but Perdita doesn't, or perhaps an interact for the scheme/strat.
  21. Pretty simple - how do you use obey? I've only had one game with the Ortegas (and got tabled!! In turn 2!!!) There was one scenario where I was contemplating using Obey - I had LOS to an enemy model who had blast damage and LOS to more enemy models clumped together), but it occurred to me that I'd have to win 2 duels to pull that off, so I figured the odds would be heavily against me on that. So what are the other Guildies using Obey for?
  22. Sigh, living in Australia is such a killer for these - even currency conversion is a big disadvantage! Does anybody know the release date for the Guild Hounds?
  23. I'm thinking that Child's best uses with Sonnia, aside from the flame wall, is generally casting the non-damaging things she can do, like casting Everburning, leaving her to keep hitting people.
  24. Yeah, got the SS cost confused...lol Given Misaki is one of the masters I most commonly play against, I look forward to using flame wars to stop getting charged so much!
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