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Everything posted by Viruk

  1. Excellent paintjob on the Illuminated. And you nicely dealt with Yamaziko's base
  2. I'd be very happ if thing like the Peacekeeper were released in metal. It would make transporting them much easier and their resistance to damage (in practical terms of course) would be bigger.
  3. Very nice color scheme and excellent painting. The base is fantastic too, the skull was a nice addition and the cactus gives it a proper wild west look
  4. She looks... pretty Very nice paintjob, the skin tone is excellent, black clothes look great and the base is very cool too.
  5. Love the winter feel to it, he looks frozen solid and your paintjob shows that really well.
  6. For a half done paintjob the effect is pretty awesome! I really like the contrasts between black and orange, these two seem to go together nicely. And you've found a pretty smart way to conceal the gap on Yamaziko's robe
  7. He looks as if he was buzzing with energy, great paintjob and the effects you added are great too.
  8. That looks soo good, absolutely amazing work on the freehand on her robes, very impressive stuff.
  9. I used Vallejo Still Water. It needs to be applied in several thin layers but it gets the job done. It dires completely and has a nice glossy look.
  10. That's true, the lids tend to make your fingers dirty after a while as paint gathers in the recesses there. Dropper bottle are much better in that respect.
  11. Nice thinking with the base, really like your idea and look forward to seeing more
  12. Still, I stand by what I've written. IMO P3 reds are exceptionally good. Here's a quick example. The loincloth on LCB was painted using only reds from P3. I used Sanguine Base, Skorne Red, Khador Red Base and Ember Orange. Only the first one had to be applied in two thin layers as I used black basecoat. Essentially you just need to shake the pot very well before using it and them apply it in 2-3 (depending on the color of basecoat) layers. I've experimented with other reds and the ones from P3 work the best for me. Thin paints, great for smooth highlights. I'm actually considering buying more colors
  13. I've just uploaded my painted Alps on the forums, a funny coincidence I like what you've done with them - they look as if they were coming into existence out of nowhere. Something that I've tried to do too, only using much simpler means.
  14. @Nickienogger - as I've written, it took me about an hour to paint the Guardian so I cut some corners there and as you rightly pointed out, the OSL could have been better I've painted three Alps for my Dreamer crew. I used some random bits for the bases as I wanted to reflect in them Alps' ability to pop into existence out of nowhere and land wherever they're summoned. I've done some repositioning of their arms and added a bottle to the one smoking a cigar - I thought that he'd look more like a party animal with it. I've also used water effect for the first time and poured some of it into the bucket (having painted the bottom blue first). They were fun to paint and now I'll probably start working on the Gunslingers if I find some time while working on other larger projects I currently have on my plate
  15. Great idea and excellent execution with the coal on the bases. The minis look fantastic too, looking forward to seeing more!
  16. Nice work and I'll echo Evilbleachman's question about the bases, they do look great and I'd be interested in learning how you created them.
  17. Great work on all of these, I love the smoothness of highlights.
  18. I can highly recommend red paints from P3 range, their coverage is excellent. I've tried reds from Reaper, GW and Vallejo and P3 reds seems to work the best. Other than that I do use some other colors too. They're thinner and coverage is mostly very good. P3 paints work well for smooth highlights and blending colors but they aren't that good for drybrushing.
  19. I've finally given up on editing the template from Ratty's site and simply printed the missing bits and glued them onto the card before laminating it. I guess transparent tape would do the trick too. Not the most elegant effect but I have an updated card without significant additional costs so I guess it's OK.
  20. Nice progress on these, they make me want to start painting mine. Which I may actually do...
  21. Great looking crew, I really like the coherent colors you used.
  22. VEry nice choice of shades of green and purple - they go together really well.
  23. My Dakka Dakka entry is almost finished. It still lacks the secret key ingredient that I hope will add some awesomeness to it but I hope to get it by the end of the week (Friday is the deadline). @Evilbleachmn - at first I bought these from http://www.minimonsters.eu/ but then I found slightly better ones (with more texture on planks) on Allegro - a Polish online auction website. Still, those from minimonsters are good enough - I used them for the bases of Daydreams and Stitched bases that you can see in earlier posts in this thread.
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