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Everything posted by Darios

  1. As far as Colette is concerned: Take a look at the Doves, Coryphees (you want that duet believe me!) and *drumroll* the Oiran! (beeing showgirls with lure makes them really good). If you're up against Neverborn often then consider Angelica as well.. (must have against Pandora p.e.) Lynch turned out to be my main Opponent these past weeks... played against him about 12 times so far, with different lists on both sides... The Darkness does the heavy lifting, so he depends on models with brilliance to resummon it whenever it dies: thus these models are priority targets for the enemy... And models beeing able to spread Brilliance are worth their weight in gold... try out a TT Brother in his lists (evermind if you play him as TT or Neverborn (though as TT you save a SS when Hiring the bro)... this allows you to companion quite a lot of models and potentially perform alphastrikes. Also always keep Lynch safe... he's a bit on the squishy side with no big movementtricks and not much in way of defence and resilence and when he's out, well no more Hungering Darkness!
  2. nice idea... but again i have to ask...? with your Quality and Output... do you have a real live? do you feel sometimes the need for sleep or food? Oo
  3. but actually its just wounds and therefore rules for damage don't apply.
  4. that is only refferable to as: Terrific! absolutely superb paint jobs... Oo
  5. Don't think so. Releasing 1.5 would make 0 Sense if they had 2.0 incoming that soon. would be wasted efforts and resources and they are not the kind of company to do so... 1.5 is actually not so old in the end... so i expect a 2.0 (if ever) not to be bound for the next 2 years. And with the RPG and several other irons in the fire i guess we will see no new Book. i think we will see special forces mini expansions and story encounters and such.
  6. jup and it was a pleasure to play on it! have some pics floating around on my pc too... might upload them at a time...
  7. *lol* then i'll be happy to lose against you! ^^
  8. btw. still in for the Dakachallenge?
  9. well if true then i wish Mr. Caroland a Happy Birthday! *g* Your's one day before mine *lol*
  10. the eyeball perchanche? great crew... and i definitly second Angramm, where is your Henchmenbadge?! ^^ Go sign these forms now!
  11. well in this caase as described it took 2 turns and my opponent was like: "how did you just manage to do that?" and because of this i cannnot belive Molly can't be viewed as competitive... she has some suitheavy spells but actually she'S the only one you really need to have suits in that crew, so why not reserve it for her? and her Strenghts lie more in the copy /totem /magical Extension Synergie and the movement buff than anything else. The above list is just a very nasty example of what one can come up with... because it nets you effectivly 2 Pipers lure with use Soulstone... thus making it nigh impossible to resist for most non master models... and even them might get twitchy about it.
  12. nicw... i happen to like them... though i am already a fon of the official ones...
  13. one thing people forget to metion is the following: MOLLY! Jep you heard right. I played Seamus quite a lot those past two week... with various Crews... and i found that having molly around makes the whole bunch just outright nasty... interesting thing is: molly does all the buffing and plays slower so in the end it feels like she is the master and seamus works as heavy hitter... belles can get a movement of 8 when they are both aroud (which is just awesome as it halfs your APs needed for positioning) and both can take astonishing amounts of damage if things go your way. Imbue Vigor grants +3 walk to a model for the cost of a medium :masks and that makes a good buff for seamus so he can keep up with the belles and has more AP to Shoot and Slice. I use lists as the following the most: 1. hitty as hell list Ressurectionists Crew - 35 - Scrap Seamus, The Mad-Hatter -- 8 Pool Copycat Killer [2ss] Molly Squidpiddge [9ss] Grave Spirit [1ss] Bête Noire [9ss] Rotten Belles [4ss] Rotten Belles [4ss] jup, few models but a healthy cache (which you will need with master and henchmen) and seamus + bete are just awful for most opponents... i often use molly to summon extra belles (okay they cost 2 counters but seamus is often just to occupied ^^) or if possible: sybelle (hitter nr. 3) 2. Field control deluxe: Ressurectionists Crew - 35 - Scrap Seamus, The Mad-Hatter -- 7 Pool Copycat Killer [2ss] Molly Squidpiddge [9ss] Grave Spirit [1ss] Crooked Man [4ss] Hamelin, The Ratcatcher [10ss] Rotten Belles [4ss] Again few models but a very very nasty list... Hamelin effectivly makes the board a big deal smaller and with Mollys imbue vigor (did i mention i love that spell?) he is effectivly at movement 7 giving him a 32" threat range in turn one... a high handcard and you have a good chance of killing something big /ugly/important in round 1 (pipers lure is just awfully nasty when targeting low wp minions in the first gameturns). Molly can copy the spell with whispered secret and via the grave spirit you can cast the damn thing up to 5 times per turn Oo. And what remains gets shot to shreds by Seamus himself... Belle and crooked make a tag team and scare things away from bottlenecks and markers (via shaft and lure) i played this list today against a TT Lynch crew.. in turn 2 i had killed Graves an illuminated and a desp merc with brilliance without having taken a single wound and only activating 4 of my models... my opponent was really annoied at that and well let's just say the game didn't change much from that point on. 3. Tanky babe! Ressurectionists Crew - 35 - Scrap Seamus, The Mad-Hatter -- 8 Pool Copycat Killer [2ss] Molly Squidpiddge [9ss] Grave Spirit [1ss] Rotten Belles [4ss] Rotten Belles [4ss] The Hanged [8ss] well should speak for itself... these models can take a ton of punishment and still keep going... perfect for defennsive play and to counter opponnent strategies like slaughter etc.
  14. would love to enter with my molly... but i forgot to make the WIP shot of the mini completly untouched... she was basecoated and had the first layer of fleshtone added when i remembered to take a photo... afterwards i read that it had to be a completely unpainted one, so i'd have to staart something completly anew and i'm not sure if i find the time to do so...
  15. So the next one i finished this week for my fast growing Semaus Crew!
  16. Was a blast and with 7 people showing up i consider it a successful night of Malifauxjoy!
  17. Graves is great! and i'm really looking forward to Mr. Blob... helped my roommate build his Debts Crew yesterday ^^ unfortnuately he doeesn't paint like you *g*
  18. how the hell could i have missed this thread up to now....? Seriously this is about the best stuff i've seen for quite a while... and keeping in mind what the others here on the board manage to do that quite means something... what are you? some devilish monkeydaemon with brusshes for fingertips? do you do thaat for a living? makes me feel like all my stuff is... well... for the bin ^^
  19. This is definitly worth whateveer it costs... *g* good job and thanks for sharing!
  20. i second Tiaden: Neiter the Brutal, Mysterious or Hodgepode do something that really "improves" Collodis skill par excellance... the Arcane indeed is a real "in your face" as explained above. The Carrion works great with stiched and aganist Haemlincrews i consider it a must have... as it removes the Bully feature and you can kill of that nasty guy with your dolls so much more easier that way...
  21. Thanks for the compliment! FInished the Graveyard some time ago but didn't make any pics of it... so here it is: right now i'm working on a "wolsung XIX Century Building" of Microarts... really great stuff... hope i'll get it done this week... next up will be my seamus crew (shot me a molly on ebay ^^)
  22. and update for new date 20.11.2012 at 19.00 hope to see ya! (if you want some demo for sure make a note here... 2 people already reservated ^^)
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