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Everything posted by newsun

  1. Having trouble into dreamer and all his deck fixing along with stiched just wrecking stuff. What are you playing into him to keep him in check?
  2. While yes you do need to track the Poison and probably a lot of it, in addition to damaging huge bursts you can also use blood poisoning to heal a model for 5 with no heal flip and this is not something anything else in the game can do. Most other heals are 1-4 and require you to burn a severe for the nice heal. And you have this as bonus action on two models who can use stones. This forces your opponent to really strive to kill in one activation which is hard with the number of wounds this crew boosts.
  3. KI will earn it's points back so it's simply free movement. Asura is for the exact reason she was good with her previously. Mobile corpse markers. With the added bonus of scoring for you at times by dropping markers from Rottenburg.
  4. Will do I'm waiting on my Drauger to arrive.
  5. This is what I want to try with her Burn With Me (Resurrectionist) Size: 50 - Pool: 4 Leader: Reva Cortinas Totem(s): Corpse Candle Corpse Candle 2 Hires: Draugr Draugr 2 Lampad Killer Instinct Lampad 2 Killer Instinct Asura Roten Restless Spirit References: Corpse Candle Mindless Zombie
  6. I have one which will be listed on bartertown today/tomorrow. Be the lucky one to purchase from me.
  7. It's really not relevant the number of people arguing one side or the other as this is not decided by vote. It could be ruled both ways or this discussion would not be going along with the thread in the rules sub forum. I brought up my post regarding obey there as the originating action controller may or may not get credit for the kill based on this decision and it's further reaching than just more pyre markers.
  8. If someone obeys a model to attack another and the attacked model is killed, who gets credit for the killing?
  9. I would love to see official rulling in this.
  10. It's in their store in the Through The Beach section.
  11. Wyrd has this kit for their rpg which has some good bits to customize with.
  12. Also it's possible that a model/upgrade will be able to add a suit to another in the future as well. Some things in m2e had some auras which did this (unsure if still there). It's just for consistency and future proofing the rule.
  13. You could probably get by with 20-30 total models once you dial in your few variations and a couple of Masters.
  14. I've been thinking about mourners if going zombie heavy since they can convert to schemes.
  15. I'll update once I try it. Will need to proxy or acquire some models first.
  16. Niche? He can tank with shielded, damage, make people slow/fast and his bonus heal which has no downside for Archie and the summons. Maybe I'm missing something though seems like a great pick.
  17. I've been looking at including sloth to keep Archie alive since the slow does not apply and to fast up someone else, could be the Marshall. My base I've been contemplating is Molly Machine Archie GST Marshall whisper Sloth Fill to taste probably Rider plus 1-2 more models. Now I've yet to play it though, I'm thinking could summon twice a turn easily with reactivating the Marshall, card draw and deck stacking. Plus sh6 12" gun is not bad.
  18. Can she still summon Ikiryo without hiring?
  19. This can prove to be a problem as schemes and list can easily be tailored for terrain to be more advantageous and in conjunction with one another.
  20. You can also swap for different suit that you need for an action same number.
  21. Yeah, you have to actually dance on or near the corpse for a proper celebration!
  22. Are they purchasable separately? I have the rest of that box already.
  23. I don't see any such thing when I looked at their site. Maybe I missed it. Share link?
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