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Everything posted by Omenbringer

  1. Good luck locating the Streets and Buildings of Malifaux Terraclip sets, they have been out of production for a while now. Would love to see them come back with a bit better thought on packaging/marketing, but Nathan implied in the past that they wont be seeing a reprinting or new development for the foreseeable future. With that said you could always just use the files from World Works Games (the partners for the Terraclips line) to build your own. It can be costly to get into though, particularly if you want to build stuff that will last and not be a pain in the ass to build. Failing that there are a number of other options that provide pre-arranged (read as not really redesign-able) buildings and such. A lot of players speak highly of 4Ground but they have always seemed a bit high priced to me. Sarissa is another option though I would also look at Burnin Designs, especially if you live in the US (their prices are lower). The last option is to build your own. There are a number of tutorials for that around and often it is the cheapest option.
  2. Second the recommendation to host your photos on another site.
  3. I would add to your list: 6. Switching to pre-assembled, pre-painted miniatures.
  4. Generally I recommend against throwing models into combats with multiple opponents. These almost always go badly. I also recommend against throwing your beaters into these situations early in the turn, particularly in Gremlins where it is easier to out activate or late activate your key models. Durability only goes so far when you are in a sub-optimal situation. Putting reactivate on her (or a Warpig) and waiting until the late turn to have her head in is a much more consistent path to devastation. She is safer when she doesn't have to worry about eating counter attacks until the next turn, when hopefully she has whittled down the opposing horde (add in an initiative win and she might just be able to even the odds).
  5. Given you are looking at the Guild and Neverborn the 2-Player Starter is a great way to go. The included models are good but not having to pay their Mercenary Tax makes them even better.
  6. You can get them in the new Generalist Upgrade 2 box. They were available early during the GenCon Sale, not sure when their general release date is though.
  7. He is definitely worth a look as he is arguably one of the best at changing gears in game. He is also difficult to pin down as far as what he does due to the sheer variety of builds and options he has available to him. I have been piloting him since near the start of the game (1st edition) and still learn new options for him. Plus win or lose he is great fun to run.
  8. Not the exact same information, the recommended amount of terrain is higher in the 2 player starter (the free rules manual hasn't been updated to this amount yet).
  9. While what you have there will definitely allow you to take your first steps into the game, they will not allow you to play at the recommended level of 50 SS or with full crews led by Masters. I dont recommend, however, running out and buying a bunch of other stuff unless you have a clear idea of what Master/ Crew you really want to play. The 2 player starter is great at teaching the game in easily digestible bites with each sequence introducing a new topic that builds upon the previous ones. This will provide a good foundation upon which to base future purchase decisions upon. Don't fret however the models in the starter forces are fairly good for their cost and can be played out of their factions.
  10. Given your parameters it is difficult to argue against Som'er Teeth Jones as the best match.
  11. She is such a great looking model. Very characterful. Mine is named Britney.
  12. She is not that frail. While keep away is a good option, and one she is more than adept at, the other limited is better for that. The comparison to Rasputina is a good one and I agree in all ways Reva is better. Yes the Guises of Death upgrade would allow the summoning of Two Corpse Candles on turn 1. The first right after Initiative from the Upgrade and the other at the start of Reva's Activation if she chooses to discard a card. As I have said many times, Reva does not have a problem generating Corpse Markers to use as Nodes. Add in a Carrion Emissary and you can easily have three on Turn one.
  13. My Little Helper has some merit as does Unnerving Aura which I also considered, however I think Necrotic Preparation is the better augment for his natural build. None of them is really perfect though. For example My Little Helper replaces Vincent with a Mindless Zombie upon death, which is nice but doesn't really offer a whole lot else. Unnerving Aura offers some potential to hurt an opponent should Vincent get locked in to engagement, but that is something you really don't want to happen since he doesn't have a Melee option, plus it is a bit at odds with his automatic Df Trigger which can push him outside of its range (unless your opponent is in base contact). Combined with the 0 Action that Deal with Death confers it makes even less sense. Necrotic Preparation seemed like the best option since it works well with his automatic Df Trigger, to bad he doesn't benefit from the other portion of the upgrade.
  14. Putting a price on her is difficult, though I would expect her to fetch at least $30.00.
  15. Their Chosen ability is better than Hard To Kill since nothing ignores it. The Corpse drop is another great benefit and one that makes Reva much less reliant on enemy models for Corpse Markers than the other Resser Masters. If I were running Reva I would seriously consider more than just the base 3. While Toshiro is good the Carrion Emissary does a lot more for Reva's crew. The Shards of Kythera really being the star of the show, adding another Mobile Corpse Marker for Reva to use while also denying a portion of the board. Beyond Death is another great upgrade for Reva. There is a lot of ridiculousness that can come of that particular one, least of which is allowing Reva to Charge as a 1 AP action instead of 2. While the set up presents the main obstacle, Rotten belles can mitigate that quite a bit. Her other Limited Upgrade, Guises of Death allows the 1st turn Alpha Strike, but I would argue Beyond Death is the better option. While not directly "Defensive Tech" it does allow Reva an easy way out of combats she doesn't want to be in (notice the "Different Target" she declares the Charge Action against doesn't have to be an enemy model). The other benefit is the incredible mobility and angles that can be achieved with this added trigger. She can Charge an enemy model at a threat range of 13" get the first attack, trigger on the second attack to Charge a whole new model 13" away from the first (depending on base size this is actually a little longer than 13"). Thankfully this Trigger is only once per activation. Even with that limitation though, it isn't unreasonable for Reva to be able to generate up to 5 Attack Actions with this single trigger (2 AP Charge on initial target resulting in 1 Attack on that target, Triggering on the second attack to shift targets, 2 Attacks on the new target from the "Free" Charge, she will still have 1 AP remaining for another Attack on the new target and also her 0 AP Attack Action for the fifth and final attack). I think her standard build will feature Maniacal Laugh (to make removing those Corpse Markers more difficult while also making them mobile and adding to the activation pool), Beyond Death (for the mobility and difficult to anticipate charge lanes), and Litany of the Fallen (for non-reducible damage) as opposed to Guises of Death and Blood Mark. While those are nice and have their uses they really don't offer a whole lot other than perhaps moving her offensive capability one round earlier. When I pilot her my list will be: Reva (4 SS Cache) -Beyond Death -Litany of the Fallen -Maniacal Laugh Vincent St. Claire -Deal with Death -Necrotic Preperation Carrion Emissary -Carrion Conflux Shield Bearer Shield Bearer Rotten Belle Rotten Belle Crooligan
  16. While I agree with a lot of this, particularly in regards to constant flux (one of the things that turned me off to Dark Age), un-enjoyable-ness is a big consideration. Take for example 1st edition Hamelin, was he beatable? Sure he was, even for Gremlin's it was possible; however, it required near perfect play on the part of one player while the other had to just show up. Another example from another system was the old Warmachine Haley Turtle, which was definitely beatable but a completely un-enjoyable game to play (ever watch two turtels mate?). For the health of the game these things can not be allowed to exist if you expect it to survive. Everyone wants to feel like they have a decent chance of winning and that they are in control of their fate. Take these away and the game begins to die. In regards to the Guild Austringers, have you noticed that newer models that can ignore LOS don't seem to be ignoring Cover anymore? they are an issue because they have a High acting Value, combined with a long range, ignore LOS and the one reliable defense against Ranged Attacks. This definitely influenced Lucius design, just like the Pigapult influenced the Stuffed Piglets. While I don't think anyone is calling for a witch hunt, many of the models that are being called for re-balancing have been issues for a very long time. In regards to the Rotten Belles even Wyrd employees have stated that their are issues. Consensus is the key, if many communities are experiencing the same issues and collectively the communities can't posit a reliable/ reasonable counter or reason to field the model, then it should be seriously looked at for re-balancing.
  17. While you could do that or even this It is cheaper and easier to just attach her 1SS Guises of Death upgrade to place a free Corpse Candle way up field. Doing this, she has a threat range of up to 31", 10" for a double Walk, 18" for Strength of the Fallen, 3" for Eternal Reaping and Life Drain. Granted a really heavily featured board (read as with lots of Ht4+ Blocking Terrain) could limit this but you would know that before you decided to go this route.
  18. A bit confused as Simulcrum 29 is listed in the example on the Gaining Grounds 2016 packet (page 3 side call out). Here is the exact extract: The Drill Sergeant should be listed as a legal proxy for Captain Dashel. The legality of Puppet Wars models as proxies has always been a bit difficult to nail down. It took a long time to get it written into last editions FAQ.
  19. Killjoy is worth a look. Start him Buried and have Reva attach her Guises of Death upgrade. Expensive but you can virtually guaranty a first turn engagement for the big brute. Bete Noir is probably a better option though since she is cheaper and more survivable.
  20. The game is very different from Malifaux. It is relatively easy to teach non-gamers. I never had an issue teaching either version of the game to non-gamers in only a turn. Both miniatures batches (metal and plastic) were very nicely done. The plastics are easy to work with and have good detail.
  21. In faction you have the Brew Master with his boys (Moon Shinobi and Fermented River Monks though the latter will require him to run in Ten Thunders) are a good way to turn that abundant Poison into a benefit. Lenny is also a good idea since he is Immune to Conditions. The Akaname will be a good method as well once they release. Unfortunately condition removal isn't a strong suit of the Gremlin faction.
  22. The original Bayou Gremlin sculpts (talking about the ones in metal) were very human looking...cant seem to find the sculptors page anymore.
  23. This is where the Wild Boars with Penelope acting as controller could provide some benefit. Deploy them From the Shadows to force a decision. I would recommend setting them up with an eye more toward VP threats than simply combat, especially against McMourning.
  24. Zoraida is the one Master who might be able to exploit all their options since she can have both amazing range (with her Raven Form upgrade) and Obey. Add in the new Pork Whisperin upgrade and the Wild Boars are even fairly controllable for her, or at least one of the other Swampfiends that are deployed From the Shadows.
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