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Math Mathonwy

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Everything posted by Math Mathonwy

  1. Have you considered that there might be your problem I regularly use one of her AP to draw four or six cards, Voodoo Doll can usually kill/incapacitate a model a turn if employed correctly and proper use of Obey is really, really good. The only thing keeping her from being stellar is that she is squishy as hell if the opponent knows what they're doing. That said, she isn't Somer/Wong so I guess it all depends on your definition of "strong".
  2. I think that you only have to consider one question when utilizing Bayou Two-card: what would happen if I flipped an Ace of Crows instead of the card I have. If the answer is "nothing that isn't happening now", then utilize it without question. If the answer is "my model might get hit by a straight damage flip instead of one with a negative twist" then you should consider how likely it is that the model would die. I think that Bayou Two-card is amazing for lots of things and I use it a lot when I'm not about to die to a bad flip.
  3. You can see them on the renders and the instructions, so they are definitely meant to be a part of the model.
  4. Raphael is way more durable but also way more destructive. If the opponent also has a flanker Scheme runner, Raphael can turn them into minced meat pretty easily unlike Merris. Also, Raphael is quick enough for many things - Merris' speed can often be something of an overkill depending on Schemes. Finally, if there's something in the enemy backlines (Austringers! How I hate them!) Raphael can run there along a flank and dispatch of them.
  5. As others have noted, Somer has access to some fantastic card draw. I wouldn't go for the Cranky with Somer, though - Skeeters are amazing and Sammy's abilities can key off of Somer's own card draw just fine. Oh, and getting a Piglet out of a dead Gremlin is good but you can also aim at getting a Skeeter. I often turn one Gremlin into a Skeeter on the first turn if I have Crows in hand. But that said, if the cards simply don't align, it may be worth it to do something else with Somer besides summoning. His Biggest Hat has a fantastic range and can really mess with your opponent. And if you hand is bad, you can discard it happily. Or simply use the Boomer. Of course either of these might be difficult on the first turn but if the opportunity is there, then changing gears can be a good idea. Aye, you are correct - Lenny does indeed reduce the damage if the Piglet appears close enough to him.
  6. Raphael is an excellent solo flanker. Burt is really, really good and likely better in general but I really respect Raphael as well. He can do massive damage and he is durable and he is difficult to pin down.
  7. Naturally. I just disagreed that killing it was a "trap". If it needs to be done, then it needs to be done and usually it's better to draw out your good cards on something like that rather than into more important stuff which would happen if the opponent simply left the Abomination in peace.
  8. I think that the difference is exaggerated sometimes. I agree that Spirits are a bit better but not drastically so.
  9. It's very common that Summoning is the best way to score strats for a Master. And Summoning, e.g., Necropunks is kinda like accomplishing Schemes (only on the next turn).
  10. Eh, it may be have been a freebie but it is a model similar to any other model (except that it is situated very annoyingly and has really annoying passives). If the Master is a killer then the player should make the normal decisions about which models to kill. Taking into account that the Abomination was free and therefore somehow less valuable is a bad idea. Kill it with whatever you need to kill it with. If the Master can one-shot it reliably whilst Minions would take multiple AP and still might not kill it, then the choice can be a really easy one.
  11. The word filter changes the word n€rf into cuddle. It's a bit annoying but I guess that people find it endlessly amusing for some reason.
  12. I was super excited for him but unfortunately the render looks really bad. The sculpted magic effect is really blah, the bizarre mace looks amazingly clumsy and is held in a really weird way and the legs and feet look utterly strange in the render. OTOH the turban is cool and I like his face. Hopefully the mini itself will look better.
  13. For bonus points, make that someone Lord Chompy Bits or someone else equally unlikely
  14. It's IME of paramount importance in HH to keep your leader from dying. If you manage that, you are very likely to win. Francois dies most of the time. I would never, ever take him as the leader.
  15. Trixie with Francois, The Sow, and a Hog Whisperer. Trixie helps you win initiative, which is crucial in HH. Francois has Companion so can alpha like a boss. Hog Whisperer can give The Sow Reactivate, which, when couple with Trixie winning initiative means outactivation. Trixie can also Push The Sow ridiculous distances. And Push enemies away from scoring. The idea is to win ini and have the opponent go first. Then have HogW go and give The Sow Reactivate. If you don't have masks, you can go Reckless and try three times to deck the appropriate card. Francois goes forward. Now, depending on the situation, Trix can Push The Sow or the enemy. The Sow goes twice last and hopefully inflicts damage. Next turn she goes first and Companions to Francois. There should be few enemies left at this point. Depending on the board, you might also go first with Trix and simply Push the opponent's models away.
  16. I otherwise agree but I wouldn't take Francois as a leader for the campaign specifically since he tends to die a lot. Trixie is a good leader (the only one better is McTavish, IMO) but I would take Francois on board ASAP as a damage dealer (or Schemer - he can do anything, really).
  17. I don't think that "being as annoying as possible" is a healthy goal to have. I suggest reconsidering your priorities and why you play.
  18. Go Gremlins go! You can still win this! Push push push!
  19. She has Wk 4 but her Cg is 6. She is slow but, as Adran notes, 4 AP indeed helps quite a lot. She is also Unimpeded which can be handy on some table setups.
  20. If they had that much time in their hands, they should be employed as sculptors. Photoshopping those would be an insane task to do for an essentially meaningless "prank".
  21. They fixed the shoes! Awesome - well done, Wyrd! (If you have no idea what I mean, see here:
  22. This isn't a 100% confirmation but a pretty strong indication that there will be three to the box: http://www.thewarstore.com/product106360.html
  23. You like big maws and cannot lie?
  24. Aye, Captain is definitely a lot more versatile than Angelica. I just find that if I use Johan and a Large Arachnid or two I tend to mostly Push my own models and not so much the opponent since they are a bit slow. Though naturally Pushing enemies around can be very powerful in many Strategies, no denying that!
  25. Hi, Q! Not many of the old gang around anymore. Look forward to butting heads with you in the future once you get your bearings
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