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Losing players fast!


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Our normal Wednesday night Malifaux night was spent with us all playing Netrunner. I love Malifaux, we all do, but with the new rules more and more people are considering selling off everything they own Malifaux wise. The local Henchmen have been play testing with a few guys and we all got a sneak peek at the craziness. Most of us who are going to Gencon are bringing Warmachines and Netrunner. This is just a heads up!! Drop the new rules, create new minis keep going with what you already have. Peace!

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Our normal Wednesday night Malifaux night was spent with us all playing Netrunner. I love Malifaux, we all do, but with the new rules more and more people are considering selling off everything they own Malifaux wise. The local Henchmen have been play testing with a few guys and we all got a sneak peek at the craziness. Most of us who are going to Gencon are bringing Warmachines and Netrunner. This is just a heads up!! Drop the new rules, create new minis keep going with what you already have. Peace!


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Our normal Wednesday night Malifaux night was spent with us all playing Netrunner. I love Malifaux, we all do, but with the new rules more and more people are considering selling off everything they own Malifaux wise. The local Henchmen have been play testing with a few guys and we all got a sneak peek at the craziness. Most of us who are going to Gencon are bringing Warmachines and Netrunner. This is just a heads up!! Drop the new rules, create new minis keep going with what you already have. Peace!

Similar to what I've been saying. I think they should just hold off on 2.0 until Gencon 2014, giving them much more time to playtest and polish it into something better, but release the new plastic versions of the metal miniatures, along with a few more models, such as the encounter packs (University of of Transmortis, for example).

We already had Through the Breach to look forward to. Puppet Wars now has Unstitched. Evil Baby Orphanage has two expansions. Jobhunters / Showdown are also pending. There are probably going to be more Terraclips sets. Plenty of Gencon releases for us to say, "Shut up and take my money!" Throwing 2nd edition into the mix just seems like overkill.

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My best advice is to wait 2 days and see what the new rules actually are.

Trust me, not even the playtesters know exactly what the new rules are.

If you don't like them then give feedback as to why, and continue to play 1.5.

All the gencon tournements are still V1.5, its only the story events that will use the new rules.

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Similar to what I've been saying. I think they should just hold off on 2.0 until Gencon 2014, giving them much more time to playtest and polish it into something better, but release the new plastic versions of the metal miniatures, along with a few more models, such as the encounter packs (University of of Transmortis, for example).

We already had Through the Breach to look forward to. Puppet Wars now has Unstitched. Evil Baby Orphanage has two expansions. Jobhunters / Showdown are also pending. There are probably going to be more Terraclips sets. Plenty of Gencon releases for us to say, "Shut up and take my money!" Throwing 2nd edition into the mix just seems like overkill.


I didn't realise you knew so much about M2E to take the position that it's not ready.

Do tell!

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Here's the thing. Losing some players with a new edition is inevitable. Assuming that it is better balanced, people who loved the challenge of the weak ones , or the power of the OP are going to be dissapointed. Assuming it isn't, new players are going to be drawn in.

And, some people don't like change.

People react emotionally to changes to games that they love. It doesn't help when they get mocked or put down for not liking the changes they see.

I will say that the effort of a year of creation seems a bit rushed(I don't actually have any reason to think this, it just sounds like a short time) but Wyrd is a small company. I would guess a lot more effort has been applied to it than another company would have, per person.

While I can agree that there will be some changes even from the Public beta in the final books, I doubt at this point that anything major will change(I get the idea that the new Soulstones are more or less set in stone from the interviews, for instance). Note: Not having seen the product, I can't make any specific comments on whether they should be, just that I can see where some of the changes that have been announced, let alone something the OP might have seen from private Beta could rub a group the wrong way.

TL;DR: Stop acting like people who don't like what they see are just whining, wait and see the final product before making your mind up for good, and everybody, chill. we're here for love of the game.

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To be fair, Netrunner is awesome.

But, seeing has how 2.0 has revitalized interest where interest has died 'round here, I guess we'll just have to stop pretending like our gaming groups are barometers of how Malifaux should proceed.

Because that's ****ing stupid.

Edited by Jonas Albrecht
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You have to respect when a player who has been a member of the boards nearly a year chooses to make their first post to register a concern. Fear is a natural human reaction to change. Players will all naturally be concerned about 2E. Belittling those concerns isn't helpful.

That said prophesying doom days before the public beta isn't helpful. You cannot know at this stage if the 2E rules will be to your liking or not. So hold out for the beta.

Wyrd have said they'll listen to feedback. So if you love Malifaux, engage in the beta, you cannot be given a the chance to shape and improve the game and then pass it up to whinge from the sidelines. Not if you really love the game.

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You have to respect when a player who has been a member of the boards nearly a year chooses to make their first post to register a concern. Fear is a natural human reaction to change. Players will all naturally be concerned about 2E. Belittling those concerns isn't helpful.

That said prophesying doom days before the public beta isn't helpful. You cannot know at this stage if the 2E rules will be to your liking or not. So hold out for the beta.

Wyrd have said they'll listen to feedback. So if you love Malifaux, engage in the beta, you cannot be given a the chance to shape and improve the game and then pass it up to whinge from the sidelines. Not if you really love the game.

Well said sir

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My playgroup is very excited. Even if what the original poster says is true (and not just trolling the day before the public beta of 2E!), I wish people would have a thought that their small local scene has nothing to do with the state of the community as a whole. It may be just a few friends finding other stuff to do. The sample size is too small to make extrapolations.

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I understand the concerns. I understand how difficult it can be to keep a play group together, especially through an edition change. I watched Warmachine/Hordes seem to stumble through its open playtest, which was as terrifying as it was exciting. Players fled, fumed, and feared what was happening to their favorite game. In the end, they came back, and the game is stronger (and better) than it's ever been in my area. While I don't want to downplay concerns, I also think a virtual threat like in the OP isn't particularly productive. If you're displeased with elements of v2, you have a wonderful opportunity to say so. If what you choose to say is, "Don't do this," then you're not going to get much of a response, because this is happening. Maybe get the playtest, and start saying, "Don't do this like you're doing it, maybe try this way," or "This change seems to take something I love away from the game." Productive comments are going to make productive changes. Destructive comments are unlikely to produce any results, as I highly doubt that Wyrd (or any other company) will completely scrap a long term plan due to concerns from a players who haven't experienced what it is they're afraid of yet.

Wyrd could have gone the way of other game companies, and just spring a fully birthed new edition on us, which, rather than an attempt to streamline and clarify, was a complete rehashing of the rules. I relish the opportunity to positively impact the game I love. That positive impact can come from negative comments, "I don't like this change." So long as they are productive. "...for these reasons." Rather than destructive, "...because it's stupid."

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To be honest I prefered Netrunner V.1 It might be that I've not played V2 enough, and I'm remembering V.1 through rose tinted glasses (and we didn't have all the power cards in our random boosters).

V1 was one of the greatest CCGs ever released during the 90s boom. I remember, I was there.

But Android: Netrunner is simply an overall improvement. The Factions alone add more flavor and more balance (at the cost of much less design space) all by themselves.

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