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Everything posted by Mack.Martin

  1. I, on the other hand, do hold grudges. I have a long list. It's on my desk. It's bound in leather and has the skull of a crow built into the binding. I also wildly imply things like "all of you are very hard to buy shoes for."
  2. Salutations Everyone! I just wanted to alert everyone to the a tournament at the Las Vegas Open that I'll be running! It's going to be a hoot, and wave 2 stuff will be legal! We're doing three rounds, and while we have the room to 8 I suspect we'll be ending a bit earlier. So 40SS's in VEGAS BABY! So come join me! Here's a link to all the pertinent information: Las Vegas Open
  3. Whenever I sign a book, I'm going to mustache a character now.
  4. I'm sure I'll get in trouble for it at some point. Also, your sarcasm is noted
  5. We don't have a new M2E gaining grounds document out yet. I would, however, seriously doubt that anyone would have a problem with a cool conversion. That's half the fun of this hobby. I know that in an event I run I would allow the model. Just don't expect the hammer to have an in-game effect!
  6. Oh, there are others. Justin and I are constantly thinking up little easter eggs while we do layout.
  7. I'm not sure if abilities were changed during testing, but if things stayed the same then the powers on the Monk of Low Rivers... their names are a Haiku. Just uh, not a very good one.
  8. My minor complaint? Nobody carries cash any more. All this mugging people isn't even paying for the gun I had to buy.
  9. This is most common with the henchmen who have been around for a while. Henchman should feel free to grow their personal collection, of course. And there is are other perks as well. Henchman who want to help out at Gen Con have, in years past (including this year), gotten an invite to our "after party." Which is a fancy way for saying "The Wyrd Bosses take us all to Hard Rock Cafe" and we get to hang, eat burgers, bang down some brews, and tell cool stories. It's a ton of fun.
  10. I'm sorry, I have family who spell it the RIGHT way. It's a tough habit to break! Then again, I can't every manage to pronounce Kaeris right either
  11. I was neck deep in TTB work, I had nothing to do with table building. I'm not sure what that rumor is referring too, or what the implication would be. I'd estimate that the table shown in that picture is on the light side. I can't really tell how light exactly without seeing the table in person. I'd play on the table, but I would certainly choose my crew with a bit more range in it.
  12. Oh yeah. Added to my list are: Breaking down my hotel room door. You can read a full write up here. Noxweiler's Saemus and the Belle's. Having my seminar time changed and arriving breathless and unprepared... and then being complemented on our preparation and candor.
  13. Seriously, I hadn't gotten to see the plastic yet until you showed it too me! I think the stories I get to take home are a big part of it for me. My list includes: Chatting with Omenbringer at length on Sunday night, he's got some great stories. Being followed into the bathroom by someone who had questions. Getting to sign books. Being asked for my autograph and then disappointing the person when I explained that I wasn't Kevin Smith... twice. Noxweiler's Puppet. I'm going to have to get a display case for it. Pretty much all 36 hours of the Canon Campaign. Oh man, was that a lot of game running.
  14. It's less that he has concrete evidence and thinks there is a huge problem right now, and more that he wants to examine a possible issue in detail deep enough that we can be certain to avoid the pitfall in the future. At least that's my take-away from it.
  15. During the Canon Campaign over GenCon I used a set of M2E Arsenal Boxes (and my own beta version of Wave 2 cards) as my monster manual. It worked pretty well for "compact gaming" although I did have to "fudge" the numbers when it came to model skills. Like, how good is a Torakage at pickpocketing? That's gonna need to be in the RPG book, but on the fly I was able to just assign an appropriate number.
  16. I don't get the sense that this is happening. I think we are letting ourselves give the wrong inflection to each others posts. It's something that happens a lot on the internet. Inflection is really important to human communication, and it just doesn't exist online. To rectify this, do what I do. Read everyone's post in the voice of a different famous person. You'd be amazed how much this helps. On the downside Dgraz, you're Nick Cage in my head. So I'm usually pretty worried that you'll try to steal a national artifact. I find this discussion very useful. There are possible pitfalls that are out there. I may be a devilishly handsome super genius, but I won't see them all. Discussing them now will help me avoid them even earlier in the design. We all just need to keep things civil and open minded. Remember that just because someone doesn't like an aspect, it doesn't mean they hate the whole game. If we can all approach this assuming that the other guy is also wanting to help make a better game, it will be fine. I got to sit down and have drinks with guys who I really only know online this weekend. I think it really helped us all, and if we can, as a forum, move to a "brandy sniffing and academic discussion" mood, we're going to be doing great.
  17. Just as a side note. Despite having to do a little post pruning, I wanted to acknowledge that this is exactly the sort of thing we find very helpful from a Dev standpoint. The OP's impression is certainly valid, and while the 5 turn limit might not have been for the reasons everyone may think (or for additional reasons not yet noted), it is important for us to understand what the perception is. The usefulness of being told that perception would be very limited, however, if it weren't for continued discussion from all fronts. This thread is full of good impression/theory/discussion, and if we can keep it civil, this will be the sort of thing in Beta Wave 2 that really helps us avoid some of the potential pitfalls (like swarms being to strong).
  18. That's how we knew to fix it!
  19. I can only hope that you're able to bring this level of energy to the Wave 2 beta as well! It will only help!
  20. I just felt compelled to tell you that this is easily the funniest line I've read all week. I don't know why. But I've been laughing for like 2 minutes.
  21. I feel like this is the perfect time to start an edit war... but that's probably abusing my moderation privileges
  22. I thought you were upset that I didn't make this happen: http://www.penny-arcade.com/comic/2006/04/10
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