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[Game] You get six words to describe how to use a Master.

Jonas Albrecht

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Lilith: Moves fast, rarely dies, never wins

Lady J:Scary Blind lady coming your way

Marcus: Let Marcus do all the work

Yan Lo: Sad i haven't used him yet

McMourning: Always seems to flip black jokers

Or you could replace any of them with: always loses games to the viks

Edited by Jewomie
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Pandora: Primordial Magic is your speedster buddy.

Lynch: Keep him alive: Hungering Darkness demands.

Mei Feng: Use your casting expert to move

Misaki: Torakage swap Ototo in, smash face

McCabe: Charge in, he's on a horse!

Zoraida: Make Voodoo Dolls, use other puppets

Hamelin: Post-cuddle, he'd best work well.

~Lil Kalki

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Levi: Worst kill death ratio in Malifaux

Kirai: ****ed off and off her meds

Marcus: This isn't a European hand bag...

Kearis: Stop whining and hold my purse

Raspy: Nobody ever talks to me

Mei Fang: I've been working on the railroad...

Jacob: Want to see my bug collection?

McCabe: It belongs in my museum

Sonia: Come on baby light my fire

Collodi: Sticks and stones definitely break bones

Lilith: Epitome of sibling rivalry gone bad

Pandora: Guys love my tiny box

Zoraida: Guys won't go near my box

Seamus: I like all types of boxes

Lady J: Need to see it to believe it

Hamelin: Think I'm going to be sick

Nicodem: I feel like death warmed over

Mcmourning: Yes actually there are worse doctors

Dreamer: Chompy... where do babies come from?

Sommer: I'm gonna make you squeal boy!

Viks: Every guy dreams of twin sisters

Edited by Twisted Metal
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Leveticus: Still alive? You're doing it wrong.

Som'er: Instant mayhem: Just add more pigs.

Ophelia: Your "Wd" stands for "Walloping damage."

Zoraida: Stand on a building, cackle maniacally.

Collodi: You can, indeed, be "too fast."

Hamelin: Rats, rats, rats. Rats. Rats... RATS!

Jakob Lynch: Huggy kills stuff; I'm playin' poker.

Perdita: Blammo! Right between the eyes, amigos.

Viktorias: You need Soulstones, but not synergy.

Pandora: Be upsetting. They die. You win.

Misaki: Nominate an enemy model. It dies.

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