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Is Malifaux in decline?

Math Mathonwy

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Here in my neck of the woods the scene has always been a bit random, so I can't draw on personal experience here, but how are things elsewhere?

One thing that I found rather striking was that new releases don't seem to garner much excitement anymore around the forums even. The February releases have been shown for a week now and yet I've not seen anyone comment the minis. There used to be dozens of posts every month when Wyrd showed the new releases but now the response is basically zero.

Is it that the minis aren't seen as exciting anymore?

Anyone have a guess on why that is?

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Its on the rise in my neck of the woods. Probably just the normal waxing and waning of gamer ADD.

I will say you've got a point about the monthly release pics and their respective threads. Seems kinda oddly subdued. Maybe folks dont have that same reaction to non-painted stuff? I mean love them or hate them, the studio paintjobs always sparked discussion if nothing else lol

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I will say you've got a point about the monthly release pics and their respective threads. Seems kinda oddly subdued. Maybe folks dont have that same reaction to non-painted stuff? I mean love them or hate them, the studio paintjobs always sparked discussion if nothing else lol

I agree. I think what we're seeing is a reaction to the change in format.

I don't think Malifaux is in decline. I think it's changing. If it drops out of 5th place this year, then it will be in decline.

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Let's not forget that a lot of this stuff has already been previewed either through GenCon or from Wyrd's birthday weekend and at the time there was a lot of discussion around these models.

So part of it might be that they just need to release some 'never before seen' sculpts.

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And most of the current releases were known for some time now. It may be the fact that wyrd is just as good as it allways has been in bringing the concept to miniature but now without the paint job it's just "yeah the model is cool but I knew that allready when I bought the book"

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I found its not as common in our regular weekly gaming nights, but when I run a tournament I found it has a higher turn out than before. Before had our usual group weekly group of players just play in the the tournament. Now I have twice as many people for tournaments as we did before when we saw it played every week.

I think its just a lack of organized gameplay.

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Eh i know i am not playing it much any more. Love the game keep buying it but cant seam to drag myself out for games any more. Just malifaux day rolls around and I say F it.

I know for me organized play is a big part of it. Many of the would be tournaments have become one day achievement leagues that i am not a fan of. Also when events do happen here the turn out tends to be low. I know they have a lot of stuff going on up north of me but its all a bit farther then i care to go for a game.

Edited by tadaka
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One thing that I found rather striking was that new releases don't seem to garner much excitement anymore around the forums even. The February releases have been shown for a week now and yet I've not seen anyone comment the minis. There used to be dozens of posts every month when Wyrd showed the new releases but now the response is basically zero.

Maybe the reason behind this could be the fact that they have not opened a topic for that yet in the official announcements part of the forum... :)

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Seems to be on the rise here, too (or at least, the scattered groups are coming together more, thanks to the efforts of our local Henchman).

I've just received my Relic Hunters (ordered them in the Birthday Sale, goddamn Australian customs) so I'm looking forward to learning some new mechanics. Other games have also been pressing for my interest, but I'll always come back to Malifaux when I want a proper mental challenge.

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I know in the Boston area it used to be bigger right in the beginning but there was a decent amount of player loss due to all the errata and changes that were being released with little organization to them. It's understandable given the newness of the game when it was first released but from what I've learned, players were growing frustrated having to reference 800 different forum posts just to play their games and they just gave up on it.

This has been corrected via the updated stat cards and Wyrd's awesome job of organizing all the errata into easily reference-able sections on the main page and forums but the damage was done, so to speak. I'm slowly rebuilding the interest but I'm definitely finding it to mainly be trying to pull new people in, the old guard seem fine to keep away at this point. Still not giving up though. *smug*

And as far as the mini's preview discussions, I agree with most of the above posters that we've seen a lot of the previews earlier so there's less to discuss. ALTHOUGH, guaranteed if they were to post a preview shot of the elusive Hoffman Avatar, you'd see these boards light right up.


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Seems to be on the rise here, too (or at least, the scattered groups are coming together more, thanks to the efforts of our local Henchman).

Thanks for that :)

I would say its growing, slowly. It is definately being consolidated more over here as the network of different players and groups are coming together and there are always people asking about the game when its being played at the clubs so interest levels are increasing too.

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Seems to be on the rise here, too (or at least, the scattered groups are coming together more, thanks to the efforts of our local Henchman).

I've just received my Relic Hunters (ordered them in the Birthday Sale, goddamn Australian customs) so I'm looking forward to learning some new mechanics. Other games have also been pressing for my interest, but I'll always come back to Malifaux when I want a proper mental challenge.

Did your LGS receive them faster than you did from the birthday sale?

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My local game store (in central MN) just started malifaux about a month ago, and we've already got about 8-10 people playing.

However, I am quite curious as to what happened to the January releases? They are not up on wyrds online store

Wyrd doesn't post new items to their online store for a month or so, to allow the LGSs a chance to sell them first. Some brick and mortar stores also have a web presence, but what can you do.

---------- Post added at 02:16 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:14 AM ----------

Do those Summer numbers reflect GenCon? Because, aside from the conventions, a lot of games get put on hold during those warm Summer months while we're out doing other things, and, in the case of Wyrd's release schedules, there really isn't much to buy in early Summer, only at GenCon.

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Do those Summer numbers reflect GenCon? Because, aside from the conventions, a lot of games get put on hold during those warm Summer months while we're out doing other things, and, in the case of Wyrd's release schedules, there really isn't much to buy in early Summer, only at GenCon.

The Q4 report that gets release in a few weeks will contain the GenCon stuff all the way through December. Really though, unless Infinity scoots into 5th, I don't see Malifaux changing places any time soon.

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