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Puppet Teddies as real Teddies with shadows


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Previous thread that started this all:


As stated over on the other thread, here's where I'll be posting my mock-ups (and eventually finished products) of using Puppet Wars Teddies to proxy the regular Teddies (using regular stat cards and the appropriate 50mm bases).

Here's the first quick, crude mock-up using Nightmare Edition Teddy's shadow (illuminated by a Breadcrab Ghetto Jug Porn Studio™):


I do plan on buying and / or making a decent wall for my bases, but until I get a few mock-ups done to see the size I'll need, this will have to suffice.

Second quick, crude mock-up, using regular Teddy's shadow:


Edited by i_was_like_you
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i really like that idea and might probably steal it

By all means, do, on one condition: Post the results on this thread? That and maybe add in any tips or tricks for making it more realistic and / or any snags you run into along the way.

thats a pretty darn spiffy idea. I think the mockup shows great potiential. Kinda reminds me of that dreamer crew someone posted with the alps coming out of the paintings

Do you happen to have a link to that? It sounds awesome.

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I know it's only in the mockup stage, but part of me thinks pinning the fat kid so he's floating in space near the wall (but not actually touching) would look awesome. Bonus points for building the pint out of a clear plastic flying base. Then paint up a shadowy handprint grabbing him so it doesn't look like he's randomly flying in space.

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Thank you everybody. :)

As I was driving home from work tonight, I was thinking of putting the Dreamer casting a Chompy shadow and vice versa.

Very cool,

I am actually waiting for a puppet LCB and dreamer to come out so I can make an all puppet Teddy bear picnic dreamer list. Will be fun. I think I might try the shadow thing as well.

Sounds fun. Might be the route I take once they release them, too.

That is pretty nifty, just magnetize the teddy so you can rebase him for Puppetwars.

Probably will. I've been on a magnetizing kick lately. So much so that I'll probably have to buy another variety pack of rare earth magnets.

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if you are looking at making a wall, I would recommend thinking about the following:

first off, get a thin sheet of plasticard to act as a centre for the wall. Next, use one of these:


basically, roll out a thin layer of modelling putty on your plasticard and imprint the design on it. Let it dry, then do the same on the reverse side of the plasticard.

When its dry, you then use a modelling knife to cut down the edges and take away individual bricks to give you the wall section.

saves time doing the individual sculpting on each and every brick, plus it makes it easier to reproduce.

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if you are looking at making a wall, I would recommend thinking about the following:

first off, get a thin sheet of plasticard to act as a centre for the wall. Next, use one of these:


basically, roll out a thin layer of modelling putty on your plasticard and imprint the design on it. Let it dry, then do the same on the reverse side of the plasticard.

When its dry, you then use a modelling knife to cut down the edges and take away individual bricks to give you the wall section.

saves time doing the individual sculpting on each and every brick, plus it makes it easier to reproduce.

That is a pretty good idea. A faster way though is to get some foam card/board and glue something like this to either side:


When the glue's dry, just cut to the desired shape.

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